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I liek Squirtles

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  • ... How would you want me to do it, what does it look like, and not to be offensive, why? I don't really have a shop or anything so I'm a little confused why you chose me, but anyway I'd probably try that if for whatever reason you chose me was that you thought I'd do good at it.

    Could you explain more?
    One comment for that whole PDI thing

    AVECUAL used Rage!

    oh and can you make that "sexy mama" say "hot person"

    I sound idiotic saying Sexy Mama
    No, it's fine. But expect only, like, one reffing/weekend or something unless I have more time.
    ...You know, I actually have that reffing half-done, it'll be up later tonight. In the future, could you not nag? Double battles take a long time to ref, much longer than single battles, and I actually don't have as much time as you may think.
    Since the old reffing scenario becomes invalid once Negrek grades those who've attempted it, not really, no.

    Besides, even if that wasn't the case, Negrek wouldn't allow it. After all, you can't do that with every reffing you do.
    You can buy the eggs in inventory, read through the post, it lists prices based on the rarity of what's inside. [They're a bit cheaper, but take time to hatch]
    Oh! You live in Puerto Rico? I'm actually fully Puerto Rican myself, haha. The thought of meeting another Puerto Rican on this forum never occured to me. Anyway, I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself?

    My name's Ashley, though I prefer to be called Ashton. Both my parents were born in Puerto Rico, but I was born and still live in Florida. I teach myself a few things about law, since I would enjoy being a prosecutor when I grow up. I know how to play soccer and am learning to play basketball, and I normally read, write, draw, study, or play video games (preferably Pokemon, Ace Attorney, and soon-to-be Ghost Trick) in my spare time. Oh, and to answer your question, I'm twelve years old, turning theirteen this year. It's a pleasure to meet you!
    Because if I tell you then the people who might hypothetically refuse to let me have a zoo might find out.
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