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  • Eh, sorry, but I have a pretty bad track record for trying to ref during the school year. When summer rolls around (mid-May for me) I'd be happy to ref something, if you've got a battle that isn't being reffed yet.
    I did, yes. And then I became a ref, reffed a lot, and ended up with a very large amount of money. Even with buying all of my fifth-gen Pokémon minus Trogloxene, plus a Dusk Stone and a Thunderstone, I still have $611.
    Oh, right, I saw that. Well, there are some battles that strike me as being difficult to ref, so I opt not to ref those ones; yours was one of those. Sorry.

    Plus I'm already reffing five at once, so.

    I guess you'll just have to hope someone else likes the look of it. More people are likely to get back into reffing now that there are no Pokémon approvers or bank staff, so you're in luck there.
    Actually, I wasn't being sarcastic. I was trying to be sincere, but every way I thought of to say it sounded sarcastic. "That's nice", "good for you", "I'm happy for you", and so on. I'm sure there's a way to say it without sounding sarcastic, but I came up with nothing.

    This kind of thing is easier in real life, where the inflection makes it clearer.
    Okay, taking the code that you posted and opening it on my computer, the button showed up fine. What browser are you using, and are you browsing from a computer or from something like your phone or an iPod or something?
    Sorry, I only take ref requests from people I know. Otherwise, it's safe to say I would have taken all the battles I am interested enough to ref.
    It's just the button you can't see? You can see the box with your snover in it just fine?
    Right. Same instructions:

    If you go to that page and press "Ctrl + U", then either save the code that comes up and send it to me or put it on Pastebin or something and give me a link to it, that would be helpful.
    Nah, I didn't actually mean to sound dismissive. Sorry about that.
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