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  • Ah yes, sleeping through summer. A concept I'm far more familiar with than I should be; the only reason I haven't done it this year is because I keep hanging out with people with normal sleep patterns, some of whom even make me wake up before midday! Madness!

    Yup, the house-sharing thing is something I'm really looking forward to, especially since the three girls I'll be living with are all really nice. It'll be fun to cook group meals and stuff; I'm trying to perfect my vegetable spaghetti bolognaise before term starts and am having limited success so far XD

    No, I'm a big fan of the silliness, especially in shows that are otherwise fairly serious. Probably where my utter love of Buffy comes from :) I've also recently gotten hopelessly addicted to Firefly (another Joss Whedon show), and everything about it is wonderful <3
    I've heard so many people tell me that the weeping angels episode is a really terrifying one, as was the one with the kids with gas masks, I think. The scariest one I saw was a while ago and had tiny thingies that would eat you if you stepped into a sunbeam or something. I can't really remember, but it was freaky as hell.
    I have heard very good things about James Marster's character in Towchwood :D

    Aaaah, non-uniform was the best damn thing about sixth form~ I wanted to do a ritual burning of my stupid school tie when I finished my last GCSE exam XD
    I really loved sixth form; my year group was fantastic - all the crappy people from lower school left and we gained some really lovely people from other schools in the area, even though the work was pretty hard-going. Do you know what subjects you're taking?
    You're so much quicker than me at replying. D: I need to go on here more. I'm sorry.

    Eeh, three and a half is pretty bad, ehe. But nah, not all that bad, and five was okay. I'm not sure I can remember now, but I think one of my exams on the day when I had five hours of exams was French, which was, um... *coughs* kinda fun, actually. Well not fun, but it was a good exam compared to the German paper, which was much harder. Anyway. Haha, thanks. I hope you did awesome with your exams; I'm guessing your results come out soon like mine? Or, well, I dunno how they do it in Wales. Oh, and on the subject of Wales, I'm visiting Aberystwyth University in... I think it's going to be September? Whenever its open day is, anyway. Waaah, educational moving. How did your open period for the sixth form go? Seem fun? I hope you have a toaster in your common room. If you have a common room. Or whatever you have.

    Ahaha, yeah, trips with school are weird. I usually feel like I can't really do what I want, which I suppose you can't, really, due to being on a schedule, but never mind. Paris was pretty brisk, though. That trip, I mean. It's kind of annoying knowing you're there for work! But hey. It was still fun. And ooh, when you went to Paris, did you get to go up the Eiffel Tower? Heehee.

    Glad to hear you... were happy, more than one and a half months ago, about your exams finishing. Sorry. >.< I seriously meant to reply before I went on holiday two weeks ago but my laptop got taken to its hiding place before I thought it would, so yeah. Sorry about that. And oh wow, yeah, that's awesome! It must feel so great not to have to wear a uniform any more. I've actually worn my own clothes my whole secondary school life, but I'm glad for you. ^^ Oh, I finished on the... seventeenth or something, I think. Of July.

    Oh; and lastly, I read about your cat. I'm sorry to hear about that. Hope your cat didn't die in too much pain or anything. D: And I hope you'll be all right.
    Uh, a few weeks ago I went to stay with a couple of my uni friends in Essex and Wales respectively, and that was pretty fun, and last weekend I was geeking it up at an anime convention in Milton Keynes, which was awesome. You been up to much this summer?

    Hehe; I love Breaking Free. I love HSM in general way too much, actually. Still not something I'd want in my head in an exam situation, mind.

    Uuh, I think our lease starts in mid-September, but I won't be moving in till late September, when the uni term starts. I could move in before, but the longer I stay at home, the longer I get food cooked for me, so yeah X3
    The idea of having my own house (even if it is rented and I'm sharing with three other people) is both awesome and terrifying. I'm really looking forward to it, though~ Also, I've decided I'm not a proper grown-up until I can no longer hear those high-pitched mosquito thingies they have outside train stations and things (admittedly that's just to make me feel better about turning 21 next year. Eeep.).

    I keep meaning to watch Dr. Who and Torchwood~ It's alongside Heroes on my Big List of TV Shows I Want to Watch(tm). The only Dr. Who episodes I've watched are a couple of Christmas specials and random episodes I've seen when babysitting the kids who live down my street (nine year old girls who want to be Timelords when they grow up are awesome). I, uh, felt a little silly when I got scared of the Cybermen and the kids were unmoved, however. X3

    Aw, I'm sure you'll do fine~ I'm sure I've asked before, but are you going to college/sixth form next year? You'll only need 5 Cs for that anyways, right? I mean you'll get better grades than that, I'm sure, but that's all you need.
    Aaah! Massive apologies for this far-too-late reply! I've been pretty busy, but that's no excuse. I'm really sorry ):

    Oh God, I can't really think of anything worse than Build Me Up Buttercup as a song to have stuck in your head in an exam. I've decided that the more stressful the exam situation, the more annoying an innappropriate the song you get stuck in your head will be. My explanation for this phenonmoen is that it's the brain's way of coping from all the seriousness. (Do you think I could get a government grant so I can research this more? X3)

    Well, I've actually got a loan that covers my tuition fees, so that's not so bad (although I suspect I may still be paying it off when I'm in my 30s), but it's the rent that's gonna be a killer next year. Although I'm not stressing about it too much because the house I'll be living in is lovely, so at the moment I don't mind :3

    Anthony Head was in Dr Who? Oh, now I feel really shallow for wanting to go and find the episode(s) he was in. I was made stupidly happy when I was watching my Spooks DVDs and he was in a few episodes of that. The fact James Marsters (Spike in Buffy) was in Torchwood (for like one episode) is making me want to watch that, too XD
    Argh, I HATE recognising actors but not knowing where from. SO MUCH. My uni friends and I watch one helluva lot of movies, and after we've watched one, we'll almost always go on IMDB so we can check which actors played everyone.

    Grr, I still need to watch Heroes. I saw seasons 1&2 in HMV for about £25 the other day. Is it true that season 2's nowhere near as good, though?

    Glad your exams went mostly okay and things~ Are you looking forward to your results? Or do you want to hit me for even mentioning them? X3
    Sorry I haven't replied for - two months. D: How did your exams go? I had a day where I had about five hours' worth of exams. Most of my exams went fine, I think. I hope. Ehe.

    Yep, I've just done the work experience last week - I got back yesterday. It was a lot of fun - at first it was kinda bleh because they had me doing a job that wasn't very fun - translating texts from French into English - but it got better. I was working at Jaguar France because my dad used to work there and got me the placement. He came along to France, I think to see his old freinds. And we stayed in the house of my friend and her family who live in France, which was fun, and we went shopping in Paris for a short while, so yeah, it was a good trip. Really looking forward to the summer now. Do you finish pretty late in the summer or earlier like some lucky people I know?
    Haha, now it's in my head, too X3 Which is better than Yellow Submarine, which has been in my head for the past couple of days (don't get me wrong; it's a great song, but not so good when you're trying to focus in an exam and all you can think is "and seas of green!").

    I know; the first year not counting is great in that is majorly takes stress off the exams, but also kind annoying because my coursework has been good and I'm paying a bazillion pounds (or thereabouts) a term in tuition fees.

    I knew nothing about Buffy (I only started watching TV preatty much last year, so I did a Buffy-bypass in the '90s) until one of my uni friends sat me down and forced to watch a bunch of episodes and now I'm completely, hopelessly addicted. It's so. Damn. Good!
    Yeah, he's Giles. The same actor (Anthony Head) plays a vicious organ-collector in Repo: The Genetic Opera (which I haven't seen, but really want to) and it blows my mind because I can never reconcile the same actor playing two different characters in different things X3

    Having a ton of exams in a row (or, horror of horrors, on the same day) is the most stressful thing ever DX I'm sure you did really well, though; well done on the history and English~ Good luck and let me know how the others go :3
    I KNOW. I'm still adjusting. I do miss blinkie-Raine, but it's nice to have a normal-sized avvie for once, too. Plus SURFING WEEDLE.

    I'm doing well; I had an exam this morning (exams on a Saturday!), but it went really well, and I've done two others and they were decent. I'm not too fussed about these exams because my first year of uni doesn't count towards my final grade, I only need 40% to pass this year, and I'v done really well in the coursework, so it's not too stressful.
    Exams aside, I've... been watching a lot of Buffy. That's about it XD

    How've your exams been? And everything else, life in general; all good? :)
    Kinova! Hi. I'm sorry; I can be so lazy... >.< Arrgh. Umm. Happy 2009 for over three months ago. My Christmas was fun if I remember rightly - I should because I didn't consume any alcohol. I don't like alcohol. :3 And thanks for the happy birthday. I hope you've been fine, your Christmas was awesome, your Easter holidays are enjoyable and school's going well. :D Do you call it Year 11 in Wales or not? At any rate, I'm guessing you'll be doing some exams soon? Good luck revising for them if you will.
    Happy new year! And Christmas! And general winter-break~
    So what've you been up to? Yeah, it's really nice to be home and see my family and friends and things; I don't think I'll leave it a whole term without coming back again because I miss everyone too much ;;
    Gaaaah, that pinata is beyond awesome :D Everything about it is so, so adorable. How can that poor thing have been beaten up with a stick?
    Oh, that's wondrous; I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. I usually do that, and it's still fun :D Bowling was fun, despite my fail!skills; I think I bowled a sixty something as my highest |D Thank you <3~ Okami is a wondrous game that you need to play.
    Hi, Kinova! I really wasn't expecting any sort random message, so it's really nice to get one :D I'm usually the one who leaves one. I hope you had an enjoyable New Year and Chirstmas/other holidays, too. I've been in a good mood, and I have nothing to complain about (other than finding one item in Okami, and Kirby Super Star Ultra, but let's not bother with that.) I went bowling, and drank non-alcholic sparkling grape juice, which was quite fun. Uh, how about yourself?
    You know I do love my fair share of drama, Kinovacakes~ I mean, LOOK AT MOURMEDY. DRAMAEXPLOSION. (It's based on a true story too. I once turned into a demon when my mom told me I couldn't have chocolate anymore. Nasty business, I was five years old.)

    And I just... I couldn't wait... the quicker it escalates the better!
    Wow. You beat Wigglytuff? WOW. You lucky Kinova, you! He's the reason I got STUCK. Whoo~ ;;Arylettdances with Kinova's Kinovadancing;; Quick Seeds! I'll have to remember that.

    Superlett. X3 That is AWESOMENOCITY. Oh my God... now I MUST sing an Arylettopian National Anthem. One of these days, it shall be so! SUPERLETT! For Justice! ;;Rips off clothes, revealing a Superlett outfit underneath, complete with cape and everything;;

    My Psychology class was more like XD than :D. They were cracking UP. Ehehehe, you have a party trick too Kinovacakes! If you ever come here, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TALK. And everyone will GAPE in AWE. (I was told by my very good British friend that I sounded like her GRANDMA. X3 Before I practiced and got a bit better, that is. Though I still need more practice~ I want it to sound less stereotypical. Though for now, it's apparently good enough for the Non-Brits at my school. Minus that one British teacher, whom I shall NEVER do it around. I want to save myself the embarrassment. X3 Oh and Psychology? It's pretty interesting actually~ You learn lots of neat stuff... like about... the mind and stuff. ;;Sucks at explaining;; I think it would be a good idea to take it though~)

    I'm going to start using fissop now~ Because it is just THAT AWESOMENOCITY. Sweeeeendies! Oh, I love my weird Britame Phrases. X3 And many bandages! You guys will have to go to umm... Tesco, was it? Yeah... that place... and buy me some. Make sure to stock up on a lot!!

    There WAS? ;;IMMENSELY AMUSED;; Oh my GOD! I just made up that word ouf of the blue one time. ;;Snackers insanely;; Your mom must have been reeeaaally confused. X3 Yaaay, at least Snackers are yummy! ;;Snackers more;; Straight out bugging, dude man~ (What's your definition of a "valley girl"? 'Tis different from Ze Lett's?)

    Me too! But umm... I have to post this form... yeah... and it'll actually help towards starting it. But I am LAZY! And just the Royal Servants have them. And the Queen. And anyone who works for her directly~
    (Oh, you know what'd be neat? If the OS group went Chirstmas Caroling, and we would all have Santa Hats, and someone could be wearing a wreath, and mistletoe could be thrown...and I'm boring you aren't I?)
    I can't draw group pictures, I have to draw two or three people in a picture :< Oh, what are we dressing up as? Actually Zora's the one you should thank, she came up with that idea :D

    Yay, I'm glad that you enjoy it~

    Heh, that'll be fun, and I hope a few members make an art thread, too. It's going to be alot to comment on, though >:
    ...o.o; Wow, that's just odd. It's sort of neat, too, though :D

    I'm trying to obtain all of the references of everyone so it's easier for me to draw everyone, which will take a while :< Then I'll procrasinate some. I hope everything's going well for you. I'm surprised the group is so popular, but it's nice because a lot of the members are active and helpful :D

    I'll try, but I doubt I'll finish the goal. I can't wait to see a bunch of pictures from everyone, though :D

    Uh, hi, um, how are you?

    Oh, and good luck to you with the drawing a day thing from Obsessive Scribblers~
    It's okay, Kinovacakes. Arylett does not understand new-fangled computery devices either. X3 And Wigglytuff is HARD HARD. Gah! I STILL haven't beaten him. So hard. Whoo more! Arylett shall go comment on it, of course~

    ;;Gigglefits;; I sort of thought something different when I changed outfits, actually. ;;Imagined self ripping off whatever clothes she was wearing and underneath revealing that the whole time she had Arylett Poppinsburra outfit like Superman or something;; But I like your idea better. X3 Oh and lately in my Psychology class, I've been practicing my accent, reading out questions in it. I asked the teacher: "Can I read this in a British accent?" She said sure. I've been doing in the last three days and everyone LOVES it. X3 The whole class just is AWED by how "good" (because they're Americans and umm... it sounds British enough for them! I think it's too... posh. Or overexaggerated, personally.) Everyone got excited when it got to my turn and they made the teacher make me read a LONGER question out than I was originally assigned. It's just like I said! It's like... some parlor trick or something. X3 Oh, he's double jointed, he can bend his thumb backwards. Cool. He's a magician, he can make a coin pop out of your ear. Cool. Well hey guys, Arylett can do a BRITISH ACCENT. GASP OH MY GOD, NO WAY. NO WAY! DO IT, DO IT, DO IT. (Do I really? I thought it was horrible and overexaggerated. X3 And yaaay indeed~ I thought she would think I was on crack or something.)

    (Swendies~ Though I actually pronounce it "sweendies" for some reason. ;;Makes no sense with her pronounciations at ALL~;; Fissop is definately the best one, wouldn't you agree?) Would it be megawesomenocity? I think it would~ Yep! You guys get to watch a Crazy American in a Mary Poppins costume dancing! (Lots of plasters. But it will be SO worth it. You guys will be snackering like oh my GOD~ And umm... to be honest? I don't really know what it means myself. X3 I think it means like... freaking out or something. I just saw it in this movie once and I don't know, I started using it to imitate valley girls.) Because I was too lazy to get up. X3 Dear me, I am SOOO lazy~ Sit down Arylettdance! In a HAT~!

    Maybe! Hmm... I wonder if we ever will... for the quest. Oh no, Hector will CERTAINLY make it back. He's got Magical Arylettopian Powers~
    I told you, it was awesomenocity. But saaaad~ I cried so bad. And yes, so did I. X3 Partnershipping IS cannon. I mean, LOOK at them. Oh, I haven't gotten past that part. It's SO HARD GAH. CANNOT BEAT. And ROMs have the whole game.

    Britlett. X3 I enjoyed Arylett Poppinsburra. ;;Goes into a GIGGLEFIT;; She is very amused. She LOVES It. And I hope she doesn't either. "OY ARYLETT! BE BRITISH FOR THE GUESTS!" Arylett: ;;Turns into Arylett Poppinsburra;; Pip pip! Cheerio! Guests: ;;MARVEL IN AWE AT THE BRITISHNESS!;; She's SO BRITISH! ;;DROOLS;; (Here's another voice clip of my attempts, I've been PRACTICING! Oh and I sang Danni a birthday song... she loved it. X3)

    (Aliens perhaps? Swendies, I call them. X3 Sweets + Candies~ Like biscookies! Biscuits + Cookies! Or umm... Fisop! Fizzy Drink/Pop + Soda~ ;;Has been combining British and American phrases for the ULTIMATE COMPROMISE~;;) BritTCoDers Plus That One American Over There, Also Known As The Brit Wannabe or umm... Arylett. Yeah. ;;Snackergiggles;; Rainbows and balloons and AWESOMENOCITY! And I'd put on my Poppinsburra outfit for you guys and do an Arylettdance, and you could all laugh at the silly American trying to be British and failing so bad~ (Yep! It IS~ And the most PAINFUL too. Spiffety spiffers! It's quite spiffers, Kinova dude man. Like OH MY GOD, straight out bugging dude~ As we supposedly say around here.) Oh and here, watch this silly video of me Arylettdancing with a funny hat on. X3

    Don't worry. I shall ENSURE that he does not blab to the other Kinovians... ;;Arylettplottingface;; (Oh and I CANNOT WAIT! until that RP starts. Yep, I'm actually 45 Kinovacakes~ But I look and act 16. BECAUSE SOMEBODY POURED MAGIC DUST ON MY HEAD.)
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