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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Err, I totally did, only I didn't get a notification, so I didn't notice it. ^^; Sorry! Answering it now...
    *sighs* Yes.

    Aga gods that control thee
    Bestow luck upon me
    Tremendous is the amount I seek
    Once it can be used per week

    Dang, whoever came up with that spell has some cheesy imagination.
    What distinguishing features does she have? We can ask the owner if she's been around.

    (Curse them.)
    She'd probably get side-tracked. Besides, I felt of no strong force eminating from the bog. Something tells me she either got it or... never mind. *goes into shop*

    (Yes. Sleeping and having an education is now unacceptable. Thank you! ^^)
    (*huffs and puffs* Who knew being Co-leader while your character is unconscious could be so tiring? But it is quite fun!)
    You certainly do, pen-and-sword person. *mutters Luckaga spell, grabs arm, and runs off quickly into the mysteries ahead*

    (Yes, I knew killing him was quite far off, but, good, he can talk partially. We can get some information out, hopefully. And if Trevor isn't too scarred, he can help us fix the transmitter. Fun, this RP is.)
    *thinks* Thursday, I suppose? I could use Ya-Luckaga, though it's usable every day. It allows us to get through situations such as this fairly quickly without any obstacles. There are only negative Luckaga other than this spell on Thurdays.

    (In Sanctic, can that nearly dead guy speak? I want to know. You know, just wondering if my character could kill him. Nah, (well, maybe) but if he can, it would be nice to have some information and have a smart Pokemon fix that transmitter so we know what's going on. Just a thought)
    Yeah, that one! I can never remember it's name. I played it so much it died on me, and I think a scratch on it helped kill it. I never did like him, even when he was nice to them. And I always forgot to buy potions when I got to new places :c

    I just said it was that Final Fantasy game and she just walked away shaking her head. XD

    I might try looking again soon when I get some money. I'm broke right now :c
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