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Zari Island RP

"Well," said Tastebuds. "I'm up for that. Who wants to join me in scouting around this world?"
"O-oh. I think I-I'll join. I've g-got a good nose..." shyly said Nub-Nub.
Kailani overheard the entire conversation.

So... I can't return to human. I wonder... if there's something that happened in my past related to this...

Kailani thought back to what he'd done prior to waking up as a Garchomp, and was shokced to realize that... he couldn't remember.

But... I do remember... I shuddered after recalling something that happened... what made me lose my memory so suddenly?

There was only one possible explanation: The surprise that he was now a Garchomp made him lose his recollection of events before his... transformation.
Binca grinned and raised her hand, still getting used to floating around instead of walking.
"Exploration is fun. I'll go."
She looked down at where her legs should have been.
"Holy cheese cake, I don't have any legs!!"
"Try looking under the skirt thing." Zora retorted from behind her. She, Darkness and Windfall had finally found the lake where the other Pokemon!humans were.
"Honestly. I mean look." she lifted her leg up onto a rock and brushed the skirt away. Sure enough, there it was, bright violet.
"Zora do you really have to do that...?" Darkness groaned.
"Honestly." Windfall agreed.

((Seriously though. If you've ever seen Gardevoir in Colosseum or XD, they DO have legs.))
"Who looks under their skirt in public? Jeez, what's wrong with you?! Sicko."
Bianca answered indignantly, folding her arms.

Ki couldn't help it. He curled up in a ball on the ground and howled with laughter, not caring who heard him. This was just too bizarre. What kind of person argued over if they had legs or not? What kind of person didn't know that they had legs to begin with? These people were absolutely insane. He struggled to stop laughing so hard, but couldn't.

((*Plays PBR* Oh hey, would you look at that. :sweatdrop:))
"Me. Now you tell me who doesn't even notice that they have legs." Zora also folded her arms indignantly, blowing a tuft of her now shorter red hair away from her eye. She missed having it long and flowy.
"Guys guys guys!" Darkness interrupted, "Why do we have to argue about it?"
"She started it."
"No, I believe you started it. Now apologize."
"Fine..." she turned to Bianca and sighed, "Sorry..."
If Windfall could've facepalmed, she would have. But that's when she heard the howling laughter.
"...Anyone else hear that?"
"It's okay. Um.. it's not your fault? That I don't know that I have legs? Actually, this is pretty funny."
Bianca said, before noticing somebody laughing. She yelled.
"Who is that? Come out right now! What the crap..."

Ki jumped up from the ground, wishing he hadn't laughed like that. Whoever just yelled at him sure didn't sound happy. He stepped out of the woods, ready to run away if necessary.
"Funny as it is, and it IS pretty damn funny, I bet he thinks we're insane now." Zora pointed at Ki and nodded.
"He probably does." Darkness muttered. That was when she felt something move on her back. But she couldn't place what it was. Little did she notice the pair of wings on it.
"Um. Is there something on my back?"
Windfall didn't say a word, just stared at the Gallade who had stepped out of the forest.
Bianca stared at Ki for all of two seconds before running to him and grabbing the ocarina that was hanging around his neck on a leather cord. He gagged and fell over, but she didn't seem to notice. At this point Bianca was hyperventilating and squealed.
"Holycrapholycrap, this is like an anime I saw once!! It's Link!!"

Ki had no idea who or what a "Link" was, and was distracted by the fact that he was getting strangled by some insane Gardevoir, who was now sitting on his chest and making it impossible to breathe, even if he wasn't already being strangled.
Zora blinked at the ocarina for a second, before slipping the cord out from around Ki's neck so he could at least breathe and pointing at it.
"Mind if I try playing a song or two?"
Darkness was just staring, mouth agape.
"It can't be... It just can't flippin' be..."
Windfall just blinked.
"I think he might be... somewhat."
Ki nodded and coughed. Bianca hugged him, still squealing.
"Omigosh, I love you, Link!! I've played every single freaking game!! Do you have a crush on Midna? Are you gonna marry Zelda? Huh? Are you? Can I kiss you? Please? Oh right, you can't talk. That's okay, you don't have to! Happyhappyhappy this is awesome! Link is actually real!"
His head spinning, Ki didn't even try to answer. He looked at the other three Pokemon, obviously begging for help.
Zora nodded in thanks, before tapping Bianca on the shoulder. She'd understood him simply by the look she was given.
"I think he wants you to back off." she muttered, before sitting down on a nearby rock and lifting the ocarina to her lips. She then began to play a familiar tune.
"...The Song of Storms?" Darkness asked, mostly to herself, as she heard the song.

((Yes, that is my favorite song out of the entire game <3))
((Ditto. That, or Sheik's theme. Or Zelda's Lullaby. Or the Fairy Fountain theme. What? They all rock. ^^))
Bianca got up, giggling and dancing around.
Ki gasped, still on the ground. After breathing deeply for a minute, he sat up, looking at Zora play the ocarina and grinning at the song she was playing. He stood up and backed away slightly from Bianca.
As Darkness began do dance slowly to the song (although with her being a Garchomp it was sorta awkward), Windfall looked up at the sky.
"Wouldn't it be really ironic if it started raining while she was playing this?"
"Aye, it would." Darkness agreed. Zora simply nodded as she continued to play the song, now starting to rock back and forth while she did.
Ki sat down again and began humming along to the music, staring off into space.
Wonder who Link is. She's probably just insane, I guess.
Binca ran around in circles, then stopped only long enough to say,
"If he played it, I bet it'd start raining! Right, Link?"
Ki didn't respond. It was hopeless. Whoever Link was, this girl would probably kill him when they met.
"Well we could always give it a shot." Zora muttered, halting the melody for a moment.
"Hey, um. What if Link isn't his actual name?" Darkness asked.
"Somehow I doubt that, but it's possible." Windfall sighed.
(I drew my character, muhehehe.)

And the moment she said that she wasn't a Pidgeotto was the moment she realized something very important.

She was.

There was no denying this one. No matter how much she blinked her eyes, tried to get whatever dust could've been in them that was distorting the appearance of her body under her gaze, the feathers were still there. The beak was still there. And the wings? Not gone, that's for sure!

"I am... aren't I...?" She continued to gaze deeply at her unfolded wings in immense concern, the numbness and surrealness of it all only building up.
Kailani , so caught up in tunneling to a desert area where he could find some rest, didn't realize where he was actually going.

At least, that was until he slammed headfirt into a rcok wall.

"Ow! What the-"

He looked up and saw what he'd just slammed into.

"Oh, joy. Looks like I'm going to have to go aboveground for this."

The garchomp began to change his burrowing direction so that he went aboveground.

He then emerged to find himself right in front of the rock wall that he'd slammed into belowground.

"So... a dead end."

He turned around and stood before a forest.

"Guess I'm going there."
"L-Link?" Sora asked. "I thought I've heard of him. But there's only one important person I can remember from my humanity..." she sighed. "Do any of you know a Lucario around here?"
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