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  • About every five minutes, I get this "Internal Server Error" which either eats up all I said or it just shoots it out there multiple times. (A VM I sent yesterday posted six times because of it) Are you having that problem or is it my internet connection, rather than the server? (Even though it says 'server error', my connection is bad so I just wanted to check. :P)
    Can you change my name to Bombsey please Butterfree? :) thank you in advance ^w^
    Hey Butterfree. Have you yet to see The Princess and the Frog yet? It's seriously the creepiest Disney movie I've seen, and it has a wicked soundtrack. Tottaly the stuf you like, amiright?

    Also. Would you happen to remember your highschool GPA?
    Thank you so much for criticizing my story ideas! Your post gave me a lot to think about; I'm in the process of expanding upon those ideas. Thank you again, I really appreciate it!
    Yeah, the filter was for tcodforums.eeveeshq.com and I didn't feel like changing it to the new forum address. That's been done now, though.
    Procrastination control. (The forums should be blocked, too, but I haven't had the heart to add them to the list yet.) If I get everything worked out, I'll probably make an LJ post about it this weekend.
    Ohhh wow, I was in the middle of typing up a statement about the sprites when I realized that it's to do with the fact that they're hosted on the dragonflycave.com server instead of the forum server. I've been periodically blocking that domain while leaving the forums open, so they show up as missing when I have dragonflycave.com turned off and reappear when it's turned on. I only just realized the connection.

    So it's just me. Never mind.
    Just wondering, do you have any idea what the source of the intermittent 500 Server Errors and rolling sprite blackouts is?
    Meh. Too lazy to launch an assualt on [CUE LIGHTS]. Debating on my name... Could you bring it to uh... Blackthorne Steele?
    I don't know if you've noticed, but the automatically-generated "reported posts" threads create links to the old eeveeshq subdomain instead of the forums.dragonflycave.com one. Since cookies from the "forums" subdomain don't work on the "eeveeshq" subdomain, I'm logged out whenever I click on the link to the post from the report thread and have to either log in again on that subdomain or go looking for the post on this one in order to actually give warnings or infractions.
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