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Zari Island RP

The flying part was still a little... iffy. She liked it, but she was still very much afraid of heights. Arylett's mixed feelings about flying, they made her quite uneasy about the whole thing.

"Umm, so which one do I have? Is there a way to check?" That she could understand, or at least easier than the wing physics. She was just glad Silvia hadn't gone into a rant about that again... Most likely, she would've got into that spacey land again... the land where everything made sense when things in the outside world didn't.

"Just put it down... anywhere..."
"Ummm... I guess we'll only know your ability if we got into a battle or something. Unless you want me to use Sand Attack on you... It's not like I know how to use attacks anyway." Silvia sighed to herself. Being a Pokemon sure is hard -- especially when you don't know how to use attacks.

Silvia fiddled with the rope some more. "But I can't just place it around anywhere! We might need it or something! And I might pick it up again!"
"Well, what's so hard about... that? All you have to do is... kick some sand in my eyes. Couldn't you do that if you were... still a person? And if this Keen Eye thing kicks in... I'll still be able to... see, I think?" Although the idea of sand being kicked in her eyes, well, it wasn't something she liked that much.

"Maybe you should... just hold it then..."
The figure stepped out of the shadows. It was actually a Gastly!
"Welcome," said the Gastly. "My name is Spoo. I've been in this castle for so long. I don't know how I've even gotten in here. Do you want to come with me and play?"
Frightened, Tastebuds and Nub-Nub didn't want to displease the Spoo, so they both nodded in agreement.
"Good..." said Spoo. "I think you will find this tour quite pleasing..." On that note, Spoo started hovering down a hallway.
"W-what should we d-do?" whispered Nub-Nub to Tastebuds. "I-I'm s-scared!"
"We should just follow him, I think," Tastebuds quietly whispered back. "We don't want to make him angry or anything like that." They both carefully and cautiously followed Spoo down the empty hallway, not know where they were headed.
"Hiya, there! Hey, you two wanna join us?" Kelli just jumped in and asked. She wanted to have more Pokemon join her, so she would feel safer without her sisters. "I don't think I'll see them again." She went from happy to down and sad.
"Kelli! Kelli! kell- Oh, it's useless. We'll never find her." Vysi recived a slap to the head. "Ow! What's your problem?!" "Don't say that. Kelli will show up. I'm sure she will. Eventually." The sisters' search led them to a small pond. "Oh, it's so quiet! I love it here! hey, isn't that the raichu we saw before?" Vysi distintcly rembered a Raichu with Beautifly wings. Man, I wish I had those. But this time I'm talking to her. "Hi! The name's Vysi! Who're you?" "Vysi! Shut it! Sorry. I'm Zaria, and this is my little sister, Vysi. The ditz." Vysi just stuck out her tounge and Zaryia. She glared. "Yipes!"

Shiela and Kabuto went back to the lake. "We're back."

Shiela sighed. "I wish we were in Japan."
((I'll take that as a no.))

Kailani hid underground,. listening to the conversation.

Apparently, it was a Linoone and a Pidgeotto talking, and it was something about abilities.

Well, I suppose that if I'm stuck here, i too should see what my ability is...
Bianca ignored Ki and walked into the forest. It was really quiet, and she almost forgot that she used to be a human. There was a soft cracking sound as she tripped over something, and she looked at her feet. An egg, slightly bigger than a softball, was on the ground. There was a large crack in the shell almost halfway around. Bianca looked up at a tree branch. Some kind of bird's nest was a few feet above her head. The Gardevoir picked up the egg, feeling terrible and panicking.
"Oh crap... is whatever's inside dead? I think I killed it!"
She looked around frantically, holding the Pokemon egg tightly.
And I don't know anything about eggs or baby Pokemon. I can't believe I stepped on it..
Jax noticed the gardevoir holding an egg.

"I think we should make a nest for it." Jax said, picking up some leaves.
Bianca pointed at the huge crack in the egg shell, looking miserable.
"I stepped on it. Do you think whatever's inside is dead? I feel like a monster.."
There was a tiny, almost unnoticeable squeak coming from inside the egg.
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Zora, having dropped the ocarina and followed when she saw those others running off, caught up to them.
"Where are you-" she spotted the egg as Darkness and Windfall caught up.
"An egg... with a crack... Are you sure it's not hatching?" she asked cautiously.
As the Lickilicky and Swinub continued down the hallway with Spoo, they were scared, with a chill down both of their spines. But they obediently followed Spoo all the way. After a while of walking, they reached a huge door.
"Well," eerily said Spoo. "Here we are! The best place in this castle!" He used Confusion and slowly opened the door.
"W-what's going to h-happen?" asked Nub-Nub to Tastebuds.
"I don't know, but it doesn't seem all that good..." he replied. The door opened, and inside it was a large, dimly lit yet still very visible room full of Dark, Ghost, and Psychic Pokemon.
"Welcome to the Haunted Castle," Spoo said, as Nub-Nub and Tastebuds' jaws both dropped at awe at the number of Pokemon there.
Can I just forget about my Miltank and pretend it's been with Nub-Nub and Tastebuds? She's kinda stuck because I've been waiting for responses for a while but no one replied.
Jax snatched the egg and put it in a bed of leaves.

Deax woke up and got to the place Jax and the gang was.
"Kicking sand in your eyes...?" Silvia asked, "But wouldn't that hurt? And wouldn't that be more of "kicking-sand-in-eyes" than Sand Attack? And what if you don't have Keen Eyes?"

"But, but, but... We might need this later!" Silvia said, waving the rope around frantically, "And throwing it away would be littering! And, and, and..." Silvia managed to calm herself down. She's getting rather attached to the Escape Rope, and getting rid of it seems like such a waste...

"I'll just tie it around my waist or something." Silvia finally decided, and, with a bit of struggling, managed to secure the rope around herself without strangling anyone.
"Well, it would hurt... but I want to see what... ability I've got. It would be useful... wouldn't it? In case we... get attacked or something? Just kick sand... in my eyes." That was the oddest thing Arylett had ever asked of anyone. Hot damn, she never though she would be begging to have sand kicked in her eyes. And she knew it would hurt, but she could always wipe it off later.

The Pidgeotto watched in mild amusement as the Linoone seemed to have some bizarre attachment to the rope. So bizarre that she wanted to tie it around her waist. Personally, she didn't see what the big fuss was about. It was just a stupid rope... but maybe it was Linoone instincts or something that was making her act that way.
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