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  • Excuse me; I obviously have to tell you that I'm laughing my ass off at your title.

    Clearly, he needs to perform the ritual... in a tutu.
    Aww; that's what I'm here for!
    I'm actually pretending to write a 3000 word essay due tomorrow (4pm Tuesday; I've gotten about, oh, 400 words done so far), but really messing around on TCoD and sorta-kinda reading Buffy fanfiction.
    ...Don't tell anyone ;)
    Okay, so I had a really, really weird dream last night in which you, me and Giles from Buffy were involved in illegally dealing in Pokemon Cards and kept selling them off to corrupt governments.
    And I thought you should know.
    Hee, your sig makes me giggle. X3 I - thought you were going for a hug. Nooooo~!
    Nice artwork, i wish i could open my own :( i tried from my phone but i cant upload stuffs, hey will you request something from my art shop? And i'd like to request a picture of a ferret (sorry :3)
    i know, sometimes i hit OK on my phone and it doesn't start loading yet, and i push CLR cause i think of something to add, but it apparently loads it in a second, even though the Sending....Recieving.....blahblah takes about 2 minutes just to post. im sorry i try to delete them when i get access to a computer, what post are you referring to?
    I see, that's pleasant. ^_^ Good you're thinking and all.

    Our ritual went very well! It was so great. Apart from some ignorant Christains, everything went smoothly. It was a very great experience, and if you ever get the chance in the coming years, I suggest you go to a big Beltane ritual in your area.
    XD Aww, thanks, but I'm just telling you what I know. XP But good luck on your path; I hope you will be able to find other Wiccans and witches in your area someday. ^_^
    If you feel drawn to Wicca, you should call yourself Wiccan. I've had the same feelings you do when I first got into it. But consider yourself Wiccan if you feel it works. And don't rush to do anything for Beltane. Take your time to get into it. The gods are understanding. ^_^

    I'm going with my friend up to a lake for an all-night rite that will kick ass! XD I've been hanging around that friend for almost all my spring break. It was fantastic. XD What are your Beltane plans?
    Change your name a million times, it wouldn't change my mind...

    (also is that a Sho quote I see~? <3.14)
    Sorry I haven't replied, I've been having similar computer troubles as you XD

    Beltane is my favourite holiday. ^_^ I do do things for the sabbats. I've attended circles for Yule and Ostara. But sometimes I can't, due to school and such. On those days, I just due a quick-and-dirty prayer in front of an altar I've created. I did that for Imbolc. I made a small altar and said a very small but nice blessing to Brighid.
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