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Arylett Charnoa

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  • No, I swear! Everyone I know besides you and, apparently, everyone I've met in this place, has ten fingers! Look, hold on...

    *pulls out huge book with lots of foreign writing* *flips open*

    See, look! There's a picture of the human body here, right, and it has ten fingers! And another one over here, the one with the staff!

    I try to answer, but then it's like a week later and then it'd be awkward to continue, so I just debate for a while and then leave it unanswered.

    Thank you so much. :> I just love doing that, she just pushes aside anything negative as the person being in a bad mood. Anna is really cool, too. I personally thought it was really entertaining (although that's not the best word, you know?) when she found Em being attacked by my group.

    This, sorta. She's been rabidly plotting to kill Zrantox after he called her gluttonous and stupid (she didn't want to leave the cave because it was littered with crystals). Um... maybe see my posts? Those are all I have, sadly.

    Also, I totally thought by the Another RP that you meant another RP. xD As in another not being a title, but a description. I don't think I'll be joining that, though; I've been neglecting every one I'm in and don't think I can handle another. Also I've never made a serious fakemon with moves and intricate details.
    *hands cleaver and whip* I've always been a fan of cleavers. It's even hooked!

    (But I feel my posts are a waste.)
    I was wondering if you could draw my fakemon for the roleplay.

    Florursa - Florursa looks like a tiny light green bear cub (around 1'00") with tiny pink and yellow flowers place randomly on it's body, though the biggest flower is yellow and behind its ear. It had big round black eyes with white pupils (in the fashion of Pikachu or Eevee). Try to make it look as adorable and feminine as possible.

    Behrvine - Behrvine is a lime-green bear that stands at 5'4" and weighs approximately 116 lbs. Behrvine has various dark green vines with the same tiny yellow and pink flowers wrapping around its body. A bud, much like Bulbasaur's, has formed on its back. It also now has narrow red eyes, and still has the yellow flower behind its ear.

    Ursavine - Ursavine is the final stage of Florursa. Ursavine is a dark green bear, standing at 8'00" and weighing 400 lbs. It has the same narrow red eyes as Behrvine, only now the pupils are smaller. Ursavine has a large yellow flower with pink speckles on it's back, resembling a gigantic daisy. Looks very fierce for a flowery-Pokemon.

    Hopefully that's not too much work for you :)
    I believe I'll take control of the Oarenin City Security Crusaders, since nobody appears to want to use them.
    Heh, I guess she does! If only she was a pony... but honestly I don't care for zebstrika or rapidash, and both blitzle and ponyta are pretty meh. The long wait is fine; sometimes I don't notice them either. Or I see it but I'm preoccupied, so I'm like "I'll answer it later" but then I forget. :V

    Thanks. :3 I'll try to reply soon, but I'm not sure if it can be as long as normal. I might end up typing on my DSi, and honestly I don't want to make a big post with it. Just takes a lot more time, you know? On her being simple, I was totally going to have her advocate for Leo to come to the hospital before I ended up not posting. "He's really a nice guy! He just gets a bit upset, that's all, and even though he threatened me for talking about Emile I'm sure he was just in a bad mood. He'll be fine if he comes, really!"

    I've been trying not to make Diamond in DotP a total clone of both Anna and Aryan, but now that I think about it I'm starting to notice the similarities. With you being Anna's creator, does it seem like that to you?
    Everyone I know (except you apparently) has ten fingers. My mom, my cousins, all of the princes. I mean, my Uncle Jordi has nine, but he's a lumberjack by trade and he cut one off by accident...
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