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  • Yeah. I suppose the Arena part is. I am currently writing up the storyline for the games. I will post the first two parts (welcome message and Isen Town Journey) tomorrow when I type em on the school laptops.the games.
    Well, this is more than ASB. Its roleplaying, discussions, and very soon, game development.
    the GLMA is back up and running. Thanks for joining it. Maybe after Mozan is done, we can battle, this time in the Glastron Artic Pass. :)
    Hors d'ouvres! I struggle to spell anything with French origin. In fact, "arraignment" was the word that got me out of the spelling bee when I participated.

    Good job by the way! You should feel quite proud of yourself.
    Yeah, that's me. I'm usually on the Pokemon Online official server, just flash Mogent if you need me. :)

    Remember that certain crazy show about ponies I remember you used to like?

    I'm good. Actually I've had a pretty great month so far, what with going to a concert and spending time with friends.

    There's really no need to stress yourself over the spelling bee. In fact, if you want to do well tomorrow, stress is the last thing you need. You should get a good night's rest and eat a big breakfast in the morning. And don't forget that you've made a big accomplishment making it this far, so you shouldn't worry too much about what happens next! Just enjoy it.

    Let me know how it goes though!
    Oooh, spelling bee. :0 I was in one of those in... Fifth grade? It was some time back. I know I didn't really like it, though. :| Spelling's not really my thing.

    I guess if you've made it to regionals, however, you're pretty good with it! That's cool that you've made it so far! 8D
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