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  • Your avatar is Gamzee? I didn't recognize him.

    Mine is Rhosyn, a troll version of Rose.
    It's not just for her faces...


    Hmm.... You know? I don't really know. If I had to guess though, the Doc Scratch business had just begun. You know, the part where he took control for a bit.
    You know, I don't really get why everyone hates on the new kids. I, for one, am especially fond of some of the faces Jane makes.

    Were people lke this when the trolls were introduced, too?
    Freaky by appearance or freaky by context? In case you're not sure, it's a character from a Homestuck fanfic as a baby.
    I think the "naked alien with no arms" aspect is slightly weird as well.
    You know, it just occurred to me.

    You are a big fan of Gamzee. What was your initial reaction when you saw him on Jane's lawn? I know I had mixed feelings, because the part of me that hoped the bard outfit wasn't actually canon died, but I was so happy to finally see him again, and with a new(?) status as well.
    It looks like they're working with some degree of independancy; blazhy is almost done, and res says it'll be done by Saturday or so. Which only leaves checking with Mai, I guess.
    I don't really know; I've been meaning to buzz one of them sometime but I haven't gotten around to it.
    Great choices! Seriously, I have thought about both of them for a while now, and it's time to try them out!

    Once I'm done evolving the rest, obviously...

    Yo, that match your reffing between Respect the Blade and I-he's pretty late. I contacted him about it, to no effect. Could you do your refthing?
    Oh, not a problem! Actually, I've pretty much covered any Pokémon species that I wanted in the first place, so I don't really know what to ask for :|

    But I know you have good taste for Pokémon, so... surprise me! Something underrated, something cool and good in battle. Something that would surprise people.
    Hmm, more would be nice (if just for everything to make more sense in my head), but I suppose I have all I need to pad out my reffings.
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