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Your hours?

I go to bed at 1-2 AM and wake up at around 10 AM- 12 PM. And that's on the days I don't have school. On the days I DO (And unfortunately this is during the summer too), it's 11 PM - midnight (regular school) or 1- 2 AM (summer school) and I wake up at around 7:15 AM.

I usually fall asleep at 2-3 AM and wake up at around 5-6 AM on my own. That's been happening to me ever since I was three. I just find it hard to relax and fall asleep.
Summer hours are ~10 AM to ~5 AM. I will frequently take a nap between 12 AM and 2 PM, though, sometimes 12 to 4.

School hours are 6 AM to 10-11:30 PM.
I go to bed when the sun rises. I'm serious. 6:30AM. And I wake up at around 4:00PM. My body doesn't seem to like that though. XD I have to cover the windows with towels so the light won't get in and keep me from sleeping. Yes, I'm very nocturnal. I really need to go to sleep earlier.

Same here. I try to go to bed earlier... >.>
Usually on weekends/holidays, I wake from 9AM to 1PM, and go to sleep at 12AM to 4AM

On school days, I wake at 7:00 to 7:45 and go to bed at 11AM to 3AM xD
This summer I've been going to be bed at 3:00 a.m. and waking up at, like, 1:00 p.m. or something. But, I'm trying to change that (I'm posting at 10:30 a.m. right now, whatever the forum may be telling you.)

School year: Like, 6:00 a.m. wake up, go to sleep around midnight. Weekends during the school year don't vary from that, I like a solid sleep schedule.
I have a messed up sleep schedule because it's the summer . I usually go to bed around 4- 4: 30 AM and wake up around noon or 1 PM usually.

I set my alarm to go off but usually I just hit it and go back to sleep, or I sleep through it somehow.. D:

During the school year though, I go to bed at 11 PM and wake up at 6:30 AM
sleep at midnight (which turns into 1) and get up at 7:30 (which turns into 8) during the week

weekend is more like sleep at 4am wake up at 1pm
Sleep 5:00 - 7:00, wake up at 10:00 - 20:00 (I'm serious).

Unless there's school, in which case sleep ~2:00 wake up at 7:00.
I go to bed at ten, but fall asleep at around 11 or so.. I wake up anywhere from 8 to noon. During the school year, it's six in the morning and 9 PM.
I don't have a set routine, but typically only get to bed after 1 AM assuming there is no school. When I wake up is just directly related to when I get to sleep. I typically catch 7-9 hours of sleep if allowed to sleep undisturbed.
I usually go to bed around 11PM to 12PM and wake up around 8AM. Then sit in bed for an hour or two=O.

I'm going to have to change that soon because of summer band practices>_<.
I have a set bedtime at 10 pm, usually don't fall asleep until after 12 am, then wake up any time between 8-11 am. I don't mind my schedule except for the fact that I have to wake up early to go to school. x_x
Okay because it's summer break, I usually stay up until 2 in the morning before sleeping until 10 or 11.

But right now, I pulled an all-nighter with my friend, so I've been awake a total of 1 day and 16 hours. What I'm trying to do now (it's 2 am here) is pull off another all-nighter, followed by another one and maybe another. Although, my goal is to just pull off this one, the rest I can think about when I get my coffee.

During the holidays, my routines are so messed up I start to hate myself <_< I go to bed at maybe 0-2 am and wake up around 10-11 am.

When I'm in school, though, things look much better :) I go to bed at 8-10 pm and get up at 6 am.
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