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Whats your sign? ;)

it doesn't mean a fucking thing

but Scorpio sounds cool so I'll tell people if they ask me and then just make fun of them if they try to read my whoroscoop.
Vyraura said:
it doesn't mean a fucking thing

It might! Those vague descriptions might be revealing a lot about yourself, you know (despite the face they can be applied to anything).

I'm going to make my own astrology and apply it to everyone.

Guess what? Uranus fits you perfectly, ahahahaah.

I must say it's a nice source to get gang names from if you're trying to be funny.
ARGH every time one of these comes up (i.e. once a month) I feel the overwhelming urge to come in here and tell ALL OF YOU that 'your sign' means nothing in astrology as you're talking about sun signs, and when people say 'how can people's personalities be described in twelve different ways' it's HOROSCOPES AND 'ZODIAC SIGNS' THAT GIVE ASTROLOGY A BAD NAME ARGHHH

Seriously. Please do not say astrology is a load of bollocks when you are probably very ignorant indeed and have just picked up a few magazines or descriptions on the internet of your 'sign' (where the sun was when you born). It's a very complicated, scientific process to draw up charts and I have found every single full chart I've ever seen is extremely, extremely accurate indeed. Please, if you find that your western astrology sun sign description doesn't fit you at all... it's probably because it has been diluted by other planets and where they were (there are millions and millions of possibilities, rather than just twelve, in actual fact - it's unlikely you'll ever meet anybody who has the exact same chart as you; which means houses, positions, angles, planets, constellations etc. into your own chart). For example, I'm 'an Aries', but there are many common words associated with it I do not possess - I'm not particularly adventurous, outgoing, pioneering or impatient. But my ascending sign and its position/house (combined with the rest of my signs) I found to be pretty much 100% accurate. And that's not just because I want to look too much into it, I don't throw around faith, but I'm not sceptical, and I was willing to look more into it.

No, as usual, I doubt anyone read this.
And if you're a sceptical, pessimistic, TOTAL LOGIC (you can probably add atheism to that list too from what I've seen here at TCoD) then yeah, there's no reason why you would even consider looking into it. But I do find it interesting when people like that consider themselves very open-minded.

Okay, done! :3 My Chinese sign is Rooster, but I know nothing about Chinese astrology so I don't really pay much attention to that.
Oh, okay.

My Sun sign is Virgo
My Rising (Ascendant) is Scorpio
and my Moon is Capricorn

But I didn't think that meant anything to anyone else.
My Chinese sign is the Rooster. Western astrology goes something like this...
Sun: Aries
Moon: Scorpio
Ascendant: Virgo or Libra... I'm not quite sure and I've been told both

I can go on into planets beyond sun and moon, but I won't bore you.
Well, I was born under the sign of the Warrior, and as such I have a +10 bonus to both my Strength and my Endurance stats.
What's my sign? Well, actually, I sort of collect silly signs, though. There's usually just the one I use, though, from France.

It's a sign from Saint-Malo, in northern France that I took this summer. I've seen a lot of signs, but this is quite probably the one that's my favorite, and the one I feel most strongly for- so I guess you could perhaps call it mine.

P.S. Leo, metal ram

P.P.S. I've always thought those born under the sign of the Lady to be among the most blessed, Dezzuu, for some are said to possess mystical healing powers, which I would imagine to help greatly in a fight. And, you know, I saw a mudcrab on my way in to town the other day. Disgusting little creatures...
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