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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Oh. Same with me, too. :/ I know my friend (the same one) has two DSes, but if I end up borrowing his DS to transfer it I might as well just transfer my own leftovers over, since I do have one on there.

    Thank you, though!
    Hey, Arylett(face xD), do you happen to have a spare Leftovers (from the game) that I could temporarily use? I'm going to have a battle on White on Monday(it's with one of my real life friends, and we've been preparing for a while), and since it's going to be semi-competitive I'd like to have a leftovers to put on my munna.

    You could borrow pretty much anything of mine, maybe even take one of my TinyMushrooms and sell it, but I don't have much. I don't know, maybe if you'll not sure I'll bring it back you could take my ditto or something.

    The battle's on Monday, so I'd probably need it by at least Sunday, but if we could get it done now that would be cool.

    Thanks in advance! If you don't want to, that's fine.
    I haven't been able to play it in a while... I killed the disc and it won't play past the... giant dragon thing(I can never remember it's name!) and that saddened me :( But I really liked her Overdrive too, it proved helpful in some sitiuations against Seymor (I think it was...).

    Oh, I know! I was guessing something was going to happen when that scene came up and I was a little surprised they did kiss though! And my mom didn't know I was playing it and she was all like, "What in the world is that?!"

    I never had the chance to play it since he sold it to the local E-Bay store for about $5 -_- I can't find it anywhere now, so I don't really know what happens in it.
    "I'm not really good with describing people, so I tend to use overused clichéd words since how I feel about people tends to be more just feelings in my head that cannot find adequate words." <- I meant that~!

    Yeah >:c

    If I try to battle anyone, maybe the only way would be to use an emulator >:

    But that's exactly how I feel all the time! Hmm.

    ...Meh, not so well. We have to plug into the router and it's been really unstable lately.

    Right when I get my team around level 48! :c (maybe I'll have to use an online emulator :/)
    I read your description of me :3

    Hm, thank you (though I feel a lot of my words are cliche-sounding.)
    That does fit too, all their machina that Wakka despises! I did find the Al Bhed potions very useful too :D I have to admit they were. I did, although I never played X-2, my brother-in-law said it was horrible.
    Isn't Fortuna Major where all of those fortune-telling psychotic immigrants emigrate from? Ah, well.
    D: That's unfortunate. I was hoping that I could get back into it. Now that I think of it, Kindling Queen hasn't been very active here, either. She made some pretty awesome roleplays.
    I love it when she starts moving her hands :3 Reminds me of some sort of animal xD She is, too. Her and Tidus were so adorable :D
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