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Zari Island RP

"Oh, good." Arylett wants to travel, which means that Silvia can follow her around. Silvia, although she probably won't admit it, has no sense of direction.

"Well, we can work everything out from there. There's only one problem I see..." Silvia said. "Where are we gonna go to?"

Silvia thought for a moment there. There really isn't a place to go to... Maybe they can find out more about this if they have an idea of where they are.... That's it!

"I wanna see you fly! I mean, you can get such a good view up in the sky, and maybe we can figure out at least where we are." Silvia suddenly exclaimed, quite proud of her idea. "Although you still have no idea how to fly, do you..."
"Well no... And I'm sort of... afraid of heights too..." She admitted shamefully. Though she wanted to see what it was like to fly, she was afraid, afraid of falling. That and she still wasn't quite sure how to lift off the ground. Maybe if she started off with a run, like aeroplanes do when they're going to lift off the ground... And then spread her wings and flapped them, she would fly?

But again... getting off the ground was one thing. Maintaining herself in the air was another, another completely scary thing she wasn't sure she wanted to attempt.

Still, she wanted to try it. It seemed fascinating. Flying, now that was something she always wanted to do. And besides, how would they know were to travel if they didn't even know the layout of the island or where they were...

"...But maybe I could try... Wouldn't hurt to try, would it...?"
The Pidgeotto is afraid of heights? That's quite strange... Silvia thought to herself. She had never heard of a flying Pokemon afraid of heights. But then of course, she had never heard of people suddenly turning into Pokemon and turn up in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, I suppose not. After all, as long as you stay close to the ground, it shouldn't hurt that much if you fall. And you can always open your wings to slow you down." Silvia answered Arylett. "Just keep flapping your wings or something."
"Okay... I'll start off at a run." She nodded, taking in a long deep breath. This... this was so exciting! And yet she was scared out of her wits all at the same time. Her heart began to pound vehemently within her chest again.

She spread out her wings wide (they were still her wings. It all seemed like some sort of blurry illusion, she couldn't believe she was going to try this) and began to run, stumbling a bit on her strange new legs. Running on them was definately odd, but it only took her a few moments to get used to these taloned things. Arylett ran far (it took her a bit of time to become accustomed to her feet nonetheless), nearly towards the water and began to flap her wings frantically. This was it...! It was either fly or fall into the water!

And she... she lifted off.

Was she flying?

"I'm... I'm flying?!" Yes! She flew at a low altitude above the water, flapping her wings restlessly. It was... it felt so natural. So good. Though she definately lacked some grace in her movements (stumbling around in the air as she had on the ground with her feet), she was flying! The Pidgeotto flew a short distance across the ocean before she looked down...

...Uh-oh... she had gone pretty high. And a jolt of fear hit her.

How was she going to stop this thing?

She began to flap her wings insanely, trying to stay in the air. But this only seemed to be making things worse... She was getting tired.

Then they stopped flapping altogether.

And she went spiraling down, trying desperately to remain airborne... But her wings were just too damn tired.

She spiraled across the water and crashed into the land with a soft thump.

Suddenly, Solar suddenly turned. Sora veered after him, hoping the other two were behind.
The clearing opened, and a large cliff stood in front of them.
"It's a dead end," Sora sighed.
Solar turned around, staring into the distance. A grim look was on his face. "We have no choice. We must fight."
Silvia watched in awe as the Pidgeotto ran forward and lifted off in the air.

"Damn... That is awesome..." She whispered, watching Arylett slowly gaining height over the ocean. Then, Arylett began to fall. She gradually lost height and landed on the ground. Silvia ran after her.

"Are you ok? Wasn't that awesome?"

Shiela caught up with Solar and turned around. Kabuto rammed into a boulder but turned unharmed and stood next to Shiela. Solar was standing ahead of them.

"We're ready. Want us to take the defence part?"
"That's... urrgh... easy for you to say." She had an awful headache. Her first time flying had been a pleasant experience... Until she crashed into the ground humiliatingly. The Pidgeotto really hoped nobody else had seen that.

"My head... hurts like a bitch." Arylett lifted herself up using her wings back to her scaly feet. Some of her feathers seemed to have come off and were strewn across the ground. What a crash! And her wings... Well, the feathers certainly seemed a bit messed up. Ruffled, in fact. She flapped her wings meekly, they didn't feel broken, but they did feel quite tired.
"Sure," Sora replied. "Why not?"
Rustling started up in the bushes, and something leaped out. It was blue and had a white belly, with a golden crest. Its dark blue wings were glowing silver as it aimed a Steel Wing at Solar.
The Lucario just shook it off, jumping just before ramming into a boulder. He came dashing back at the penguin-like Pokémon standing in front with a Force Palm, slamming into the Pokémon's belly with an open hand. "Ge-... Force Palm!"
Arylett seems to be alive, although cursing, so Silvia assumed that she was fine.

"How was it? How was it? Was it fun?" Silvia asked, excited. After all, the Pidgeotto-that-was-a-human just flew. And flying is always an awesome experience.

"And maybe you should try to, like, angle your wings a bit and slow down before you land." The Linoone decided to stop herself before she goes on one of her long rants. Arylett seems pretty tired, and would probably prefer to rest in silence than to listen to her yap about completely random things.
"That Empoleon was angered. We entered its territory," Sora explained, then used Thunderbolt on it, almost singing it.


Shiela ran forward, bashing her head into the Empoleon. Kabuto did the same.

"Iron Head!" They shouted simultaneously.
"It was..." She thought of it... Minus the landing part, it was actually kind of... kind of cool. Not cool, awesomenocity. "Pure awesomenocity!" She exclaimed, feeling a rush just thinking of it. "I... flew. Wow." Arylett smiled a beaky smile, staring at her wings in astonishment and admiration. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

Although her head still did hurt, and it felt the need to remind her with a sudden sharp pang. "Aah... I landed on my head..." She tried to rub her head with one of her ruffled wings, but that didn't seem to be doing much good. Then she folded both of them.

The Pidgeotto had completely spaced out when Silvia started to talk about angling her wings.

"Huh... what did you say? I'm sorry, I didn't quite... catch that. Can you... repeat yourself?"
"Well," said Tastebuds. "I've met some other Pokemon who were humans before. They were by the lake, you see. An odd winged Raichu said that we have basically no chance of turning back to humans. Care to explore the island and see if we can find some other Pokemon with us?"
((Most of us are at the lake. Flareon-Chan's characters are near it, and Shiela, Kabuto, Sora and a Lucario named Solar are fighting an Empoleon next to a cliff.))
Sora didn't know why she stood by most of the time. Mainly because she liked watching Solar's special abilites.

The Lucario put a hand to the ground, then used Comet Punch. "S- Comet Punch!" Aarg! I have to get used to this! He facepalmed in his head.

The Empoleon, deterred, almost fell on the ground before lumbering away.

"Yay!" Sora said. She turned her head to Solar. "You were cool!"

Solar groaned inside his head before starting to dash away. "What a loser," he said to himself. "She only uses emotion to battle, and not actual strength."

Sora, hearing this, followed, muttering, "It's hard not to when you love someone."
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"Much as I'd like to, I work alone," kailani said, "You see, I'm trying to figure out what happened in my past. That's different from what you're working towards. So, would you be so kind as to leave me alone?"
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