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Arylett Charnoa

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  • But I like the brackets! D: The problem is, I don't even remember the overall thing sometimes unless somebody explains a few key things, then I'll remember everything and facepalm myself for forgetting. Yeah, I guess you're right-it's certainly amusing to me! And I think I managed to figure something out in my last post: it's not much, but it's better than nothing. Also, now that you mention some people being away, I'm probably going to be leaving for a couple of weeks starting on Thursday. I may or may not have internet, so I could be off the radar for quite a while. When I get back, though, I am probably going to have an absolutely ridiculous catch-up post to right.

    Eh, I'm leaning on it just hating people. And you never know, I actually don't get hit with stuff like constant confusionfail very often. It's more like enemy pokes surviving hits that should have KO'd them.

    Well, I already have Kairi with a Beautifly, an Umbreon would make sense for Riku, and for Sora..well, I got nothing besides maybe a Staraptor. Now, I wonder what Axel would be, besides a fire-type...

    And dammit, I knew I should have been checking around for new RP's more often than once a week! Now I'm locked out of Radiant Saviors and a couple of others that interest me until somebody quits >_<
    Oh, thanks Arylett, that's nice. I'll go join now - I've been excited for this all day. Hehehe.
    I do apologize for my recent decline in activity. This annual vacation has been quite the annoyance, but hopefully I can get back on track and continue with the (hopefully good) posting. I do feel a bit lost, so I'm just trying to see if I can develop Emile and Leo (because I need internal conflict!)
    *shakes fist at tricky words*

    (It is indeed useful for replaying games. Still, sometimes I would rather be able to actually remember the plots of games when I'm discussing them with somebody! XD. And ah, I see. That is so odd that somebody was actually named Male Gardevoir on here, and no duh he would have a thing for them if he was named that! :P. And yeah, that makes sense. We'll just have to solve that inactivity problem, now won't we? ...If only I could figure out a way to get Matthew back into the plot in a semi-decent post that won't seem half-assed to me. Man, I think my posting might go down quite a bit until Psy wakes up. Maybe it wasn't the best of ideas to introduce Matthew before I wanted to....)

    (The RNG hates everybody's guts, for no other reason than to troll. They are indeed cheating bastards when under the AI's control, somehow outspeeding things that they would normally never outspeed without a choice scarf. And actually, in a nuzlocke run of Platinum that I am doing, Fantina's Mismagius managed to kill itself in confusion, so they aren't always immune to confusionfail.)

    (I'm not so sure about the other characters: that's what I was going to ask you! I plan on having my entire active squad be of characters from Kingdom Hearts; the only problems are deciding which characters besides Sora, Riku, and Kairi make the cut to the active squad and which Pokemon suits those characters.)

    (Oh yeah, and I'll do that e-reffing soon enough.)
    Oh, alright. Ah, trick wordy I see. Very tricky wordy.

    (I have too good of memory for spoilers for me to be surprised for games I have never played, yet I can rarely remember the plot to games I beat unless it was really good =|. And I was surprised you took my avvie as your evidence of Psy's evolution-I was referring to the Santic picture Mai made that had him clearly as a Gardevoir. Either way, you got it right. And this forum has a thing for male Gardevoirs? I did not know :O. And yeah, I'm also really bad at describing places, so bad that I don't think I will ever be able to manipulate the environment effectively in Santic.)

    (Much better)

    (I'm leaning on the RNG hating my guts. Also, the trainer was named EXACTLY the same as the trainer that had stopped my run the previous two times had. Her team was all dragons every time. This is the AI. The AI hates my guts.)

    (Oh yeah, I just bought a Wurmple. I named it Kairi. It shall be an awesome Beautifly someday(that day being when Negrek next updates the bank). It, of course, has exactly the same personality as her namesake.)
    Just dropping by to say I don't mind the delays. Well, for one because me complaining about referees taking long would be the hypocracy of the century.
    Looks like I came in just as activity was just starting to slow way down, eh? Also, would that be a confirmation of Anna's demise that you just let slip?

    (Ouch. That must suck to always know the plot to every KH game before you even play them. Then there's no surprise! Yeah, I suppose nearly having your body taken from you is a pretty big reason to wise up. Plus, nobody being in his memory worlds is basically telling him that, since he was such a prick, nobody wanted to be with him-whether they were real or a memory. And yeah, being friends with King Micky would have helped speed his personality change along.)

    (Yeah, although the Ditto has also had a lot of moments of neutrality-then he goes back to being annoyed. And yeah, you guessed Psy's evolution right on the mark. And ah, I can see why you emphasize us doing plot control so often. My mind is also somewhat like yours, since I can usually come up with an idea for a post quickly-then of course, the ninjaing comes and I have to scramble for a new idea. And that is actually my main concern when writing anything, whether for the fanfic, RP, or something else, that I would have the character(s) act OOC.)

    (It took me 5 tries to send that last VM)

    (GRR RAGE GRR I hate Haxorus' now. I just faced one in the Battle Subway, and it somehow survived a SE life orb-boosted Ice Beam from my max special attack Porygon-Z with 1hp left and beat me on the 7th battle of that run. GRR)
    I'm pretty sure I'm squornshellousbeta@live.co.uk. If not, try squornshellousbeta@yahoo.co.uk.

    :D hurrah! I'm still interested to know what it was about, but eh. Glad you're better! :D
    Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't posted. It seems I've been busier then I thought I would be and haven't had the chance. I'll probably post later tonight.
    Really? I didn't know. At least I'm not alone in the rage! Yeah, it would definitely make sense for them to talk a lot since it seems like Psy was sitting in the front seat for most of the time, and I imagine that there wasn't a whole hell of a lot to do in the car besides talk. And let's not forget, if she is dead, then Psy shall forever hold a grudge on Arylett for killing her.

    (Really? Well, that sucks. I think I did that before for some other game since I thought I would never get it, but then of course like two weeks later I got it for my birthday. I just went "...Seriously? I ruined the plot of the game for no reason at all? DAMNIT!!!" Yes, he does seem a whole hell of a lot more humble than before. I suppose that's because he went through rapid maturity due to what happened to him more towards the end of KH1 and throughout Chain of Memories and just before KH2. Plus, the constant ass kicking Sora gave him might have humbled him :P)

    (Wait, we were just talking about different people I think. I was referring to Exo and the scientist he had; you were referring to Mewmew. Yay for confusion! XD. And damnit, why must you taunt me so much with the plot that you know! It's torturing me, and all I have that I know that you don't probably is what Psy is going to evolve into. Then again, by now that's pretty obvious, so I don't even have that. And I imagine it would be boring to control the plot. I know that I am hitting a spot of boredom mixed with writers block mixed with a feeling of "ZOMG I'm making the characters act OOC D:" in the Santic fanfic I'm trying to write.)

    It's rarely happened to me, but whenever it does(like it just did) it always involves throwing out like 1/2 of the post, followed by a quick half-assed brainstorm for a new idea. And I noticed that; it seems to be reciprocated in Psy, with him trusting her the most out of everybody. That also explains the fit of rage he went into when he just assumed Anna had died.

    (I guess I could try it out. I definitely hate feeling left out of the loop, since before Days I had played just about all KH games released. Now I'm three down(since I haven't played Coded either), and I really need to get back to "played all of 'em" status. And yes, he's awesome in KH2. In the first, he acted like, well, a prick throughout most of the game to Sora, although you do find out why he did. I really like that he dropped that part of him by KH2. And I guess I'll just find out all about Roxas' development whenever I play Days.)

    (Like I said, I didn't see that, so I can't say anything about his t-ed offness. And by third character, do you mean that scientist? Because I think he mainly created him to just further his subplot. I also saw that you don't always know what happens when you said you attempted to get the group back together via Anna's car, but that some hiding in the cave threw you off. Still, it's good to be surprised sometimes, right?)
    I didn't particularly like it, but then again, I was ninja'd twice(not counting Mewmew's "post") midway through, so a couple of ideas I had went out of the window, thus resulting in a bad post imo. And really? I had Psy be much more co-operative with her than I originally thought because it only makes sense, since she saved his life(you know, by carrying him away from that exploding Claydol.)

    (I never picked up Days, due to some very bad reviews from some friends who also play Kingdom Hearts. I might pick it up eventually anyways, though, if only to fill some plot holes up. And my favorite character is actually Riku. He has, in my opinion, the largest character development out of everybody so far in the series(*hasn't played or heard of most things that happen in Days or BBS, so I don't know of what really happens in those two*), which is really a plus for him)

    (Personally, I didn't see the t-ed off-ness in his post, but whatever. It does seem very odd that he's offing one of his characters, especially the one who seems to think things through a lot more. And yeah, I can see how knowing everything would be a bad thing. It's like going in to a plot-centric game you've never played before, yet you already know the ending: no sense of surprise)
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