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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Really? xD Well, at least you got a cool meal for something you had no idea about!
    I am sad. I have been practicing for years in this art style and can barely get basic anatomy right, so it is kind of depressing to see someone with skills I shall never be able to match.
    No relation to Sirius Black! He's a nifty character, though.

    ^^ Also, a Happy Easter to you.
    Thanks! I forgot too, until a few weeks ago when my friends were like 'Easter's this weekend!'. Then I freaked out until I looked it up and found out it was today! So I knew for about a week.
    And he always decided to aim for Yuna. I thought you were going to marry her but noooo you want to kill her and resurrect her like you were. I don't remember what I did but I saw that he always went for Yuna. Huh. That was supposed to be door (curse you typos.).

    Maybe they used some sort of magic that makes them breathe underwater when they unconscious?
    I do. When I'm absorbed in something, I tend to go into some kind of trance. I sort of forget about the outside world.
    It has an advantage though: I tend to be able to do whatever I'm doing much faster in that state.
    I haven't played in a while ;A; It's like, this man is the world's strongest zombie stalker man ever and he doesn't know /how/ to give up. The one where they were on Kimari's mountain home place was the one that gave me the most trouble for some reason. Well, they were fighting them off pretty well, so that ruined their jobs. I liked Home, except for the fact I kept walking in the wrong foor }:(

    That seems pretty hard. Cuz, Tidus did get knocked out in water sometime in the beginning, a few times I think too.
    I seem to be the official tutor, yes. l3 I don't even understand I hate maths like you could not believe but plop me in a dungeon and it's all *CALCULATOR MODE*.
    But yes I do believe I can help... I hope I can help anyway, I'm traditionally ranty and confusing so you may have to smack me a few times and be all WHOA PUT THE BRAKES ON GEEZ.
    ...Zora always talks about talking to you on MSN, at least I think it's MSN. If it is I should add you there and just have a classroom session on one window or something.
    Yeah D: I wonder what she was thinking when he whispered in her ear. Scary. And he wouldn't just die. He was persistant that was for sure. How did they think that Aeon was amazing when it was killing everything? (His hair was always odd.) Just stay in the place with machina and you could get tons.

    I always wondered that... And how they played Blitzball too I never won at the game Dx
    She told me that you had gone searching for the Ul-Luckaga spells or some secret or whatever. Bad memory. So how'd this all begin?
    I loved it so much :3 He always gave off -NEGITIVE VIBES- when I saw him, especially in his house/mansion/castle thing. Ah, I always forgot to steal :c But one time I wound up with over 100 of them at once!

    Yeah, xD I still wonder to this day what she was thinking when she saw that. And a question...how did they breathe underwater?

    It sucks =C
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