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Activity pit of doom

I think if we want to provoke discussion we should focus our energies on digging up topics that lots of people can discuss and give input on, math is just sort of...Well a lot of people don't like math, I guess is what I mean. So that's great for those who do but it's only going to attract people who like to (and can) discuss math, as opposed to a subject nearly everybody has an opinion on.

Also I'd have nothing to contribute to a math thread since I'm currently failing Pre-Calculus.

You don't have to like math to talk about it! You could also complain about it or get help. And you could argue about not liking it! It could be like "math is boring and I don't get why we have to learn it in school!" "But what about shopping?! Or... balancing a check book?!" "Okay shopping math has nothing to do with pre-calculus, also, what even is balancing a check book." "Nooo shopping isn't why you learn math, you learn it because it's awesome." "No it's not, it's boring!" "But what about hexaflexagons! Wait have you never seen the hexaflexagon videos look look look. Also chicken nugget math." "... why would you put math into chicken nuggets that's horrible." "Why not?!"

Also yeah like res said we're not stuck to a certain number of threads.

Also math just keeps going! You can talk about math forever. Like if you do "what's your favourite colour?" sure, maybe everyone has a favourite colour, but once they all say one it's over! Whereas people will keep running into math and getting annoyed by math and getting excited by math forever.

(doesn't failing pre-calculus give you any opinions? I'd have lots of opinions about that. Also, questions.)

I'm not sure why we need to sit around talking about a math thread, let's just have one. (The real problem isn't interest but whether it should be about math or maths.)
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My point didn't really come out the way I wanted it to, what I was trying to get at is that in the interest of boosting discussion you could try the sorts of topics that almost everybody has opinions on (hopefully aggressive opinions!), etc etc. Though I guess Hiikaru makes it sound like math could do just that XD

But myself, all I can say about math is I'm failing it. I have no need or interest in saying more :P
The nice thing about threads is not everybody has to be interested in all of them! The worst that can happen is the thread dies. It doesn't need to cater to everyone specifically.
Yeah... This forum is pretty much dead. Sad but true. I think we need to recruit new members. Any ideas as to how?

Getting the forums name out there might help a bit. One way of doing this might be to add another series to the forums instead of leaving it as just Pokemon. I know that this site has a bunch of other sibling sites and all of that jazz, but it seems that sticking to one thing isn't going very well. Perhaps if the site expanded to another game series, that might influence those fans to come here and tell their Pokemon/new game loving friends to as well. This doesn't mean the forum should just abandon Pokemon, but instead not isolate itself to just Pokemon
Getting the forums name out there might help a bit. One way of doing this might be to add another series to the forums instead of leaving it as just Pokemon. I know that this site has a bunch of other sibling sites and all of that jazz, but it seems that sticking to one thing isn't going very well. Perhaps if the site expanded to another game series, that might influence those fans to come here and tell their Pokemon/new game loving friends to as well. This doesn't mean the forum should just abandon Pokemon, but instead not isolate itself to just Pokemon
People can already discuss non-Pokémon stuff here; it's not "isolating itself to just Pokémon". People who aren't Pokémon fans at all have no reason to come here, no, but the number of Pokémon fans in the world is clearly not the bottleneck keeping this forum from being the most popular forum in the world.

Also consider how this forum is attached to a Pokémon website, as opposed to a Pokémon-and-something-else website, and refer to my FAQ entry on why it would make no sense whatsoever to turn my site into a Pokémon-and-something-else website.

I honestly don't give a damn how active my forums are. I'm as sad as anyone to see a once-lively community drift apart, and I'd be thrilled if we managed to revive it organically, but desperate marketing stunts to get more people here are not something I'm even remotely interested in. You're free to go and promote it however you want if you think it'll help, but I'm not going to pull something like changing the theme of the forums.
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People can already discuss non-Pokémon stuff here; it's not "isolating itself to just Pokémon". People who aren't Pokémon fans at all have no reason to come here, no, but the number of Pokémon fans in the world is clearly not the bottleneck keeping this forum from being the most popular forum in the world.

Also consider how this forum is attached to a Pokémon website, as opposed to a Pokémon-and-something-else website, and refer to my FAQ entry on why it would make no sense whatsoever to turn my site into a Pokémon-and-something-else website.

I honestly don't give a damn how active my forums are. I'm as sad as anyone to see a once-lively community drift apart, and I'd be thrilled if we managed to revive it organically, but desperate marketing stunts to get more people here are not something I'm even remotely interested in. You're free to go and promote it however you want if you think it'll help, but I'm not going to pull something like changing the theme of the forums.

You make a very clear point on what you think the forum should be, and that point is also a very good one. It really makes sense to just keep the site for Pokemon, so... sorry about that.
The link to the forums isn't featured very prominently on the main page. I'm sure most of the people who visit the main page don't even know that there is a forum if they don't check all the links on the sidebar or see the forums when they Google it.
Better yet, we create a TCoD musical and sell it on Broadway. Fans will be streaming in like minnows on a moldy piece of bread. It's foolproof. It's necessary. It's time.
How much do YouTube ads cost?
YouTube ads are paid for by the view, ranging from 10¢ to 30¢ per view, so the overall cost would depend on where you were advertising. To show it to 10,000 people would cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 depending on which type of ad you chose. (1)
How much do TV ads cost?
Assuming you've already actually made the ad, a 30-second commercial can range from $100,000 to $500,000 depending on how popular the network/channel is that you're advertising it on. During national events, especially the Super Bowl and the like, they can go up to almost $4 million. (2)
How much do billboards in Times Square cost?
Billboards in general range from $1,000 to $2,500 depending on the city (but not necessarily on the city's population) and, presumably, the company who made the billboard, for one billboard for one month. (3) In Times Square, the scrolling text thing costs ~$1.1 million per year (~$90,000 per month), and the larger pictures/video things cost somewhere between 2 and 4 million dollars per year ($167,000 to $333,000 per month). (4)
Blimps, guys.
$5 million for the blimp, another $5 million for the hangar, around $800 in operating costs per hour, and ~$10,000 in insurance costs. (5)
Better yet, we create a TCoD musical and sell it on Broadway. Fans will be streaming in like minnows on a moldy piece of bread. It's foolproof. It's necessary. It's time.
It'll cost between $5,000 and $10,000 to get a bunch of equity actors and do a 29-hour reading, which puts us at around $1,500 to $3,000 per 10 hours of rehearsal, which we can put closer to $2,000 per 10 hours. (6) Now, broadway shows usually rehearse for 6-8 weeks (let's assume 6), with each rehearsal lasting around 7 hours, assuming 6 rehearsals a week.(7) That's 6 * 7 * 6 = 252 --> 25.2 * $2000 = a little more than $50,000 to set that up. Throw in some props and other expenses, and I'll estimate it to be around $55,000 total. Now, to actually perform it on broadway is another $5-20 million, which basically sets that $55,000 irrelevant. (6)

So in review, in terms of cost, Blimps > Musical > TV ads > YouTube ads > Billboards.

Overall, YouTube ads would probably be the most effective in spreading the message to the most people at the least cost. More than one billboard adds up really quickly.
Who needs youtube ads when we could just make a youtube video outselves and engineer it to go viral. That way we get publicity AND get money off of the ads. That is obviously the best option and is a 100% flawless plan.
How about we just kidnap the president while claiming to be part of a terrorist organization known as the "Cave of Dragonflies"? Think of all the publicity we would get!
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