• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

When will YOU reach 100000 posts?!

1/20/2038, apparently.

That's... 30 years from now. And that took me far, far too long to work out XD
I'll reach it one day before my 18th birthday. o.O Wow. That's a little more than a year. :o
5000 posts 11/7/2008 - I'm 12
10000 posts 1/18/2009 - Still 12
20000 posts 6/12/2009 - 13 now
50000 posts 8/20/2010 - 14...
100000 posts 8/12/2012 - 16 o_O

This shows how I clearly have no life at all.
ETA: ...and how forum games is a serious postcount++.
Last edited:
5000=3/24/09 (Holy fucknuts that's not too bad :D) (12)
10000=12/23/09 (Christmas carols anyone?) (13)
20000=6/23/11 (14)
50000=12/22/15 (19 o.o)
100000=6/20/23 (Oh, that's the year that Apophis will drop below our satellites!) (26)


I am such a good person~
This will take forever...

Man, the copypaste doesn't work well.
5000 posts 2/12/2014
10000 posts 8/18/2019
20000 posts 8/26/2030
50000 posts 9/18/2063
100000 posts 10/28/2118

2118? I should post more.

That's cheating, I think.
Naah. If post count's not off, then whatever!
5000 posts - 1/8/2009
10000 posts - 7/27/2009
20000 posts - 8/31/2010
50000 posts - 12/13/2013
100000 posts - 6/5/2019

Hey, I'll only be 22~ I guess being in about 100 different RPs, only 15 or so living, helps, too, doesn't it? XD

Posts per:

Day - 25.07
Week - 175.01
Month - 750.03
Year - N/A
UK date system:
5000 posts - 20/4/2031
10000 posts - 13/2/2054
20000 posts - 4/10/2099
50000 posts - 4/9/2236
100000 posts - 13/11/2464

That's right, by the time I hit 100000 posts, I'll be 471 years old!
5000 posts 9/28/2010
10000 posts 1/3/2013
20000 posts 7/17/2017
50000 posts 2/22/2031
100000 posts 10/24/2053

That's like... 45 years from now... O.o

I need to post more.
5000 posts: 11/30/2009 Hmm...next year...
10000 posts: 5/7/2011 Hmm...3 years...
20000 posts: 3/21/2014 Hmm...6 years...
50000 posts: 10/29/2022 Hmm...14 years...
100000 posts: 3/3/2037 Hmmm...TWENTY NINE YEARS!!! I need to post more.
5000 posts 10/3/2343
10000 posts 1/8/2679
20000 posts 7/22/3349
50000 posts 2/28/5361
100000 posts 11/4/8713 By the time i reach this many posts I would die, and then be revived as an android.

I won't be alive when i post 5000 posts...
I realy need to post more, MUCH more.

Goddammit someone beat me.
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