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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Did the RSP site die yet, or is it still up and going? I'd love to join it again if it's still alive.
    I'm trying to talk my friend into letting me borrow the very fist Final Fantasy for Gameboy. I told her that when I've beaten Black we can trade for it. From what I've heard it's a highly addictive and good series.
    Hmmm... I'm afraid I have no idea what your avatar is from. Can I guess? ... Is it... Final Fantasy? Or something like that?
    I... tend to stereotype Pokemon into male - I always encounter male Pokemon. All my teams have such a gender majority it's ridiculous. Pfft, I saw - and I feel kind of bad for random due who kicked Korris, brought her in and didn't move her away because damn it, if he was going to mess it up, he would mess it up all the way.

    XDD I was ninja'd three times trying to ninja you, so!
    Somewhat, yes.

    I hope to make at least one of those for everyone I know, if I get around to it.
    XDD If I come up with anything, I'll tell you~


    I'm hyper in the mornings. x3 Don't worry, Korris decided to come in and be all "this plan is stupid half of us can't run and we don't know anything gais" and she'll start singling out the weak people other than herself soon as well~
    Awesome! Yeah, I know that I completely fail at building stuff by myself, so I'm happy to help you~

    Yes! It's so hard to find people who are willing to help in breaking them, though. It's why I'm lucky with tCoD and the RP partner I have - you guys are all willing to bring torment for the good of plot and character development! And yeah, I need to stare differentiate between my angry characters... XD She's got hints of Bas and a lot of Skaldia and I need to make her different...
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