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Wow, the website was down

I actually got some work done over the past few days!

...but now it's up and I have three-and-a-half essays to do and there's no way I'll get them done now... D:

(self-discipline = not Dannichu's strong suit)
Yay, they're finally back!
I was so bored.

I was going to make a thread before, but now I can't remember what it was about :(
Haha I clicked my tCoD tab at least a million times when it was down. xD I never realise how much time I actually waste being here.
I actually got some work done over the past few days!

...but now it's up and I have three-and-a-half essays to do and there's no way I'll get them done now... D:

(self-discipline = not Dannichu's strong suit)
Same! Ahahaha.

Arylett was quite bored and a bit lost with all of her newfound time. But she learned a bit of self-discipline! And also, she put a Shut Down Timer (and Parental Control Software, which limits her internet time) on her computer, no more procrastinating on homework now~

I think I learned a lesson whilst the forums were done. Shut Down Timers let me get a lotlotlot of work done. Yeeees, I'm actually DOING the Dreaded Homework. And I also learned that I need to buckle down and focus on my school work.

Oh and I spend loads of time here, but it's all good! And all fun. I missed this place and all the people, but felt a bit relieved to be freed of all my RPs. But it's good to be back, uh-huh.
For a minute there I thought they were gone for good again.

I was half thinking this when they stayed down. It was more worrying because the main site was down as well (of course that may be my computer)

Anyway ... the site's back now. More wasting time here rather than on Yahoo answers
Haha I clicked my tCoD tab at least a million times when it was down. xD I never realise how much time I actually waste being here.
Same. I was just doing homework, but I must've subconsciously opened up Firefox and clicked on my bookmark for this place. D:
Same. I was just doing homework, but I must've subconsciously opened up Firefox and clicked on my bookmark for this place. D:

Actually, that's a good point, I do that every time. *Makes TCoD his home location*
It's much cleaner to set your homepage to about:blank so then your history is never screwed up.
I actually got some work done over the past few days!

...but now it's up and I have three-and-a-half essays to do and there's no way I'll get them done now... D:

(self-discipline = not Dannichu's strong suit)

:3 Same here... I never realized how much time I burned on here until the site went down. I had nothing to do for ever. I would mope around in front of the computer and try to figure out what the heck I usually do when I'm not on the forums, and still not burning any time.

But now the forums and the site's back up. Yay~
Augh...I was so bored. I kept trying to click that link in Speed Dial.

And then I just kept the page up, refreshing every once in a while. :P
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