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  • I found it! It looks like a lot of fun, but I really should do some homework while I have the chance... Hope your clash doesn't totally ruin your day, 'cause that would suck.
    Also, school on a computer sounds both amazing and horrifying.
    Like I said, we'll see. I might not even take a battle tonight.

    But seriously, don't you think it's more fair for the people who asked first to get their battles taken first?
    I think I know where it is... but a link couldn't hurt! xD Also, I understand your pain. I'm actually at home sick from school today cause my throat is burning :(
    o_O That's a lot of money. You can tell they put heaps of effort into it, though - like, they individually animated each strand of her 25 feet of hair or whatever the statistic is. And Gothel... well, kind of. ;p I'll keep a lid on the spoilers.
    Heh, I'm not remotely girly either - just a massive Disney nerd. Plus Rapunzel spends the majority of the movie wielding a frying pan as a weapon so she's kind of a badass. Pascal is the chameleon on her head, and he's awesome.
    Sorry, I'm already full on battles. I need to finish up the one I was reffing before ASB went down, and I just picked up an emergency ref that's going to burn though my time like no tomorrow.

    Protip: Never ask a referee to ref a battle. It's very impolite, since 1. it makes the referees feel bad if they refuse, 2. it overwhelms the referee if they're busy, and 3. it's annoying to be getting nagging messages. It also makes referees less likely to view you favorably, which might actually bump your challenge down the priority list. Referees usually pick up the oldest battles first, since some people have been waiting for months to get their battles reffed. You just posted your challenge yesterday, so have some patience! Wait for a while before you start asking people about it.
    If they were smart at all, they'd at least make the 3DS have backwards compatibility (Which should be a given since it can play DS games)
    They make a seperate one for DSis than for DSes?

    The only real things I've used an action replay for are my competitive team—999 rare candies for getting them to adequate levels, and 999 BP for buying items and vitamins. Oh, and a pokémodifier to get a Baltoy so that I didn't have to wait for a Swarm. But none of the pokémon (except debatably Claydol, which has legit moves and stats) are directly cheated on/hacked.
    The national is going to be pretty dang hard until I get the 3DS and can do the pokétransfer with myself.
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