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  • okay emergency has been downgraded to class two. BUT IT IS STILL POTENTIALLY CLASS ONE, SO I NEED SOME CAPS.
    A lot of my icons take like two minutes to make at most since I am just fixing colours, cropping, resizing, and fixing colours a bit more. :3 Anime tends to have clean art. ... the manga icons usually take at least an hour each, though.

    Hey, I gotta use my 4500 and counting Pokémon (mostly Team Rocket) screencaps for something. Crazy amounts of Rocket icons! \o/
    I just spent a bit of time working on getting imagemagick to grab all of my icons and make a montage, and then a bit compressing it down to 5 MB, but look at my icons!

    opal was like "Dannichu has something like 5000" but I don't think you make all of yours. And I make mine. And I have a lot. And I want to SHOW THEM OFF TO EVERYONE.
    Ok sorry but WHAT. You don't watch Glee?! THIS WILL NOT STAND. (that is a Glee quote, actually, that was by accident... yeah.)

    My mantra is to never watch a show out of order. It ruins the show. It's a terrible thing to do. You must, must, must watch Glee. Seriously. Go now. If you're going to watch out of order though - this is one exception - watch Preggers, the fourth episode, or Laryngitis, the 18th. Both of them center around Kurt, but the former (Preggers) also has to do with Quinn, who yes, is pregnant. That's actually cool about Glee, that it's dealing with teen pregnancy.
    How did the kids annoy you? :[ If you watch it more I assure you you will fall in love with Kurt. There is nothing not to love about him. He is the best character ever made, played by the best actor ever, okay I might be a little bit biased. Shh. But he's so cute. ; ; Ahg. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE LOOK AT HIM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpTmEqN7dbk He's such a sad puppy! Uhgg. He needs a hug. Poor little boy.

    Okay, rant over. *breathes* Sorry. Glee is like - my wife. Except. I actually love it. ... :D

    Also. Dexter. You must watch that too. (I am actually sort of equally obsessed with Dexter, maybe a little less, but - but Glee. Glee has Kurt. And... sigh... yeah.)

    Rant actually over now. :D

    Moffat also wrote all episodes of all 4 seasons of Coupling, as well as all his comedies before that, so I think it's not too much to ask. :[ I find it extremely interesting/amusing that Jekyll was his first show that wasn't a comedy. ... And it's sort of his most nightmare-ish. That moment you mentioned with Hyde stalking the psychiatrist reminded me so much of Blink. Sometimes I think his Doctor Who episodes should be sold as their own DVD. >>; Heh.

    BBC is known for gay innuendo? ... How did I not know this? xD

    I think I disliked 5th season of Buffy mostly for - what was his name, Riley? Her boyfriend at the time. I really didn't like him. Dx Uhg. It had good episodes, but, uhg. And omg Andrew! I saw him (the actor) in Rock Of Ages on broadway! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW AWESOME THAT WAS. I was like, I went to see ROA, and when I got there - he was in the show. I nearly peed myself. Ogod. Best time ever. :D

    Oh well, that's good. I sort of have a rule that there's no talking in general while watching a movie/tv show. Drives me nuts. >>; Watching it a second/third/etc. time is fine though. ... If it's a musical I usually sing with it, so. <<;

    I sort of got the impression actors often choose their wardrobe in British shows. Since the doctor seems to do so, or at least David Tennant did. I love David Tennant. ; ; I want to... see him... in more stuff... and then meet him irl and shake his hand or something, tell him he is a good human being. ... I have weird er, wishes. BUT HE IS SO AWESOME HE SHOULD KNOW IT SHOULDN'T HE? I MUST TELL HIM--

    Okay. It's late. I get weird at night. Sorry. <<;
    Yeah. And the writer just wasn't as good. And a show that has only three episodes - although I don't know how many they'll have next series - should have each episode be pure awesome. TBB was just such a disappointment. :\ It's not at all on the same level.

    Oh god Jekyll was SO GOOD. It was pure high octave nightmare fuel. And pure Moffat. Just - so good. He needs to do like, Merlin, modern-time. :D

    I agree about House, but I think US tv has different qualities to admire than British tv. The fact that it goes on so long can often be a good thing, it depends on the writers' overall ability. If they can do good with it, that's a mark of their talent. E.g. Dexter, which is starting its fifth season, which is looking to be its best so far, or Six Feet Under, which was an epic show all the way through. They're two very different animals, but both are great.
    Also, BTVS's last season was totally my favourite. :[ I know everyone says the seasons got worse as they progressed but I honestly think it was just the fifth and sixth seasons that was not so good.
    But, US tv does make original stuff. I mean - Glee, for one. But yeah, a lot of stuff gets canceled too early, which just sucks. But er, they end up having just as long a run as most British shows. xD So it sort of evens out?

    I sort of guess ahead while watching, to the point that I'm almost never surprised, but while I'm not watching a show/movie I just don't think about it. I er, think about other things, you know. I suppose thinking about it is like spoilers to me in a way. o_O Hm.
    But while watching something I definitely don't TELL people! You shouldn't tell people! Of course they get annoyed! xD If I was watching Fight Club and someone told me the twist, I would literally strangle them. Oh god. Well, what can you expect, while watching Fight Club, other than violence... eheh.

    I think I only noticed because I er, well, I'm not sure why... I just pay very close attention to TV. Especially at that moment, because it was so intense. But yeah it is surprising they didn't mention it - I wonder it Martin did that by himself...

    I still need to see Ashes to Ashes... The worst part of the US Life on Mars was that the beginning was good, it seemed to be good, and then it progressed and worsened slowly and then that end. Yes, they went to mars. Uhg. It was the worst thing in the world. Or out of the world, apparently. Dx I wanted to murder whoever did that. Sigh...

    Heh, yeah, pentimento is sort of a long word. I like the meaning behind it though. |D Is the show any good?

    That movie sounds... er... well... not good. o_o;; Dinosaurs? Wtf...? I can't even. I don't. Wtf. o__o;; I don't know, I find it hard to sit through bad movies, even if it might be so-bad-it's-good. It's just bad. Bad is bad. Dx
    Probably right, heh, I sometimes think of parents as cash cows. <<; *mean* Lol.

    It was so strange. Like... Usually... it's sort of b/w, in a way. But, I don't know, it was rather the strangest thing ever. It left me feeling very o_O and. Yes. But - yeah - I love how widely loved this show is, and I love how most everyone agrees TBB is er, not the best episode, heh. Just have Stefen and Mark write all the episodes. :[ They are too bloody good.

    Oh god yes. It confuses me to no end when people rant on and on about how good House is. Tbh, even in the olden days, House was only good because of HOUSE - the character. There was no external plot, the other characters always sucked. But the character managed to make the entire series excellent because he was so new and fresh and, you know, Hugh Laurie is just that good. But now it's gotten old, despite how cool House himself is, the same-old-same-old of the show is just that. :\ Same old. That is what I love about British shows, like you said; they end it when it needs to end. And usually, each episode is perfect, because of how they're written, often each one by the same person. (Have you seen the show Jekyll? SO GOOD. Also by Moffat.)

    And... now I'm downloading Jeeves and Wooster. Lol. I wish I lived in the UK so I didn't have to download these things. <<; Andddd I don't even have the ASIS yet, I have his later novels, I need to finish them and then get the earlier ones from the library or someone who has them... So much reading. But good reading at least. |D

    For some reason, I never tend to do those er, guessing-things, you know, er. Guessing before it happens. I think I just enjoy being surprised. Although, I do tend to guess things while watching the episode, so I'm not sure why... maybe I'm just lazy. But that is hilarious that you guys guessed Moriarty. And oh god yessss John blinking SOS was SO GOOD. That was one of the best moments of the entire series. And Sherlock's reaction just to seeing him - his pure shock and panic, such an honest reaction, so different for him, so good. So good. Uhg this show is too good. Dx

    LOM was excellent. The US version sucked though. I actually only watched the US version out of curiosity, but the ending was so horrible - it was tear-your-eyes-out horrible. Uhg. It's such a travesty they did that to such an excellent show, it actually pisses me off. >>;

    They're making a sequel? ... Hrrr. I'm not sure how to feel about that... It will be interesting after seeing the BBC Sherlock, though, definitely. Hm... interesting. o.o
    Buh, I say you should yell at parents to get better internet. :[ Oldness is not an excuse for spotty internet! Sigh.

    Err, wow, I thought people were actually annoyed at the strange case of racism in The Blind Banker more than anything. And PC at the same time? Lulz. I like how they made it into a more comedic thing and, yeah, having him be a coke addict would make him a loser. Or if not a loser - it would make him more like House, it would make that his addiction, his problem, whereas the search, the chase, is supposed to be his problem. T'would divert attention and all that. It's hard to imagine what coke was like in those times, that having Sherlock just regularly do it was sort of the same as doing tobacco? So odd. Also... a three patch problem. How can you NOT love that?

    Oh god I haven't seen half the stuff you mentioned. :[ I feel like a bad fan. I did see V for Vendetta, but so long ago, I should rewatch that. And look for Lestrade's actor, and Stephen Fry. I saw that movie so long ago, wow...

    I don't know if Creation was banned... *wikis* It was made in 2009, so it's rather unlikely. There's nothing of it on wiki, but, er, it's possible. S'good movie though. And Love Actually is now downloading. :D

    I love reading the books now and noticing the shout-outs, it's like... the opposite order of how it was intended. I'm a strange, strange fan. But I do love Moriarty. I keep wondering if he's actually gay or if that was part of the character's character. (A dream within a dream within a dream--) Did you see Molly's blog where they're talking about Glee? xD Oh god. But yes, I think it would have been cool if Molly were Moriarty, but the actor who does play him is brilliant, and I definitely was not disappointed. Although... comparing him to the Master... maybe John Simm would've worked. If only for my fantard squees. :D

    Yeah, I think that's the problem with the RDJ movie - there wasn't a mystery to it. I don't really remember the plot at all, tbh. It was just, basically, special effects and explosions. It was fun, but it was just... well, not special. :\ Oh, and I think the dress-pictures were from some sort of occasion, like the Broadway Bares sort of thing, except, dressing as a woman. Err. Possibly. Or maybe he just enjoys a bit of crossdressing. Who knows.
    Oh geez. How do you stand it? D: Why don't you get your internet fixed / improved? No cash or uh, something? I have suffered the pains of sucky internet and it is something I never, ever want to go back to... uhg.

    Oh god, Sherlock and his drug habits are just, the best thing ever. Oh. God. I love how this show gets crap past the radar. Reminds me of Glee. <3 So good. And yes - Stephen Fry is a god. He's just too good! I love him. Hugh Laurie is only really known in the US for House, while he's... pretty well known in the UK for many, many things... Most Brits tell me he's seen as like, the most camp person ever, lol. I don't know, his character in Fortysomething is as anti-House as it gets, but I love him. And of course, there's A Bit Of Fry And Laurie... which is... well, not House. :P

    I haven't seen the Stephen Hawking biopic yet, though it's downloading, hopefully it's a good file. T'was hard to find. He was also in a Darwin movie - er - right, Creation. Just a minor character, but the movie is excellent, haha. He was in so many things I want to see, but half of them are like, documentaries that are impossible to find. Dx His portrayal of Van Gogh, for instance... sigh.

    Oh crap, I need to download Love Actually now. I think I didn't because I'm just not a fan of, you know, love in general, and the romance, and stuff. >>; It puts me off. But. I suppose it's a comedy, plus Martin, so I'll give it a go. Also. Porn star. That just sounds epic. ... Yeah, I have to watch this.

    I only just started reading the books. I never realized they were like, short stories. I just read the one with the 5 pips and the KKK that Gatiss had mentioned, haha. It was actually my favourite so far, probably, and ironically. Also ironically, I was never a fan of Sherlock at all until this show. Probably because of how he was always portrayed as, you know, old-fashioned, and old in general, it just didn't speak to me. Even the recent movie, despite explosions and special effects and RDJ. Goes to show how awesome Moffat is. So basically the recent Sherlock movie is probably the only one I've seen, now that I think of it...

    I'm glad you like. |D I was laughing at that for probably a bit too long, lulz. Especially thinking of those photos of Benedict er, dressed as a woman, and how Sherlock in the books often did you know, dress up. It's just too good. :D
    JL053, Sayonara Rokon! Pokemon Byuutii Kontesuto!!

    It's James's idea of how best to dress up a tangela. Team Rocket is good at fashion design.

    Most of Team Rocket's disguise!

    Oh, and Meowth. I guess he's in a rock band.
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