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Zari Island RP

The Pidgeotto had spaced out again. Silvia sighed. "I said that you should angle your wings a bit to create more air resistance when you land, so you wouldn't fall as hard." Silvia thought for a second, and decided to translate what she just said. Arylett doesn't seem to like science very much. "What I mean is that you should try to slow yourself down by angling your wings so you can catch more air."

"....." Silvia realized that she is just making things more complicated. And that she really needs to learn when to shut up. "...Nevermind..."
Arylett felt as if she was sitting in science class again, her blurry headache plagued mind began to drift somewhere else as Silvia spoke.

"Erm... what?"

This was why they didn't let her take Physics.

"I'm sorry... I'm just a little slow." And just as she said that, she felt her stomach rumble. Arylett had just now realized that she was hungry. All the shock of being turned into a Pokémon had made her forget that she hadn't eatten anything in quite a while. Her head began to feel a bit more faint... Maybe that's why she had that headache.
Silvia decided that she should really try to stay away from anything related to science now. She's only confusing Arylett more than before. Then, Arylett's stomach rumbled.

"We should go find something to eat, shouldn't we..." Silvia said, changing the subject. "Did you happen to see any place that look like there might be food around while flying?" Yes. Food seems like a good idea now. She could worry about traveling, using attacks, and homework later.

And just why was she keep on thinking about homework?
"Erm..." Arylett looked nervously at Silvia. She was so busy trying to keep herself afloat that she wasn't really paying attention to anything below. And when she did... well, that's when she crashed. "No... sorry..."

Where could they get food? Weren't there some trees around or something, with fruit? But ick... unwashed fruit from trees, that would be unsanitary. Her stomach continued to growl, as though in protest to her thoughts of it.

"...Do you think maybe there's... some trees or something with fruit around here?"
Mysti walked around.The ground seemed to shrink. Who know walking on all fours was so convenient! she thought. She walked untill she came to a body of water. I didn't know there was a lake! She put her hand in to wash her face,but what she saw wasn't her hand.It was a paw.She looked in the lake and saw a Pokemon,to be excact,a black Vulpix. Vulpixes can be black?she thought. Now is not the time to be wondering about that.I'm a Pokemon now,for Arceus's sake!
"Hmm..." So Arylett didn't see anything. That means they do have to travel randomly after all... Although some fruit does sound nice right now...

"There are probably some food around here. I mean, there are trees, and when there are trees, there's usually some sort of fruit around, and --" Silvia cut herself off before she can launch into another one of her rants. "We should go look for a fresh water source or something. That way, we can get both water and food, since water --" Nope, don't rant, don't rant... "I mean, we can go look for food near the water, and if all else fails, we can try to catch some fish or something."

Then Silvia found a problem with her plan. "So... Do you know if there's any lakes or rivers around here?"
Since Kelli was completly lost, she decided to hunt around for food and people. She eventually found some fruit, and took a break near a beautiful lake. She noticed that there were a lot of Pokemon near this certain lake. What's goin' on around here? Did I miss somethin' that could've helped me? Thanks a lot Vysi and Zaria! Man, I miss them... She saw a black Vulpix who seemed shocked. "Hi, there! Let me see. You're thinking about how you became a Pokemon as well, right?" Kelli was somehow not nervous at all to talk to this Vulpix, when she usally would've shyed away.
"Umm..." Wow, Silvia sure did know a lot. Arylett realized that she wasn't being remotely helpful, just standing around and sputtering and getting confused the moment someone spoke more than three sentences at a time to her. In fact, she felt pretty incompetant... These things hadn't even occured to her. But why did she keep stopping in the middle of her sentences...? It was a bit strange, but the Pidgeotto decided not to pursue it.

"No again... I'm sorry, I wish I could... be more helpful."
"Solar!" Sora called. "Do you know a Hitmonlee?"
He nodded, stopping and pointing east momentarily. Then he continued, with Sora close behind.
"Hm?" Yuki turned her head. A black Vulpix. She started running toward it curiously. Kyo and Shigure followed her, not wanting their younger sister in any danger what so ever. Yuki stopped and Kyo bumped into her, followed by a thump from Shigure. He had knocked Yuki into the Vulpix. "Ahh! Sorry sir... uh ma'am... uh... Ack! I'm just really sorry! My brother's are Idiots an-"

"What?!" The boys yelled.

"... Eh... are you mad?" Yuki asked politely.
((By the way, Flareon-Chan, I posted in the Zari Island Chatroom/etc.

Just so ya know. :D))

"There are a bunch of Hitmonlee around here. How do we know that one's it?"

Shiela and Kabuto followed Solar. "I'm more comfortable with friends," said Kabuto, motioning toward Sora.
"I don't know," Sora replied, "But like Solar, he must be different.
"I'm actually not quite sure that Hitmonlee are that common. There can't be that many."
"Are you sure?"

Nonetheless, Shiela and Kabuto headed east. They heard noises like something hitting a stump not too far away. When they neared, they could see it through the trees. A Hitmonlee with orange legs.

"Is that you, Seki?" asked Shiela.

The Hitmonlee stopped kicking the tree and turned its gaze toward the Bastiodon.
Shiela ran up to him and looked up.

Oh, great, Seki thought. Guess I should just do what I should.

Kabuto caught up, but bashed into a tree and felled it while landing on his back.

"That one's Kabuto."

Seki seemed to react to the name, but not much.

"Glad to see you, Seki."

He turned around when a rustle came in the bushes.

"Let us go."

He suddenly ran in a random direction.

"Seki! Wait!"

The Hitmonlee slowed down. "It is an enemy," he said. "And we are not its allies."
Zora glanced up stupfiedly.
"What...?" she asked dully.
"Well Jax, I think we should just stay here until we find out what this place is." Windfall suggested.
"Seriously guys. Does ANYONE know what's on my back?" Darkness asked, still trying to reach back where the wings were and failing.
"Alright then. Let's move along." Tastebuds walked away with Nub-Nub, and ventured on forth.
"Hi.I'm Mysti!" she said,liking talking to other Pokemon."I'm a human!Or,at least,I was..."
Tastebuds and Nub-Nub finally stopped when they were extremely tired. They stopped next to a few bushes, which had some berries on them.
"Hey, can't we eat these?" Nub-Nub said. "We're Pokemon now and forever, so we might as well get used to eating Pokemon food."
"Good point. But they better taste good..." exclaimed Tastebuds.
The two sat next to each other, Tastebuds using his long tongue and reaching around, grabbing the berries, as Nub-Nub jumped up to knock the berries down and eating what was on the ground.
"Hey, these aren't half bad!" said Tastebuds.
"No, they taste kinda like apples actually!" replied Nub-Nub.
After eating happily for a while, they rested. Suddenly, the two both saw a figure coming out of the shadows. It seemed to be shaped like a dog-like figure with a huge mohawk-ish thing coming out of its head.
"Wh... What is that?" whispered Tastebuds.
"I don't know..." worriedly replied Nub-Nub.
All of a sudden, the figure stepped out. It was a Manectric, and it suddenly used Thunderbolt on both the Swinub and the Lickilicky.
"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" they both screamed, so loudly that people miles away could hear.
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