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Zari Island RP

Kailani continued to explore the forest when he heard a loud scream echo through the trees.

"Now what could that be about?" he muttered, breaking into a run.

So focused was the garchomp on finding the noise that he never considered where he was going, or rather what he was going into.

So of course he was surprised when he slammed into a tree, and collapsed on the ground, unconciosus.


Where... where am I?
"Well, Mysti, I was turned into a Pokemon too. But somehow I got these weird mind reading powers, so I can see what anyone is thinking at anytime. It could become useful in big battles and all that, so I don't mind it much at all." Kelli explained to the black Vulpix. She was still concerned about were her sisters, though. "Um, Mysti? Can you tell me i you've seen a purple Umbreon and a white and pink Vulpix? They're my older sisters who got turned into Pokemon, too. I left them, because they couldn't stop fighting, but now I'm worried and I miss them." Kelli said, a bit hopeful, and not at the same time, wondering if Mysti, a black Vulpix, who somehow reminded her of Vysi in a way other than the Pokemon species, actually saw her two big sisters. She stared intensly at the Vulpix with hopeful, yet sad eyes.
"Oh. We know how you feel!" Yuki replied. "We're humans too." She smiled. "I like your color. "Ow!"

Kyo had thumped her on the head. "KYO!" She screamed. Kyo was laughing. Sigure had taken a seat next to Yuki. "Anyways... I'm Yuki!"

"And I'm Shigure," Shigure said. "The eldest of us siblings."

"And I'm the awes-" Kyo started.

"He's Kyo and he's not awesome at ALL," Yuki said. Shigure nodded in agreement. Kyo just thumped her head again.
"No,I haven't. In fact, you're the first Pokemon I've seen since being transformed!" she said. "But I'll keep an eye out for them!"
Silvia shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to pick a random direction to go to then." She is getting quite bored just standing around and doing nothing. Plus, there really is nothing to do than travel around and explore... And maybe they can find out how they suddenly turned into Pokemon.

"Alright, Arylett. Pick a direction. Any direction."
"Uhhhh.... uhhhh..." Come on! Why was she making this so complicated? It was just a random pick, just a random pick... But what if she picked the wrong way? Now that Arylett thought of it... well, who knew WHAT could be in this place. What if there were beasts? Beasts of air? Beasts of sea? Beasts that would come out and eat them? And since they were Pokémon (she still couldn't believe it! She was a Pokémon!) who didn't quite know how to use attacks yet... easy targets!

"That way." She pointed west with her ruffled wing. Well whatever manner of beasts waited for them, they would just have to see. No use worrying about what hadn't happened yet. Arylett thought, trying to soothe her slightly anxious and numb mind.
"Oh, well. Thanks anyway!" Kelli said, a bit disapointed, but had a feeling she hadn't seen them anyway, so she wasn't too down. "Hey, are you hungry? I still have some fruit left from were I picked some. Don't ask how I did that with paws. Took me very long." Kelli looked around and thought that the Linoone and Pidgeotto seemed hungry. "How do I know that? Ah, well. Mysti, come on! Let's go talk to those two before they leave!" Kelli pulled the pulled the black Vulpix with her and headed for the 2 Pokemon.
So... that's it, then?

Yes, eveything is going smoothly. We can begin it within no time.

Good, good. Now are you
sure that there's nobody important there?

Positive, Sir. Nobody that will cause an uproar anywhere.

Good. Proceed ahead then.

Kailani awoke with a start as those words ended.

What was that all about?
"Well, that way it is!" Silvia called, and began walking to where Arylett was pointing to. She had no idea where they're going, and wasn't really caring, either. Anything would be better than sitting there on their butts waiting for things to happen.

Maybe besides dying.

To think of it, Silvia hadn't really thought of that yet. She had been too overwhelmed by, well, everything to actually think about the possibility of dying. Silvia dismissed that thought quickly. Everything will work out in the end, and everyone is going to die anyway, no? So it's definitely better to go and figure things out and maybe have some fun before she dies from whatever reason.

So, west it is!
Arylett followed Silivia and realized one thing.

...Walking with these feet was not very easy. She felt oddly unbalanced, stumbling after the Linoone. No wonder Pidgeotto had to fly. On the ground, she waddled ungracefully about, nearly falling several times.

It just didn't feel as comfortable... or as natural as flying had been. She sighed, supposing that was what she would have to deal with, what with being a bird-like.

"Slow down...! I can't go that fast..."
Ki listened to the other Pokemon talk. He spoke softly to nobody in particular.
"What is a human?"
"This way."

Seki veered off into the woods. Shiela and Kabuto followed.

Then, a wolf-like Pokemon pounced out of the shadows and snarled at the Bastiodon.

Seki ran up and kicked it in the side before landing on the ground. Both Shiela and Kabuto ran at it, but they didn't notice their heads glowing. After bashing into the Mightyena, they felt a bit dizzy from the impact.
Solar disappeared after dashing behind a boulder. Sora followed him, but soon found herself falling.
After about a second or two, she landed on a dirt floor. "Is this where you live?"
Solar nodded. "My town was destroyed a while ago. I was forced to leave and found that this was a good place."
Sora smiled, but her eyes were clouded by sympathy. "It's a nice home that's hard to get to." She looked up, noticing that she hadn't actually fallen that far.

"So, Seki... where do you live nowadays?"

"I lived in a place.... a large one. I was nearly never bored. But it was destroyed, now I live out here."

"Just in the forest?"

The Hitmonlee nodded.

"That's cool.

((This is Shiela speaking.))
Silvia realized that walking on your hind legs when you're a Linoone is not the best way to travel. It's quite hard to balance, and her forelegs that used to be her arms feel funny just hanging in the air. Although it does feel weird to walk on all fours... Then she realized that Arylett was having the same problems. What should she do? It's not like she can.... Oh right.

"Why don't you practice flying?" Silvia suggested, in a stroke of genius, "You can probably fly faster than you walk, and you can see further away and warn me of any dangers or food source. And I guess I'll try running on all fours or something. I mean, Linoones are supposed to be able to run at 60 miles per hour after all... And maybe we can get to places faster that way."
Seeing the Manectric, Tastebuds and Nub-Nub ran like crazy. They kept running until they were out of the woods, and they appeared on the other side of where they came in. Both Pokemon looked back. The Manectric seemed to be gone. Staring forward, Tastebuds saw a huge, castle-looking thing. It was basically in the middle of nowhere, about half a mile in front of them.
"Wha-What is that thing?" the Lickilicky said in awe.
"I'm not sure if I want to try that again... My arms- um, I mean wings still hurt." Arms. They still felt sort of like arms, actually...

The crashing mainly was what she was afraid of. But maybe if she just didn't look down this time... maybe. That was what messed her up, looking down and freaking out. Perhaps if she tried to maintain a very low hover above the ground...

It couldn't be any worse than walking, which she had begun to hate, due to the sheer effort it was taking. And flying felt good, it felt natural.

"Well... I guess I should get a little practice. But the feathers on my ar- wings are messed up, so wouldn't that mess up the physics... or whatever?"

...But somehow, she knew immediately what to do. It was like some bizarre inspiration had striken her. She stuck her beak in her wing feathers and began to preen them, smoothing out any rogue feathers. It was something odd, that she just felt she had to do. And she did so very obsessively, losing herself in this activity.

"What... what was that?" Arylett was quite startled. Why and how did she know how do to that?
Silvia dropped down to all fours and started walking. It was strange, walking on all fours. Yet it felt natural somehow... Like she was supposed to be walking on all fours. And then of course, she was a Linoone, and Linoones do walk on all fours. Maybe it has to do with her arm and leg length, and how her bones are structured...

Then Arylett said something about the physics of flying. Silvia stopped and turned around, breaking out of her thoughts. "...What did you say?" Silvia asked, but the Pidgeotto suddenly started to preen her messed up feathers, and seemed to not have heard her.

"......." Silvia watched in fascination as Arylett lined up her ruffled feathers with her beak. Silvia can never figure out how birds did that, lining up their feathers by smoothing them with their beak. Yet Arylett seemed to have no idea what she was doing.

"It's called preening," Silvia explained, "Birds do that to line up the barbs, which are tiny hooks that keep the feather together, so the feather will be smoother and better for flight." And, as usual, Silvia decided to stop herself before she can go on a long rant about birds and feathers. She went straight to the point. "It's probably an instinct, since preening can remove parasites, keep the feathers in good aerodynamic condition, and waterproof them. Birds have this gland..." Crap, she's ranting again. She better finish this sentence then shut up. "...called the uropygial, or preen gland, that produces natural oils used for preening." And, yes, she should really shut up now, Silvia decided.
Mysti took a drink from the lake.It was cool and refreshing.She would have to get used to this somehow,walking on all fours.And what attacks could she use?
"Okay, you're thinking about what attacks you're able to use, right? But, if you want me stop reading your mind, I will. Promise."Kelli said, talking to the Vulpix, who she's probably gonig to choose to stick around with until she finds her siters, and then she'll still probably stay. Kelli had stopped the chase on the Linoone and Pidgeotto seeing as it was pointless to follow a fast-moving group of 2. "So, what do ya want to do now?"
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