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Zari Island RP

"Uhhh....." Silvia still didn't think kicking sand into the Pidgeotto's eyes is a good idea. And she's never seen anyone begging to get sand kicked in their eyes. It's a strange world, the one they're stuck in...

"If you said so, then..." Silvia looked at the ground. It was covered with grass, which posed a problem. But that's where her Linoone claws finally came in handy. She easily cleaned out a small area so there's no more grass in it, then stared at the dirt. "Well.... Here I go, I guess...?" Silvia used her claws and scooped up some dirt, and kicked it in Arylett's direction.
Her wings seemed to have a mind of their own.

They unfurled themselves and Arylett watched helplessly on as they flapped frantically, whipping up a Gust of wind which seemed to blow away all of the dirt far from her face.

She snapped to, looking on in confusion.

"What... what was that...?"
Shiela watched Arylett blow away the dirt. "Probably your Keen Eye," she said. "You're accuracy wasn't downed."
Arylett heard a voice...

She turned to look at them. Two Pokémon. A Rampardos. And a... a Raichu with butterfly wings?

Oh hell no.

First she's a Pidgeotto... and now THIS? The Pidgeotto stared at the Raichu in bafflement, too dumbfounded to take in anything which say or the Rampardos had said.

Where was she?
Sora noticed that the Pidgeotto seemed panicked. "Calm down. At least you aren't being hunted down by giant Purugly while carrying a Munchlax on your back. I'm sure you'll be fine. After all, I managed to exist ten minutes here."
Silvia watched in amazement as a Raichu with butterfly wings and Rampardos appeared behind them. It's not their appearance, but... Raichus aren't supposed to have wings.

"Who... What..." Silvia stared, open mouthed. She gulped then clamped her mouth shut, realizing how stupid she looked.
"My... sentiments exactly..." She couldn't help it, she gazed, her beak wide open. "Maybe... we ARE dreaming..."

Or perhaps it was insanity. That seemed to be a reasonable explanation. Maybe she had gone insane. I mean, all of this, it just... it was too crazy to be happening!

...And yet there she stood, clearly sane (well somewhat, aside from the fact that she thought she was the Queen of Arylettopia), as a Pidgeotto looking at a winged Raichu.

If this was reality, she didn't want to know what dreams were.
"....." Silvia remained speechless. If turning into a Pokemon all of a sudden isn't enough, a Raichu with wings appeared. A Raichu with wings.

"Maybe I'm seeing things. Like, if I hit myself really hard right now, I'll all wake up and find myself a human again. Or at least the Raichu would disappear."
"This is real," said Shiela. "Don't risk killing yourself. It sounds crazy, but it is perfectly real. We're in the same situation as you. Turning up as Pokémon in the middle of nowhere."
"Trust me, I have no idea how I got these wings," Sora said, flapping her blue Beautifly appendages. "I can barely remember anything. It might have had to do with..." As she struggled, she shook her head. "Things had always been confusing for me the few months before I became this.
"But honestly, I sort of like it this way. After all..." she looked over her shoulder, back to where Solar was, her eyes filled with both happiness and sorrow.
"But it's a... Ra-raichu... with wi-wings... Crap, my mind can't... take all this weirdness." She looked to Silvia, very startled at all of these bizarre events. Her heart was pounding like mad again. It was just too much to take in! Her slow and lagging mind could not process all of this, it was just too odd.
"Listen, I think it's weird too. But I can't solve it. I might as well enjoy my life while I have it, and I recommend that you do the same." She had looked back at the Pidgeotto now. "Who are you anyway? My name is Sora, after the blue sky that will always be above our heads, no matter how far we go. They say that Palkia lives beyond the sky."
".... I think my brain exploded. Please wait a few seconds as I try to reboot." Silvia muttered, still trying to get over the shock. She stared into space for a few seconds, trying to process all these information. Fact one, she's a Linoone. Fact two, she's in some random place in the middle of nowhere. Fact three, she's currently looking at a curly Pidgeotto who's afraid of heights, a Rampardos, and a Raichu with wings.

"I think my first theory still stands. This is all a dream, and my subconscious mind is feeling very weird today. I think it's the pizza I ate..." Although Arylett did disprove the theory a while ago by making her hit herself on the head. And the Raichu, who's name seems to be Sora, said it's real, too.

"I have no idea what in the world is going on anymore... And, uh, I'm Silvia. And I'm a Linoone, as you can see." Crap, why's she stating the obvious? "And, uh, nice to meet you, I guess..."
"I'm... Arylett..." She seemed to be calming down a little as things began to seem a bit more... real. Her slow voice enunciating the words clearly.

But she didn't think she could enjoy this... so easily. Her head was still reeling, still spinning from all of this. What made the Raichu so accepting? And what made her not? What was the difference between the two of them? Arylett... perhaps Arylett was too complicated to think of something so simple as "enjoy life." It was just too simple, too easy a solution. Sure, it was easy to say, but doing it was another matter entirely... and that she knew from experience.
"Hi, Arylett!" Sora grinned, waving as if she had known her all the while.

Meanwhile, Solar was leaping out of his hole in the ground. I have to find the ruins of the village. I need to ask Weavile something. She did still live in the ruins... right?
Seki ran through the forest, meeting up with Solar.

"What are you doing right now?" He had no idea why he said that.

"I'm Shiela," said the Bastiodon. "And that one's Kabuto." She noticed he wasn't there. "Where are you?"

Kabuto was nearby, jumping for a Nanab berry on a tree. He barely couldn't reach it.
It alarmed her slightly- oh hell, it alarmed her plenty that Sora was not at all disturbed by the fact that she had been turned into a Raichu. With wings. If it was Arylett... she shuddered, no, let's not think about that.

Some people could take things better than others, she supposed. And she... well, what with her slow moving brain and her overall slow and careful manner... she couldn't take things moving so fast! Now all of a sudden, she was thrust so quickly into this world, wherever this world was. And was a Pidgeotto. With glasses. Oh, how weird that must've looked.

"Errrrmmm..." Her mind was still trying to formulate a response to this odd happiness. "...It's good to meet... you?"
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