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Who has missed school because of snow?

Getting a centimeter of snow is like winning a doller in the lottery. Pointless.

But it's pretty!

Snow's the only thing that makes cold weather bearable, I reckon. Apparently Kent's more likely to get snow than Devon, but we haven't seen any sign of it yet this year. I really hope it does, though, if only for my friend who's never even seen snow before and really wants to.
We got like a foot and school's been closed since yesterday.
Might be tomorrow, too.
Yay for missing school! *dances*

Well, the snow and ice all melted here, but hooray for those past snow days!
I got sent home at lunchtime today. There's a little bit of snow at my house in the hills, but only slushy stuff at school which is near the sea. I think I just got sent home because the weather's being pretty unpredictable right now.
My dad reckons we should get more snow tomorrow and Wednesday. Hooray!
Only if the ice knocks power out where my school's server is housed. :( The school system my mom works for had three days off last week though -- never again I hope, my mother drives me mad when she's home.

The hurricane was epic though, I got to miss a week of school because all but one of my teachers didn't have power and hadn't put the lessons up.
Yep, tommorow we've got off, according to the school website. It says on the news it might be sunny tommorow though. ¬¬
We have THICK snow and it's shite; I was actually looking forward to school today.

There goes my day plan.
Methinks we are not getting tomorow off. Damn, we got a test tommorow.
This morning, I was planning a sad post about how my younger sister's school was closed and mine wasn't.

After first lesson today, however, we all got called to the school theatre.

"The good news for you guys is that the school is being closed."

Yay~ I've just got back from a snowball fight. I'm really tired, but at least I'm not at school...
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