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  • It doesn't actually stand for anything. It just forms a person bowing in shame/embarrassment. O is the head, T is the back and arms, L is the legs.

    Yeah, I've seen them around, but I don't think I've talked to them. *loner*

    Yeah, that's generally what I do when I have a bunch of the same Pokemon that I want to keep. I can't stand leaving my Pokemon unnicknamed xD;
    Oh gee, I didn't even notice that you'd given me a message before OTL Sorry about that! Anyway, no, that's a peach-faced lovebird. Much cuter imo, but I'm biased x3

    Yup, noticed a while ago, though it makes me sad to see how badly my Luxio is getting pummeled ): Anyway, no, I just remember that Retsurai means furious thunder in Japanese or something like that. Or at least I hope so; my Japanese is really crappy 8D; I also have a bad habit of naming my Pokemon after words in foreign languages.
    Yeah. I was able to turn in missing assignments and get a few of my grades from failing to passing. I'm under stress from juggling 3 projects, though. Junior year is a real challenge.
    Maybe my character could possibly just be hypnotized to go with the others, and then awaken not hypnotized with the group?
    I shorry! But I totally forgot about it, and now I can't keep up with it. =( So Sorry! X(
    Personally, I prefer Giratina's Altered form for some reason. Nevertheless, Mew and Victini are wonderful! So you doing alright?
    The best possible response would be to do something to fix your situation.
    Don't you remember you promised me you'd report him if he got violent again?
    Do promises mean that little to you?
    But seriously, you need to do something about him.
    I'm sorry if I'm saying this too much, but it's important.
    I know from personal experience just how bad you can turn out if you just let him continue to hurt you.
    (And again I'll point out that it's hardly an ideal environment for a four-year-old to grow up in.)
    Well now I wasn't to know that! As far as I could see you had been on but not responded, and you do have a history of ignoring me, remember.
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