but but but there's a whole section devoted to it in the rules! A bunch of things are inherently hovering, including: magnemite, magneton, gastly, haunter, koffing, weezing, porygon, porygon2, misdreavus, unown (all varieties), shedinja, solrock, lunatone, baltoy, claydol, castform, shuppet, banette, duskull, chimecho, glalie, beldum, metang, drifloon, drifblim, mismagius, chingling, bronzor (if using the levitate ability), bronzong (if using the levitate ability), carnivine, magnezone, porygon-Z, froslass, rotom, yamask, vanillite, vanillish, vanilluxe, escavalier, klink, klang, klinklang, tynamo, eelektrik, eleektross, accelgor, and cryogonal.
I don't really understand Escavalier, though.