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  • Happy birthday ^^

    Yeah... I happened to read the "today's birthdays" box and didn't have anything to do, so as I saw your name in there I thought I'd leave you a message -^^- And a cookie! *throws it to you*
    Being nineteen... doesn't feel too different to being eighteen, to be honest. I was kinda hoping it'd come with motivation (given I have this weird annotated bibliography-thing due on Tuesday that I've bareley started), but no such luck. Ah well; I had the most awesome day :D

    Another present? I am so spoiled~ I actually feel very bad, because I've been terrible with keeping up with people's birthdays recently, which I blame on a combination of not going on the foums as often (and missing the birthday notices) and having very little inspiration to draw. Le sigh.
    But any Glinda-related picture is a very, very awesome one :D

    Thank you; I had an awesome halloween, too~ (October is clearly the best month X3) Did you do much for Halloween?
    Hehe, thank you so, so much for the birthday Umbreon! I absolutely love her~ (or him, or whatever - whoever they are, they're adorable!)

    And damn you're good at MS Paint :D
    Ah, j'étudie le francais a l'ecole aussi. J'ai l'étudié pour trois ans.
    Je voudrais parler francais avec toi. Nous peuvons appdrendre ensemble.
    Yay, I have someone to speak French with. :]
    Hi Flazeah! ^^ I just wanted to say good luck in school... y'know, with the shyness thing. I wish I had some advice, but. Yeah. :/ Also, I would totally love to come to England and go to school there. Even though it means falling back a year or so and learning to spell stuff wrong. :D?
    Year 12 is the most difficult year, especially with coursework. Year 13 has more exams and things, but there's less pressure and less rushing to get things done, I think.

    I used to adore having free lessons; my friends and I would find an empty seminar room and hang out there; playing card games, playing Pictionary and hangman on the whiteboard (if we could scrounge a marker off someone) and sometimes even doing work.

    Woah, that's pretty amazing. Well done especially in French and German~ And a B in maths, too. I got a B in maths and it was the grade I was most proud of because I worked so damn hard to get it :3

    Tamao, yeah, that's her. She was adorable, but one of those characters I know would be absolutely butchered if they made a dub of it. I haven't watched anime in absolutely ages, though; I've been reading a ton of manga, but haven't seen a new anime in months.

    Uni is great fun so far. I moved in yesterday and I'm still getting used to the idea that I actually live here. The people on my corridor are really nice and friendly and we all went into Canterbury for lunch this afternoon (one of the girls, Fizza, is fasting for Ramadan, though, so she just sat and watched which made me feel incredibly guilty) and the campus is lovely and it's just all really great~ And lectures and things don't start till next week, which is cool.
    Year 12 is an awesome year. I loved sixth form so much~ The work's hard, especially when all your subjects decide to give you coursework at the same damn time, but the people are all really cool :3

    And only taking lessons you want is beyond awesome. Of course, i'm a moron and took two subjects I absolutely hated (bio and chem), but you're smarter than me and probably didn't. And free periods are love.

    How'd you get on in your GCSEs? (if you don't mind me asking)

    Strawberry Panic maaaan I remember that~ I never saw the end, but it was the most adorable anime ever. I can't remember anyone's names, but there was this one girl with, I think, blue hair? Yeah, I liked her.
    Aww, thank you! <3
    Good luck with... whatever year you're going into (I can never remember how old anyone is D:); how's it going so far?

    Also: the girl in your profile picture is so cute.
    Don’t worry, I always take ages to reply to PMs and stuff so I can’t complain. x3

    Heh, I suppose the whole two languages in one place thing is kind of cool – I’ve never really thought of it like that before. Huh. :D
    We were meant to learn it back in primary school, but it just bothered me. I didn’t get why two d’s together made a “th” sound and why didn’t these people just put “th”. o.O But yeah. Never been very good at languages ^^;

    XD The perks of becoming a teacher – the satisfaction of passing on knowledge, lengthly holidays and staffroom goodies~ Yum.

    Ha, there was a kid asking a million questions like that the other day at the cinema. It was quite entertaining but sort of distracting. x3; I felt sorry for his Dad who was trying to answer the questions and get him to shh.
    "Why do you think I keep asking you questions?" XD

    Hey, that was a pretty neat way of coming out. A lot easier than planning it and trying to figure out what to say in advance and stuff, I guess. Woo~ :D

    Huzzah yes I dragged myself out of Lurkyland to join. Even though there’s not a lot going on there at the moment. But it is fun to watch the support and stuff unfold, you’re right.
    Hey this is kind of related; I was in London at the weekend and saw one of those “Some people are GAY. Get over it.” posters which I thought was pretty cool. X3 </random>

    They call teachers by their first names? That’s really… cool. xD I wish we’d done that; I wouldn’t have had to worry about calling people Mrs accidently in case they got all I AM NOT MARRIED D< which they probably wouldn’t have but still.
    Would have been slightly odd them calling you Hannah if that wasn’t your actual name. xD

    Ooh, Greece. Bet it was boiling hot. :D And ahh we’ve only got a couple of weeks left of the holidays D: It’s gone really fast considering I haven’t done anything (except going to London~ I have to stop going on about it but I saw Wicked and stuff and it was all amazing~)
    Ah, you’ll get into sixth form, no problem.
    Ooh, it sounds lovely~ The people sound so nice! The restaurant staff greets you all nicely? Pigeons and dogs in a square! And Flying Dolphins sound awesome. You got to go to a temple! I wish I could go there~ (And don't worry about it, details are fun, fun.)

    I just went to visit my sister in Missouri. And um, it was cool. I got to fly on a plane~ And go to a mall. And see the Arch, which is like a landmark. It's basically like a giant arch. We took pictures and stuff. And we touched it, because you can't go to a landmark without touching it. Then we went to a barbecue. And we played Monopoly. Then I got to see my sister's fluffy little dog, he's so cute, Merlin.

    Compared to what you did this holiday, though, it doesn't sound very impressive. XD
    Oooh, Flazeah, you had a holiday in Greece? ;;Has read the absence thread;; What was it like? Was it awesome? I'm pretty sure it does, that sounds like pure awesomenocity. :D
    Yup, I'm Welsh. Fun, fun. I can barely understand a word of it, though, which made working in the school (yeah, it is this week :P) a little muddling. All the five year olds were babbling at me in Welsh ;_;
    "Miss, (Poy oyt ty?, Miss?) brekdanai osquelokantha!"
    "...um... I... have no idea what you're saying ^^;"
    I expect I ferociously butchered the spellings there but that's how they pronounce it. Er. D:
    Hey, I never thought of that. XD When you can no longer understand the signposts, you're in Wales - they should make that a basic map skills rule or something.

    Aah, I went to the staffroom today for some water and they were handing out chocolate eclairs 8D There was a good minute of munching and 'mmmmm's"; they were yummy. x3 But aside from that I don't know what goodies they have in there, I've been dragged out onto the yard every break by the kids. And going home for lunch, seeing as it's just round the corner. (Mmm, home-made Victoria sponge... I agree, haarg 8P)
    I haven't heard any schooly gossip for those reasons either, but I wouldn't be able to say anything about them anyway because I had to sign a confidentiality form saying i wouldn't pass on info overheard in teacher's conversations. O_o

    Oh, yes, it was you! I believe you said you were in the car at the time, but I'm not sure. Whichever, that's awesome~
    Eee, but whenever anything happens at that club there's an explosion of posts and it's scary :P Aaand it's not like I fit into the title anyways (or any other ones, for that matter); maybe I'll join as a supporter and lurk with a lessened feeling of guilt. Most of the posts in there make me want to go "Yay (whoever)", so maybe I'll just pop in and say that. x3;

    Ah, I got them to call me by my actual name for a couple of days, but now they've resorted to "Miss, Miss, Miiiiiiiss!" ... Did you find this vaguely irritating, or is it just me?
    Also it's unnerving to have someone ask me if they can go to the bathroom. o.O
    Uhuh. So how's your extended holiday going?
    Heh; nearly everyone in Wales speaks English, I think it's pretty much a minority in the North that speaks Welsh. Though they insist on putting Welsh translations on everything in some bid to save heritage or something. :P I'd imagine it only confuses people visiting.

    They did have biscuits in the staffroom. xD Chocolate ones. It was kind of cool, actually. There wasn't a lot of work to do, so that meant there was quite a bit of standing around chatting to staff or reading; it was fun.

    All my school years seem to be shooting by, maybe I should try learning something about myself to slow things down. xP Psst, was it you who came out to your mum a while back...? I remember reading that in the old LGBT Club, and I wanted to congratulate you but, uh, didn't because the club is huge and scary xD; Though possibly it wasn't you; apologies if it wasn't.
    *Amused by "the inner secrets of school"* XD

    I dunno what classes I'll be in yet, the school hasn't told me. Hopefully it'll be something older than Year One - a couple of friends have been working in a school this week and are going nuts with the constant "Miss, Miss, Miiiiiiiiiiss!" x3
    Well, germans here where I live say that "Ja Ja" is like "Yeah yeah I get it" in english, but than again it could be just yes yes.
    Well, uh, Flazeahland sounds cooler than just "England", haha. :P Also hey wow I never knew you were British too (well, I may have at some point, but I forget these things x3; ) - I'm in Wales so now it's 23:58. But obviously you know that. (Now I think of it, I should probably go to bed o.o but eh it's Friday lie in tomorrow~)

    Oh, cool! Well, I'd imagine that the exams aren't majorly fun, but extra time off is always good. And I guess you can still go visit people, so.
    I have the next two weeks off school (so that's great~) but it's for doing work experience, which is... uh, different, I suppose. Should be interesting, whatever (well, as interesting as a library and primary school can be). Did you do WE last year?
    Aah, it's good to be back/see that you're back/have everyone back. :D

    How've you been?
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