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Zari Island RP

As Tastebuds and Nub-Nub slowly approached the tower, they started hearing eerie voices. Turn back... they said. This place is haunted.
Kailani began to walk hesitantly through the woods, not knnowing the significnae of his "vision"

Whatever it means, I get the feeling that it's a key to my past, he thought, the only questions now are the who, the what, the where, the when... and the why.

Basically, Not one question ahs been answered. Terrific

the garchomp then heard voices coming from behind a bush he was nearby, and he quickly burrowed udnerground to keep them from noticing him.
Tsuki yawned loudly, it was pretty loud for everyone to hear.

Miku and Kat heard the yawn. "Was that a yawn?"
Tastebuds and Nub-Nub carefully approached the door. "Well," Tastebuds said. "Let's go in! We're Pokemon now, so we should have some adventures."
"IN THIS SPOOKY CASTLE?!?!?" Nub-Nub replied loudly.
QUIET! the voice suddenly shouted. Nub-Nub hid behind Tastebuds. Tastebuds didn't even move, as if he wasn't scared.
"C'Mon," the Lickilicky said. "What can go wrong?"
"Hmm... Let's see. WE COULD DIE!" the Swinub answered with sarcasm.
"We DO have attacks now," Tastebuds answered. "We can protect ourselves."
Hmm... He does have a point, pondered Nub-Nub. I mean, Ice Beam hasn't failed me yet. "OK, fine. I'll go in." Nub-Nub said, unsureness in his voice.
"ALRIGHT!" Lickilicky replied. "Now we're off on our first actual Pokemon adventure!" That being said, Lickilicky went to the door of the mysterious castle closely. As he was about to open it, the door suddenly opened itself.
"WHA?!?!?" cried Tastebuds and Nub-Nub in disbelief.
Come in, strangers. I have been awaiting you... the voice said again from the castle.
"I'm scared...." Nub-Nub whined.
"You know, I kinda am too..." said Tastebuds. "But I'm still going to go in."
"Fine... I will too..." Nub-Nub said, shrudder in his voice.
Good choice. said the voice.
"YOU CAN HEAR US?" Nub-Nub suddenly shouted.
Yeah. said the voice. Now just go in. Don't be shy. Reluctantly, the 2 friends stepped in carefully. As they went in completely, the door close. Both were really afraid now, even Tastebuds. Suddenly, a purple-ish gas started to form shape from inside the shadows.
Thank you for coming. said the voice. And the sound was coming from the the gas.
(Fast moving? Well actually, they're moving pretty slowly...)

"So basically, it's like combing your hair, if you were a person. Except it's not hair..." Well, she had sort of grasped that one! At least it wasn't about physics, now that would've confused her beyond understanding. Silvia sure did talk about complicated stuff a lot though... it was like she had swallowed a text book or something.

She wondered what other instincts she now had... Wondered in both awe and fear. What if they made her do even more embarassing things than that? She had already felt sort of abashed, doing something clearly unhuman that she had no control over... And what about Silvia, did she have any Linoone instincts? Arylett decided to put this matter to the back of her mind for the time being. She would think about it tommorow. But she really hoped that she wouldn't have to think about it tommorow, that tommorow she would have been human again already.

"I guess since that's... taken care of.... I should try to practice flying?" The Pidgeotto looked at the Linoone and then added the question that had been burning in her mind... "One thing though... do you feel... feel any weird instinct things too?"
"Yes,quite frankly,I would like you to quit reading my mind!" said Mysti."At least out loud.But don't answer any questions before they fully come out of my mouth!Say,I like friends!Can I go with you?"
Sora flew out of the hole. "I'll be back!"
Solar waved to her as she exited.
Sora thought, Now's the time to go back to the others about why I became a Pokemon. There's nothing wrong with being a Raichu, but there wasn't anything wrong with being a human either. She looked back at the boulder that guarded Solar's home. But if I do become human again, I won't be able to see Solar like this anymore.
"Okay, okay! I'll stop reading it out loud!" Kelli said in a playful manner. "And sure, doesn't bother me. I could use some company around here, and you seem perfect for the role. now thatwe have a travel group of, well...us, where do ya' wanna go?" Kelli said, hoping that wherever the Vulpix decides to go, there was a surprise or adventure around the corner. "With all that's happened, I'm pretty sure there will be." She spoke out loud unknowingly.
Miku and Kat kept on running until they both tripped on a rock and fell into a lake. They both got up. "I hate when that happens."
Kelli had noticed Mysti had looked away and was talking to two Espeon. She decided to come over and say hello to them as well. "Hiya, there!" Somehow, she isn't shy to anyone on this island, where normally she would've stuck to her sisters and nobody else. But, she didn't want to start being shy now, so she would just speak to as many people as possible. Plus, she had a good feeling about these two.
"Yup, exactly." Silvia decided that she should really, really, really keep her mouth shut. Or at least think things through and sum them up before she start talking. But the Pidgeotto had summed up her thoughts pretty well. She should learn how to do that... And then Arylett mentioned something about weird instincts...

"Weird instincts?" Now that Arylett said it out loud, Silvia realized that she, too, may have a few weird instincts that comes with being a Linoone. Thinking, Silvia fiddled with a long rope that she was holding.

Wait a second. Since when was she holding a rope? Silvia clearly remembered that she wasn't holding anything when she first arrived here. Maybe she picked it up when she was walking or something... That's it! Pick-up! The ability that Linoones have that allow them to pick up random items! Silvia examined the rope carefully. "I think I may be able to pick up random things. Like a Linoone should, you know. And I think I just found an Escape Rope."
"Oh wow..." Arylett was a bit jealous. Now that, that was really cool. I mean, how wouldn't picking up random items be useful? Well, all right, maybe if one picked up a Toxic Orb or something... That wouldn't be a good idea.

But still, what abilty did Pidgeotto have that were useful...? She... she didn't really know much about them now that she thought about it. And she was one. Why couldn't she hold important information within her mind...? It always slipped, like liquid in cupped hands.

"Do you... do you know what ability Pidgeotto have?"
"Wellllll.... Pidgeottos can fly. Which is totally awesome and it's something that I would love to do, but I can't..." Silvia thought for a while. What abilities do Pidgeottos have again?

"Keen Eyes or Tangled Feet." The Linoone said, suddenly. "Keen Eyes prevents your accuracy from being lowered, and Tangled Feet raises your evasiveness when you're confused. Both are pretty cool, actually." She fiddled with her rope some more. "Now where should I put this... I don't remember where I placed it before... I don't remember picking it up at all."
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