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  • Yeah, his stoner expression is priceless. Particularly when it's totally inappropriate. Like here.
    I am back for the summer (hopefully longer) so is it possible for me to go back to reffing Steele vs. Superbird? (also, I can ref Byrus vs. ultraviolet too, so I can do tha unless you have someone else reffing it.)
    Bah, you make Kelbris sad!

    Well, let's see. How do I explain this? Kelbris is a character from an ARG I (try to) play. It's generally been agreed that he is High-Octane Nightmare Fuel (especially since he goes around knocking on people's doors and "ascending" them).

    As a result of fandom, this was made. And then a genius added shades and BANG.

    Edit: omigod is that Prototype's Alex in your profile pic?
    Sure. I'll be getting back to reffing around june 1st or 2nd, because I will have finished all of my homework and just have finals left at school. So, go ahead.
    100 VISITOR MESSAGES congratulations for reaching this incredible milestone

    Hey uh, just a warning for the next time you get on, but that new forum has pretty much become furry haven, so I'd avoid it if I were you.
    i totally don't know who faust is, no way! i mean, even if you sent me a PM and begged to know, i couldn't tell you.

    that is an awesome signature btw
    Thanks! They're these things. Naruto apparently means 'spiral' in Japanese, so it's used in reference to those, the anime character (who I think has a spirally motif) and also some whirlpools they have over there.

    Okay, fine, if you insist.
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