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Zari Island RP

((Curly, as always :D ))

"And any of you seen a Hitmonlee?" asked Shiela.

"I didn't know that you liked a Hitmonlee," said Kabuto.

"I never told you, bonehead."

"Oh. And I thought I heard of Link somewhere. Chain link, wireless link, Wi-fi link, and some other Link."
Silvia raised an eyebrow. So, the Pidgeotto spoke. And thinks that she's not a Pidgeotto. This is quite an interesting dream indeed.

"Of course you're a Pidgeotto. What are you talking about? And, don't worry, you're not the one who has no idea what's going on either." Silvia replied. "By the way, I'm Silvia. And I think this is all just a really, really awesome dream, but it's probably just me, seeing" Silvia pointed at the group of Pokemon, still panicking, "that they are all freaking out."
Sora sighed again, trying to remember. "I think he knows Rapid Spin, Comet Punch, Foresight and Force Palm... does that help?"
Ki was starting to panic. If Zora didn't have his ocarina, he probably would have run away by now. He was really shy, and Bianca tackling him and all the attention really wasn't making it any better.
What are they talking about? I want my ocarina back. Or run away. Great. Wonderful. So much for a quiet day by myself.
The sisters finally woke up from thier sleep. "Okay, we went to sleep, and we're still Pokemon. Cool! But weird.." Kelli said. "There's got to be some scientific thing surrounding this..." "Would you quit being so scientifical? This can be fun if you wouldn't be so serious all the time, Zar!" Vysi yelled. "Well excuse me for trying to discover something while I can! This could be--" "The time of our lives if you backed off and loosen up once in a while!" The sisters conteneiud their fight, while Kelli got annoyed and left, wondering on her own, knowing that anything could show, but was ready to battle, even though she was a bit scared. She eventually found some shade, away from her sisters in peace. "Oy. Those dopes don't know what to do! At least I'm not around 'em anymore." Kelli started to miss her sisters, and wanted to go back, but was now completly lost! "What have I done?!" ~Back to the bickering sisters~ "..And we can--Hey, where'd Kelli go?" Vysi noticed her little sister was gone. "She must've got fed up with us, and walked off! But she doesn't know where she is! And we don't know where she is, either!" Zaria panicked. The sisters calmed down and searched for their missing sister, while Kelli looked for her sisters as well.
While waiting for a response from the Pidgeotto, who seems to be still freaking out, Silvia decided to try out a few attacks. After all, she is a Pokemon now, and what would a Pokemon be if it can't use attacks. Silvia picked up a small rock and placed it in front of her. "Now, how do I do this..." she muttered to herself. Silvia had seen some Pokemon-who-were-humans using attacks before, but she has no idea how they had done that.

"What moves can Linoones use again?" Silvia thought out loud. Silvia likes to draw Linoones, no study them. And the only move she can think of right now is Covet, and Silvia didn't think using Covet on a rock would do anything. Using Headbutt or Tackle on a rock also doesn't seem like a good idea, either. Silvia sighed and decided to leave the rock alone for now. She can figure out how to use attacks later.
(Do you guys know how to wait? o.o; *faints* I'll make this short since I don't really know what's happening. XD *shot*)

Yuki hit her head so much that she fainted. Kyo was lazy and went to sleep. All three sibling where out.
(I'm confused...)
Nub-Nub and Tastebuds then decided to venture out by themselves, as not many people wanted to. First, they decided to walk into some other forests that they found. However, they encountered a large tree.
"Oh no!" Nub-Nub said. "It's in our way! What should we do?"
"Well," Tastebuds said. "We're Pokemon now, remember? You can do stuff like Ice Beam! And lucky for us, I can use Cut!"
"Oh yeah..." remembered Nub-Nub. So Tastebuds cut down the tree eventually, and they ventured on deeper in the forest.
(Because it ain't Arylett's if it isn't curly. :3)

Arylett watched Silvia in bafflement. Apparently she was under the illusion that this was a dream... And she... she was a Pidgeotto... Really actually was one. Dear God, what was wrong in this world? Everything was too unreal, even by her own standards.

"I'm not a Pidgeotto though... I'm Arylett." Yet still, she was in denial. She mentally slapped herself for saying something so stupid. Obviously... obviously she was a Pidgeotto. So why did she had to keep doubting it? She shook her head.

And apparently Silvia seemed to think all of this a dream... She wondered for a bit. Had the same thing occured to the Linoone? Had she been originally human as well, now trust into sudden Pokémon form...? Oooh, but she wasn't a Pidgeotto! She didn't want to be one, she wanted to be herself. But asking... asking Silvia if this was so would make her look bad, almost crazy.

"Thunderbolt... Linoone can use that." Said the not-Pidgeotto rather anxiously.
... And the Pidgeotto still thinks that she's not a Pidgeotto. "Nice to meet you, Arylett." Silvia replied. She wondered if she should shake hands with Arylett, the Pidgeotto-that-doesn't-think-that-she-is-a-Pidgeotto. After all, Pidgeotto have wings, and you can't exactly shake hands with wings. Maybe the Pidgeotto can use her feet, but that'd be weird. Silvia thought better of it and decided not to shake hands.

"Ah, Thunderbolt. Thanks." Silvia mentally slapped herself. How could she have forgotten that? Yet... Silvia still has no idea how to use attacks. She decided to give up for now. After all, it's not like she's going to need to use it anytime soon. Plus, Linoones can, according to the Pokedex, run at 60 miles per hour. Which should be fast enough to get away from whatever that's attacking her. If anyone attacks her.

Silvia decided to chat with the Pidgeotto, since there really isn't much else to do. "So, Arylett. What do you think of this? I mean, I think this is all a dream, because there's no way I can suddenly turn into a Pokemon and be teleported to this remote place. And you are probably part of my subconsciouse mind or something." Silvia paused for a while. If Arylett is actually her subconscious, then why is she talking to her?

"And, supposively, everyone here was a human before they suddenly turned into a Pokemon and ended up here. Or that's just my assumption, because everyone is panicking about that fact that they are Pokemon. This might be my subconscious mind trying to make sense of this situation and make me feel at ease because I'm also a Pokemon." Silvia said, getting more excited, "So to get out of this place, all we have to do is wake up!"

"And by the way, I have no idea what I'm talking about either." Silvia added.
Jax sighed, putting away her ocarnia.

"I hate this! I'm a brown, skulled freak!" she bawled.
...Well, that answers that question. Arylett thought that Silvia was a bit... strange. Just a lot bit though, just a lot bit.

How was she going to break this to her? Maybe she shouldn't say it... It wouldn't be a good idea, would it? To tell her that she really doubted that this was a dream. The thought of her being part of a Linoone's subconscious mind though freaked her out... Was she actually a real person? What if she didn't exist at all?

Nonsense, nonsense. Of course she existed.

"I don't think... this is a dream." She mumbled, looking down at the ground. Arylett could see her feathery chest. It was clearly mocking her, because she was not a-

Oh, this was stupid. She was a Pidgeotto. Was, was, was.
Silvia blinked. Of course, it might not be a dream! She never thought of that!

"You have a good point, there, Arylett." Silvia stated, "Yet you don't have any proof. Maybe I should pinch myself or something."

Hm. Pinching herself seems like a good idea. Silvia decided that she really needs to think things through before doing things. But first she has to figure out how to pinch herself with her Linoone claws.

After trying for a while Silvia decided that pinching is not the answer. She decided to hit herself on the head instead.

"....... Ow."

Ok, so that hurt. Which proves Arylett's point. Silvia decided to take a while to process this information. There are some facts: First, she's a Linoone. And she was a human before. Second, she's in the middle of what seems like nowhere, with some other Pokemon who may or may not be humans before. Finally, this is not a dream.

".... Oh bother." Silvia was speechless. She didn't quite know how to process this. She is, or was, just a normal human girl trying to do her homework. Then, poof, there she is, a Pokemon, with Arylett the Pidgeotto who also turned into a Pokemon but seems to be in denial. Either this is too good to be true, or she's in big, big, trouble.
((Come down to the lake. That's where we all are.))

"We'll help."

Kabuto was about to protest, but Shiela glared at him. "My hardhead's bigger than yours," she warned, and turned to Sora. "I wanna find the Hitmonlee. I wonder if he's doing alright..."

"Of course he's alright, he's a--"

"A you-know-what," Shiela cut in. Kabuto was silent.
((I will. And by the way, I finally figured out the human years thing, so be sure to check the revised ages of my characters))
"I'll start looking," Sora said quickly, and took off. She didn't fly high, because otherwise she couldn't see him.
After about thirty seconds of flying, Sora found a Flareon, an Eevee, and an Umbreon. "Hi! Who are you?" she asked.
"Yeow!" Yiku woke up to find Kyo at her backside poking her with... something... "Kyo!" Then she heard a voice. Looking up, she saw... A TALKING POKEMON?! "Oh my... You TALK?!"

"You talk too retard..." Kyo replied to her.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Yuki snapped.

"Ah what?!" Shigure randomly yelled and shot up. "Oh... a dream?... Oh... Hello there..." He said to Sora.
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