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  • Now you know How I feel.


    Guy with a sword.


    It is true. You are quite the ten year old.



    OHGOD. I suck under pressure. (I saw your conversation while I was browsing randomly.)
    ...my dad died :c



    I don't know where are phone book is aaaaah I'm not good with these things D:


    :( ):|==(-.-)===>


    I've seen a few of your posts and it seems you have quite the set of skills. A friend of mine knew html when he was about your age and right now he's the top computing student in our year. And your also good at other things so Yay!

    The randomness of using a brick. I mean, why not the leg of a mannequin or the spine of a long-extinct reptile?

    Good morning, Did you miss me? :P
    My mom's at work and I don't know the work number D: He's just sitting there...D: I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOO
    Haha, I'm liking it as well! I wish my first flavour text would have been more exciting; many were failed attacks and one actual damaging attack. Boring, but it's the game.
    Oh my gooood :c my cat broke his leg and the bones sticking out and it's nasty and I don't know what to doooo :c
    No. It was my interpretation that caused this mess.

    Anyways, how are you liking ASB??
    Sorry... It just felt like you were hinting that I was a little... stupid.
    You understood it? What I said?

    Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. I hoped that the letter would at least resonate with your situation a little even though I didn't know the full brunt of it, and that maybe, it'd make you feel a little better. I know it made me feel really good to just... write it.
    She's fine now. (I have yet to talk to her today... I hope she's okay.)

    Ok then.

    Yeah. I'm really busy, what with finals coming up and everything. a bunch of projects are due and stuff.
    Take your time, it is a lot to think about.

    I wrote that a few months ago, but I mean... it's still how I feel now, you know? Sometimes, I get tired of people telling you to hope that it'll be better. It's such... passive advice, isn't it? You can't just wait things out sometimes, and I know because I've been waiting... for a really long time for everything to be okay. I get tired of hoping that it'll be better in the future. That's why, for me, it felt better to render life as a villain, that I must fight. It's a more active, a more aggressive approach. Instead of being a passive participant in your life, you are ACTIVE and FIGHTING it. You're fighting the villain that it is, the horridness that it's given you. And you're strong for fighting the horridness.

    And to feel strong like that, I find it empowering. It's a constant struggle, but you have to win it! And even struggling in the first place, that is strength too. By turning negativity into positivity... that's how I can begin to feel better. By turning life into a villain, even though I acknowledge there are good things about it... that's how I decide not to go through with it, not to kill myself. You have a place to channel your negative emotions, towards fighting for your happiness, and your own life, for control of it.

    I hope that made sense... and that I haven't overloaded you too much.
    I talked to Silver. I was just busy.

    I saw. Thank you for the compliment, you're in the next round of people I want to opinionize.

    I'm sorry, I've just been extremely busy with homework. Come june, I should be done with everything. I jusst haven't had much time to talk at all.
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