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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Which one of the four temperments are you?

Which One Are You?

  • Sanguine

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • Choleric

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Melancholic

    Votes: 24 46.2%
  • Phlegmatic

    Votes: 16 30.8%

  • Total voters
These types of "quizzes" are quite terrible. They use sort of statements that can apply to everyone. I have read each one and fully related to them all.
Most definitely choleric. With a little melancholic here and there.

Or the other way around. Does it really matter? I mean, they both shine through often enough.
These types of "quizzes" are quite terrible. They use sort of statements that can apply to everyone. I have read each one and fully related to them all.
Except this isn't really a quiz? It's this (millenium old and disproven) theory that body fluids determine your personality.

That said, I also have considerable counts of all four.
Phlegmatic. :) I'm a lazy little thing, though nobody else seems to agree with me on that.
I once did a test on this and found out I was partly sanguine and partly melancholic, but that was when I was in high school. I'm more sociable nowadays and don't care about being alone as much (as long as I get my weekly dosage of social interaction, which may not be much, to the dismay of people like my sister).
Except this isn't really a quiz? It's this (millenium old and disproven) theory that body fluids determine your personality.

That said, I also have considerable counts of all four.

That's why quizzes was in quotes. I meant it as a personality test of sorts, trying to classify and label yourself in some way.
I voted for phlegmatic, but then I actually read the rest of the description for sanguine and realized it fits me more. Everything except the first two sentences, that is.
I'd say 90% Sanguine, 5% Choleric, and 5% Melancholic. Everything fits me for Sanguine, though I'm occasionally a perfectionist or bossy.
I said phlegmatic, mostly because there are times I am like "ZOMG GET ALL THE THINGS DONE!!" and others when I'm like "but i don't wanna!"
These types of "quizzes" are quite terrible. They use sort of statements that can apply to everyone. I have read each one and fully related to them all.

I was just asking a question I thought would be fun(ish) to answer and that would help me get to know people a little more. There is no need to put my thread down or anything like that.
I was just asking a question I thought would be fun(ish) to answer and that would help me get to know people a little more. There is no need to put my thread down or anything like that.

Wasn't trying to put the thread down, I just didn't want people to think that they had to fall into a single category. Sorry.
It might be worth mentioning that TV Tropes Wiki sums up the temperaments as such: sanguines are extroverted and people-oriented, cholerics are extroverted and task-oriented, melancholics are introverted and task-oriented and phlegmatics are introverted and people-oriented.

Likely, the reason why I identify with traits of all four is because I don't consider myself extroverted or introverted.
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