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  • If you don't mind, I'd like my username to be changed to "Zapdos" when you get the time. Thanks! =]
    I think your latest update killed your site's menus. Like so. Tried refreshing and clearing the cache, tried different styles, tried checking in Opera instead of Firefox; the site poll is also truncated and cut off with a string of question marks, which I assume has something to do with it.
    Oh, well.. it was saying something about a domain error?

    >_< Thanks for all of your hard work, Butterfree.... This place is awesome. :D
    Thank you Mam. I like it.

    Erm, I was wondering, have the forums been down the last day or so or is just me? :/ I had 5 new notifications so it seems that other people got on just fine. O___e
    Sorry about my ....erm...stupidity. I would like to formally request a name change, my name is currently Mew~, I would enjoy it to be Wartortle. I would also enjoy if you would contribute to this little thread. :0
    Hey Buuuuuuterfreeee, May I request you use your techno-magic to change my name from Mew~ to Wartortle? Also, If it's changed, I sign in with Wartortle, right? o_O;;
    Hello again,

    On second thought, I would like to change my username back to Skroy, please. Just Skroy.

    Thank you in advance.
    Ah, I see. But could more or less anyone on the forums join that IRC? I'm guessing not. :>

    (XD That's why I chose the username.)
    Hi. I have a suggestion for the site, though I'm not sure if you've ever considered it. I was thinking maybe a chat room, if you ever got the time to put one in; or is that more-or-less the purpose the guest book serves?

    You're talking to a person who only knows whatever is taught in the webmaster section. Very perplexed.
    You know how you can have people comment on your updates? How can I make something like that?
    Hey, Butterfree.


    In that last review you sent me, my parents caught me talking to you. I am officially grounded from the computor.
    God, you're getting through it so fast! What're you gonna do when you're done with the whole series? (I personally recommend watching it all over again XD)

    Yay, I'm so glad you loved The Gift!
    I see your huge post and raise you MY huge post. Nobody can out-Buffy-ramble me! XD
    So I woke up this morning with, inexplicably, Nobody's Asian in the Movies from Commentary: The Musical stuck in my head and I have nobody to blame but you.
    Uh.. Seeing that you are able to change usernames, I hoped that you could change my username to 'Lars The Turtwig'.

    Thanks in advance.
    Aaaah, the demon-on-the-internet episode! (I refuse to call it by its actual title on account of it sounding too stupid for words. Sometimes I marvel that anyone watched it past its first season because it feels like Joss went out of his way to make everything sound/be as silly as possible) So, so good XD PK and I kinda have an inside joke about it, which basically consists of randomly writing something to the effect of
    on each other's walls/on MSN. Good times X3
    My favourite bit of the episode is where Willow's thrilled with her, like, 2MB hard drive, and then later in the episode there's a robot so advanced he is indistinguishable from an actual human. Of course!

    Oh, there is a ridiculous amount of foreshadowing in Buffy. It's so much fun watching episodes for the second time and going "Oooohhhh~" over a throwaway gag that, in light of later events is very significant. The best (worst?) example of this is in series 4, just after Buffy starts university and buys a lot of very expensive textbooks that her mother will have to pay for, and comments to Willow "I hope she has a happy aneurism".

    And there's all the fun self-referential humour; examples you've probably noticed are The Pack being referenced again in Who Are You? When Willow says to Tara "You didn't sense a hyena energy, did you? Hyena possession is just... unpleasant." and, Willow saying "It's not Madame Butterfly, is it? I have a problem with that opera" in Restless being a throwback to Nightmares.

    Nightmares is such a good episode. It's really funny how hilarious the idea of Buffy being all weak and helpless is XD Willow dressed as, let's face it, a prostitute, creeped me out a little, though. I laughed so much at the tiny Nazi thing X3
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