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  • Well, I was talking to moony, and we decided that it was time for Ed to do his Face Heel Turn and deflect to the B2SP for a while... How would I go about doing this? :3
    Hey, moony mentioned that she thinks it's you who's in charge of the B2SP... Is that true? If so, I has... things... to talk to you about :3
    Hi. I would really like it if you took Chaon's advice and quit wth the OOC posts. I will remove you if you pull another stunt like that, are we clear? Now abide by the rules and go party in the lounge.
    Basically, Halan is being a speed demon with the train, and we're all in the cars, hoping we don't die.

    That's pretty much it in the RSP.
    Here's a picture to celebrate your return to the RSP. Yes, I know, not that great, but there was a lot of smudges, and my computor was a butt, so it didn't turn out so great. Well, that, and, of course... I didn't spend as much time as I should've on it. (I could've at least shaded the rocks.).
    Oh actually, about that... ^^;
    Well, my sig was a bit big, and it was still a little unsure about whether you were going to stay or not...

    But seriously, I love it! I'll put it in my signature. Thanks a ton!
    Hey there~

    I was wondering if someone has caught you up with whta has been going on in the RSP. It not, I could do my best to help you get caught up. So far at this point, we're about to enter the next mission. We're under a cloud of smoke and will be moving in the rescue the pokmeon there.
    "Stand and fight, there is no honour in running."

    I think I'm fine with living, even without my honor n_~
    Don't tag threads with parts of your username.

    Do not comma-separate words in your tags unless they are actually sensible tags.

    also if you go to 'view conversation' and post your response there, they'll actually be notified that you responded to a profile message. As it is, you keep posting messages to yourself.
    Sorry that this is kinda old:

    But I was thinking... a better word for disexistence (though that sounds amazing) could perhaps be Illusion?

    After all, that is widely acclaimed as a part of psychicness.
    You met Chester Bennington. You whore. YOU MET CHESTER AND I DIDN'T. This is like the time my friend Stephen was on a flight with Clive Owen.
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