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You are [x belief system]. Your significant other is [y belief system].

Would you convert to your significant other's religion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 54 85.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 9 14.3%

  • Total voters
No way.

If religion is that important to them then they should go out and find another SO because it really won't work with me if you shove it down my throat/try to get me to convert.

I'm happy not caring about having religion or a God in my life, leave me alone argh.

ETA: I would be perfectly fine with dating a religious person, as long as they don't push it on me FYI
No, but that's only because I don't see how religion works, as in, why must I do x, not y, follow this rule not that one, all that. (Although LeVayanism is much easier to follow, I don't count myself as one (I'm just an egotistical humanist)).

Short answer: No.
I probably wouldn't have a significant other of a different belief system. o.o It's like with interests, I wouldn't get with someone who had completely different interests, and I wouldn't get with someone who had completely different beliefs.

Unless of course, my significant other was an atheist or agnostic, I'm just talking about if I hooked up with a Catholic or something. I just really don't see that happening. XD
No I wouldn't

I was with a catholic dude once and his thing about having a large family & never using contraception was like... hell no
Nope. I know this from personal experience, since it's actually the reason why the one "attempted relationship" I've had didn't get anywhere.

I also wouldn't try to "de-convert" anyone if they happened to be religious, because honestly that would be just as bad as the conversion attempts. Whatever belief (or lack thereof) somebody has is okay as long as they don't go around forcing it on everyone else.
No. Being the agnositic that I am as well as..well me I'd probably poke fun at her religion, causing issues. I honestly can't see myself with anyoe religious.
Fuck no.

God forbid I end up marrying a religious person (yes I realize that sentence is a bit ironic). Because I'd just be annoyed all the time at my mate's gullibility. And if he tried to convert me, I'd probably be doubly annoyed. So it probably wouldn't work out.
No, but I wouldn't end up with a theist. Especially not marrying one.

I'm not converting anyone, nobody is converting me.
I think everyone who's going HAHA IF MY POTENTIAL PARTNER WAS RELIGIOUS THEY'D BE SUCH A FOOL LOL and whining about convertion are being cocks. This is exactly the way hardcore religious people act about us and again exactly why we'll never get along. Christ. I'd say the same thing if there were any Christians being dicks here but the only ones to this in this thread have been atheists.

Sure, if he just believed in a god but was otherwise very suitable, I'd ignore his small flaw and he'd ignore mine and we'd both live quite happily, each convinced we're right in our beliefs. I probably wouldn't want to convert but if he's Jewish I would totally pretend to be to rock that Jewish wedding.

I mean you really just have to dodge around the specific topic of their religion, it's not hard. One's religious beliefs aren't the defining thing in one's character, and if they are then one is, as they say, a weirdo.
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I don't really see how this would really work, since in all probability you'd just be converting to said belief system because you feel you have to, or want to to make your partner happy, rather than because you actually believe in that system.
I think everyone who's going HAHA IF MY POTENTIAL PARTNER WAS RELIGIOUS THEY'D BE SUCH A FOOL LOL and whining about convertion are being cocks. This is exactly the way hardcore religious people act about us and again exactly why we'll never get along. Christ. I'd say the same thing if there were any Christians being dicks here but the only ones to this in this thread have been atheists.

Sure, if he just believed in a god but was otherwise very suitable, I'd ignore his small flaw and he'd ignore mine and we'd both live quite happily, each convinced we're right in our beliefs. I probably wouldn't want to convert but if he's Jewish I would totally pretend to be to rock that Jewish wedding.

I mean you really just have to dodge around the specific topic of their religion, it's not hard. One's religious beliefs aren't the defining thing in one's character, and if they are then one is, as they say, a weirdo.

I don't think they'd be a fool, I just think I probably wouldn't get with someone with drastically different beliefs to me. I wouldn't get with someone who votes for the Conservative party, so yeah. Call me picky but yeah.

Then again I've never gone out with someone who has a religion, so I don't know. Perhaps - if they were interested in discussing religions and that kind of thing without thinking their religion was the only thing that could be - I would still feel attracted to them. But a born-and-raised-and-believing Catholic? No way.
I think pretty much everything VPLJ said. Analogytime!

I can't stand (what's the most obscure thing I can think of?) knitting. If I fell in love with someone who loved knitting, it wouldn't be the be-all and end-all; every week, she could go to her crazy knitting classes and I'd sit around at home, doing other stuff that I enjoyed. I wouldn't go to her knitting classes, but I wouldn't try and tell her that knitting is a stupid waste of time (because if it's something she likes, who am I to complain?), and she wouldn't mind that I personally find knitting a boring waste of time and she wouldn't try and drag me along to her classes.

I'd do this because just because someone likes knitting doesn't mean they can't also like things like gaming, drawing, sleeping late and other things that I also enjoy. It also doesn't mean that they're not kind, considerate and respectful, which is even more important in a relationship.

Analogy over. Which is a shame, because I was getting really attached to my fake knitting girlfriend ):
To be fair, religion is a bit more serious than knitting. What about when it comes down to the children? The religious person will want them to be involved in worship etc but the irreligious person will not.
It's not that big a deal. Tell the kid "Parent A belives in X, but Parent B doesn't." Then let the kid make its own choices. It worked for my parents and me.
That might work for some couples but I really don't see it working for everyone. Belief in a deity versus lack of belief in a deity are two literally opposite things, and not everyone will want to say "I believe x but other parent doesn't." and that often won't work - the child will just pick the beliefs of the parent it likes the most.

Religion has the capacity to make otherwise rational people do incredibly crazy things, and when you add children into the mix you get a volatile solution. I've read stories where one partner's lack of religion has town the family in two.
I think everyone who's going HAHA IF MY POTENTIAL PARTNER WAS RELIGIOUS THEY'D BE SUCH A FOOL LOL and whining about convertion are being cocks. This is exactly the way hardcore religious people act about us and again exactly why we'll never get along. Christ. I'd say the same thing if there were any Christians being dicks here but the only ones to this in this thread have been atheists.

Sure, if he just believed in a god but was otherwise very suitable, I'd ignore his small flaw and he'd ignore mine and we'd both live quite happily, each convinced we're right in our beliefs. I probably wouldn't want to convert but if he's Jewish I would totally pretend to be to rock that Jewish wedding.

I mean you really just have to dodge around the specific topic of their religion, it's not hard. One's religious beliefs aren't the defining thing in one's character, and if they are then one is, as they say, a weirdo.

That might work for some couples but I really don't see it working for everyone. Belief in a deity versus lack of belief in a deity are two literally opposite things, and not everyone will want to say "I believe x but other parent doesn't." and that often won't work - the child will just pick the beliefs of the parent it likes the most.

Religion has the capacity to make otherwise rational people do incredibly crazy things, and when you add children into the mix you get a volatile solution. I've read stories where one partner's lack of religion has town the family in two.

Lots of things have the capacity to make rational people do crazy things. I could name lots of examples from my own family, but I won't.

I've read stories where one partner's obsession with golf has torn the family in two. I've heard stories where issues surrounding the family pet have torn the family in two. I've seen families be torn apart because of money and issues relating to it. If you think that, because another family have had problems regarding something before, the same thing might do the same to you and the solution is to just remove the something from your lives... I don't think there'll be anything left.

People really underestimate children's abilities to choose for themselves. They're capable of choosing what's best for themselves and don't automatically pick whatever option's offered by the person they like best.
I'd do this because just because someone likes knitting doesn't mean they can't also like things like gaming, drawing, sleeping late and other things that I also enjoy. It also doesn't mean that they're not kind, considerate and respectful, which is even more important in a relationship.
She could also make you some bitchin' sweaters for free.
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