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Open As Darkness Falls

Name: Rachel
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Team: Pokémorphs (Xatu)
Appearance: Rachel could be considered one of the luckier Pokemorphs in that while she could never pass for a normal human, she isn't a morph of a Magicarp or such. Her hair is short and light green, with two red "pigtails" in the back. She has very wide set, almond-shaped black eyes. While she doesn't have a beak, there is a large yellowish blotch across part of her face, which sort of gives the impression of one. Her wings are basically identical to a Xatu's except for her arms, which are attached, making the wings look like very long dress sleeves. She has feathers covering her entire torso along with her wings, and has about the same patterns as a Xatu there as well. However, because humans are too heavy and not very strong, and her wing feathers are little more than down, she can only fly for a few seconds at a time. Given the feathers and big wings, she could probably run around without any clothes and be mistaken for a weird-looking Xatu. Normally, she wears pretty plain clothes; her usual outfit being a colorful loose-fitting tee shirt and a short skirt or jeans, with either sandals or no shoes at all. She really likes wearing colorful "hippie" type necklaces and bracelets, too.
Personality: People think that Rachel is a little out there; always staring off into space, standing perfectly still. She does this pretty randomly, sometimes in the middle of school or in a conversation, which really annoys people (and teachers when she's late to class for this reason). She's very smart, though, and normally a very cheerful person, even if she always has a serious, almost sad expression on her face. Since her entire family is like her, she has never seen a reason to be ashamed or shy about how she looks and does not appreciate people treating her differently because of it (not that it happens too much). These traits are basically the reason she still has friends. She really likes painting (though her wings get in the way a lot) and trying to use psychic abilities like a Pokemon. She can sort of see rather random things that will happen in the near future (What somebody is going to say to her, the weather, etc), but not much. Her skills with attacks are about the same (not very good), but she thinks it's fun, and is getting better.
History: Rachel's entire family is made up of Natu or Xatu morphs, but to varying degrees. While her parents are very Xatu-like, her other siblings look much more human than Pokemon, and can almost hide that they're morphs altogether. But, (and especially after evolving recently) Rachel looks much more Pokemon that human, which she almost certainly is. Still, overall, she has had a rather peaceful, almost ordinary life with her family, living in Hearthome city. She gets very good grades and has a couple friends, so overall she's happy.
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Name: Stephen Lederberg

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Team: Pokémorphs(Parasect)

Appearance: Stephen's body is mostly human, in shape, at least. His skin is light-orange, and a it harder then usual skin, and his index, middle and ring finger are stuck together, creating a sort of Parasect claw, although he still have his pinky and thumb(even if they look somewhat insect-like), making him more or less capable of using his hand for everyday things. His eyes, while not completely blank, is fading to white, but one can still see his sea-blue iris. His dark-brown hair goes down to his neck, but he also have a mushroom cap on his head, but it works pretty much like any other hat, except Stephen can't take it off his head.

Stephen tend to wear a plain white shirt, and black shorts, along with sandals, as he spends a lot of his free time outside.

Personality: Stephen was raised to be polite, and never swears. He doesn't care about people insulting him, something he also have been raised to. He doesn't like violence, but knows that sometimes it's the only way out of a problem, even if he'd rather sit down and talk about it. he cares for his friends, and does his best to help and cheer them up if needed to.

History: Growing up in the outskirts of Hearthome City, Stephen spent a lot of his free time in the nearby forest, which is understandable, since he was a Paras Pokémorph. The adopted son of a normal man and female Mightyena Pokémorph, he was told by his mother, who grew up being rather shunned, how to act around humans, to make it easier for them to accept him.

He enjoys walking when it's raining, as he would have the ability Dry Skin if he was a normal Parasect. but for the same reason, he can suffer severe damage if he's outside when it's too sunny. Thereby causing him to be unable to go to school at some days, something he could make up for by being pretty much never actually sick.
Evoli: Rachel is Accepted.

Male Gardevoir: Stephen is Accepted.

Twiggy for victory: We'll start as soon as we agree on a location to start in (I already suggested Solaceon Ruins or Celestic Ruins).
Hm. You could know some other people if you wish, but don't act like you've completely met everyone, especially if you're like my character, who isn't that social.
I third Solaceon Ruins. :3

Also, Darksong, since my character and your character are from the same place, does that mean Oliver may have seen her before, but doesn't know her? Or were both characters fairly young when Crystal and her family moved?
Okay you need antagonists. luckily, that's what I'll make:

Name: Marcus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Team: Unnamed Band
Appearance: Marcus has very messy black hair and grey-blue eyes. His customary attire is a whte T-shirt and jeans, along with his favorite pair of blue sneakers.
Personality: Marcus is somewhat quiet, keeping to himself most of the time. He's very smart, but he thinks of himself as weak, due to his shyness and his lack of skill in Pokemon battling.
History: Marcus's dad was a team Galactic member, completely unknown, but a member all the same. From him, Marcus learned about the Pokemorphs, and inherited his dad's dislike for them. When he heard of an entire group that hated them, he joined up.
Other: His team consists of:

(There was originally gonna be a gag Happiny in there, but I decided against that.)
Well, when Crystal moved, she was about six, which means that Oliver would have been eight. It's really your choice, since it's quite possible they were from the sameschool.

Flora and Ashes: Marcus is Accepted.
((Okay, thanks for letting me know, Twiggy. [mind if I call you that?]
Does everyone agree that we start in Solaceon ruins?))
((Yea, why not?
Anyway, I want to tell that I made a private message to a certain someone, and I'd like that someone to not forget its contests when I come back. Might we RP a little then, darksong?
Im leaving in 2 hours))
Okay, that feels like it's a majority. We may have different reasons to be in Solaceon Ruins, but Crystal is looking for stones that she has heard of, such as the Dusk Stone.

RP start!

Crystal rested her claws on the gray stone that lined the small room, where sunlight did not reach at all. It was very hard to see, except for the occasional... crystal... that was embedded in the walls. It was freezing cold and dark, but those were Crystal's two favorite features; after all, she was mostly Sneasel, to the point where it was hard to tell that she was even human at all. Her brown eyes didn't fit, however, so that was one way to tell. And she was a lot taller than a normal Sneasel. People seemed to just have the instinct that she was a Pokemorph. Both her father and mother were Sneasel Pokemorphs, which was the main reason for her being such a small part human. They were also some of the most pure, so that was the secondary reason and the end of the explanation.

Something glinted in the corner of her eye, and she turned her head with a questioning grunt. "Hm?" It didn't appear to be anything significant, but Crystal began to walk towards it. However, she gave a shout as she bumped straight into the wall, knocked down. The Sneasel morph began to rub her head. That light had appeared to be farther away than it really was...
Rachel was standing in a small room, eyes unfocused, wings/arms folded in the classic Xatu pose. She was staring off into space, almost totally unable to see anything in the gloom. Not that there was much to see, and that wasn't why she was here. It was so quiet and calming here. Her powers seemed stronger here, probably because of that.
But the sound of a girl shouting forced her back to reality, fracturing the vision she'd been seeing of a large group of people. It had been interesting.. Well, now her concentration was all messed up. Great, thanks, whoever-you-are.
She was getting kind of hungry, anyway. She'd try again in a different, further-away room for a while and then leave. Rachel stretched a bit, wiggling her toes to restore feeling to her feet, which had fallen asleep a long time ago. She made her way slowly and cautiously through the hallways, running one hand across the wall so that she didn't bump into anything.
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