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Zari Island RP

"Ch... The name's Kyo. And I'm the coo-" Kyo started.

Yuki kicked him. "Kyo, that's all. Kyo! Not the coolest anything... maybe the most annoying... Anyways, I'm Yuki. Good to meet you!" Yuki smiled at Sora. "Cool name!"

"Ah! I thought I was still dreaming! She TALKS!!!" Shigure fainted.

"Well... he isn't living up to his calm reputation... The one that just fainted is called Shigure. He's the eldest of us, but... isn't acting it right now..." YUki said.
"Yes bother..." She folded up her wings, freaking out slightly. They were wings.

But now she began to think... were there others like her? Originally human? She... all she did was take a nap. One stupid nap. And next time she woke up, she was here in the middle of God-knows-where.

Perhaps it wasn't perminant though... maybe it would wear off. Her mind was just numb in shock... yeah, that was it. This wasn't going to be forever. Next time she went to sleep, she would wake up and be back in her room. That was it, that was the ticket. And if not... well, maybe the next day? It just had to wear off though. It just had to. Whatever it was that she had.

"I am a Pidgeotto... I am... What's... what am I going to... do?" Sputtered the confused Pidgeotto.
"I'm currently looking for a lost friend. He's a Lucario with a different appearance. Trust me. You'll know him when you see him."
Sora's voice gained a hint of loneliness in it. "Can you help me find him?"
Kialani wandered aimlessly through the forest, hoping that he would end up somewhere with answers.

Who knows how far this forest stretches on... maybe I'll find something here with answers.

But as the Garchomp continued, he began to think that it was more and more wishfull thinking.

The trees seemd to go on for miles and miles.

Tunneling's no good either; even with my eye, I don't know where I'm going unless I had a predetermiend destination. That, as much I've learned after I nearly got a concussion earlier.
Silvia was in shock for a while, but she quickly recovered. Either way, she's alive, and she's a Pokemon. Which is totally awesome, although horrible at the same time. What is she going to do about her homework? It's due the next day! Silvia mentally slapped herself again. Why is she worrying about her homework all of a sudden?

She should figure out what she should do now. Yes, she should. And try to figure out how to turn back to a human. Although she'll have to finish her homework then...

"I say we go find something to eat. And..." A thought suddenly struck Silvia. "You're a Pidgeotto, right? Does that mean you can fly?"
"No w-" Kyo started.

Yuki kicked him again. "Yes! We all will! I just need to wake up Shi..." (Shi is his nickname. *shot*)

Kyo put water in a leaf from the same tree Yuki had been hitting her head on. He poured it on Shigure.

"Ah! What the-" Shigure shot up. "That's not how you're supposed to revive a fainted man!"

"Yeah, fainted. More like napping kid..." Kyo replied.

"What?! I'm older than you, and mom left me in charge! When she finds out-"

"Mom's not here dork..."

"Oh shut it you two!" Yuki snapped. "Sorry Sora. This family has a lot of troubles..." She had a sweat drop on her head.
"Fine with me. As long as we find him..." she sighed. "Thanks."
Just as she said that, something flew in front of Sora's face. It was shiny and star-shaped, and was stuck to a tree by one point. "Is this...
Just then a Pokémon emerged from the bushes. "Who are you?"
Sora turned her head to look at the newcomer. Her eyes shone and her heart began to beat faster.
It was the Lucario.
She ran over to him, embracing him. "Thanks for coming back," she whispered, shedding tears of joy. Her head almost went up to his chest spike.
"F-fly...?" It struck her all of a sudden. She... she could fly? Maybe... maybe this would be worth it after all. Flying, that was what she was thinking about right as she slipped into the clutches of sleep... With wings, with grace through the skies.

But something made her flying, dreaming mind sink right back down to earth.

She didn't know how.

Sure, it looked easy enough. But how exactly did one go about flying? Just wing flapping? She had a feeling there was more to it than that. The shock and numbness still continued to linger, it just... her, flying! Ha!

"Well... I don't know... I could try. But I'm not too... used to this form."
"Wait up!"
Kabuto dashed after Sora.

Shiela followed. The Raichu was hugging an odd-looking Lucario.
"Okay, so where's the Hitmonlee...? Why does that Lucario look so familiar...?"
As Nub-Nub and Tastebuds kept walking, the trees seemed to never end.
"I'm getting tired..." said Nub-Nub. "Shuffling can only get you so far..."
"I know." Tastebuds replied. "I'm getting a bit weary too. Just a bit further, and we can rest."
As they walked just a bit more, all they could see was more and more green. However, they saw a speck of blue in front of them.
"Hey," whispered Tastebuds. "You think that's a Pokemon?"
"I dunno. Let's go find out," quietly replied Nub-Nub. They went forth and saw that it was a Garchomp. As soon as Nub-Nub saw that there was a stranger, he hid behind Tastebuds.
"Um... Excuse me." Tastebuds tapped the Garchomp's back. "I'm Tastebuds the Lickilicky. I was wondering if you were a human before."
Silvia sighed. It to be expected, that Arylett didn't know how to fly. Silvia herself doesn't know how to use any Pokemon attacks, either.

"Well, I guess you can start by flapping your wings or something." Silvia started, trying to remember things from her science class, "To create lift, you have to flap down really fast with your feathers closed. And when you move your wings up, you have to open the feathers. And I think there are these feathers at your wingtip that you can move to adjust your balance. And you move your tail to turn." She sighed again. "But that's all text-book talk. It might not work, since non of us are birds..."

Silvia thought for a while, looking at the other Pokemon. "Maybe we can ask, like, them or something. Because they seem to know how to use attacks, and maybe you can learn to use Fly."
Deax started licking herself subconciously.

"Darn! I hate being a Houndoom!" she said, spitting out some fur.
The Lucario shifted away. He pointed to the sun.
"I knew it," Sora sighed. "Your name is Solar, isn't it?"
He looked unsure, and was about to say no when he nodded. No use trying to alert the others yet. But what is with this kid?
"Thanks for coming back," she said again, and whispered something in his ear.
No wonder, Solar thought before running off.
Sora soared behind him. This feels wonderful... she felt so lighthearted... but why did she remember this sensation? She thought she had it once before....
Then something suddenly came to her. Yes, it was just like that lonely, depressed emotion, except... happy. Sora still felt like she would cry, but out of joy and not sadness. Maybe he would lead her to the rest as well, but her mind was only focused on something else.
Arylett gazed blankly at her for several seconds, not even faintly understanding a word that had come out of her mouth after "either."

"Errrm... okay..." Was really all she could think of without showing off her obvious ignorance. She was never quite good with science or physics.

"Am I the only bird...?" Irk... she was calling herself a bird. The whole thing still felt quite weird. She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to any of this.

The Pidgeotto inclined her head in the direction of the others... So this had happened to them too, had it? They were all humans, now Pokémon... Hmm... there must have been something that caused this. Something they had in common... maybe. She began to ponder... It was rather odd. How could a handful of humans suddenly turn into Pokémon and end up on some island in the middle of nowhere...? And why did they know how to use attacks? Perhaps, perhaps they had a better mastery of their forms...
The moment Kialani felt a tap on the back, instinct kicked in. The garchomp whirled around and was about to slash the living dyalights out of whoeevr snuck up behind him when he realized that it was jsut a Lickillicky, followed by another poekmon that seemd behidn the big Normal-type. The Lickillicky was asking about him becoming a human.

"Perhaps," he said, "But why should you care?"
Shiela could barely keep up with Sora. Kabuto came running up behind her, nudging her to go faster.
Sora, distracted, ignored the nudge. She almost bumped into Solar when he stopped.
"What's happening?" she asked, looking up at him. She looked straight forward, where he was looking.
Or maybe he wasn't just looking forward.
"This way," he said suddenly, grabbing Sora's paw and pulling her along.
"Where are we going?"
"Someone's following us."
(And it's not Kabuto or Shiela, by the way.)
The Pidgeotto seemed to have no idea what Silvia was talking about. Silvia tried to rephrase her explanation. "Well, I guess you just have to flap your wings. And we can work out the rest from there."

Silvia suddenly noticed that Arylett was probably the only bird-Pokemon around here. Although she do remember seeing some flying Pokemon, two, to be certain, before...

"I'm pretty sure there are other flying Pokemon around, so don't worry. Although it's quite bothersome because it seems like everyone else has a better idea of what's happening than we do." Silvia concluded. "Maybe we should travel around a bit, just to see if there are others who actually know what's going on, our purpose, or the great question of life, the universe, and everything. Or something."
"Ooooh." That was simple enough. It was as simple as she had previously thought it was. Though she felt a bit stupid for not getting it... she had read those textbooks, dammit. But she supposed that it was one thing to read something, and a completely different thing to understand it.

They did... didn't they? The others seemed to know what was going on. Arylett figured something. "Maybe we should... just go talk to them? Although I do like that lidea about... traveling." Traveling, hmm... Well, she guessed there was nothing to be gained from just sitting there wondering what was going on. And besides, she needed something to get her mind off of the terrible shock she was still experiencing.
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