Using leeched wifi to pop in and say some things:
UV is pretty much exactly on point.
I'd like to think that blazhy and co. just don't realize how bad their actions had been because it's been going on for 2.5 years and they got used to it, but maybe I'm wrong, because, well, people change in 2.5 years.
Honestly, I don't blame you all for hating these people forever and never wanting to talk to them ever again -- even if you're stepping on someone's sandcastle because you think it's funny, not because you're actually trying to make someone sad and angry,
you're still stepping on someone's sandcastle. It's still a shitty thing to do. And there is a reason I chose to leak the chatlogs to get everyone banned rather than trying to let them continue the lies...
It may be relevant for those of us not in ASB to know what the hell happened in the Battle of Asber thing that started all this.
tl;dr is that Negrek planned this big mosh-pit-style battle sort of thing where the normal trainers of ASB had to fight 3 legendary Pokemon. The ASBer group found out too late that there were spies, and everyone ended up being overworked and bitter because of the perceived unfairness.
Longer version is:
Negrek planned this big mosh-pit-style battle sort of thing where the normal trainers of ASB had to fight 3 legendary Pokemon.
There was a private forums/chatbox/something outside of TCoD where the people controlling the legendary Pokemon discussed strategies. There was one for the 30-something Asber battlers as well; it was ran by bulbasaur. I believe this is where res stole all the passwords.
Blazhy, res, and I were the most active participants in the Asber group; we basically came up with most of the strategy for all the pokemon each round. Mai, The Omskivar, and Metallica Fanboy, and some other members were also active, but not nearly as much. Most other people just kind of stayed silent or lurked (sometimes, not even that.)
As far as I can tell, drama reached official levels of existence when it became painfully clear by Round 5 that there had been a spy in the midst of the 30-something ASB trainers. Ever since Round 1, our group's plans had failed as if they've been systematically picked apart -- as if someone had been able to see the exact thing they could do to break through all our backup plans... We weren't dealing enough damage per pokemon to win, and Blazhy, I, res, and Mai had felt really overworked, especially since most people weren't participating. (Not sure about Omski and MF and the other people because I haven't asked them :p) We refused to suspect anyone of spying because TEAMWORK!!! and whatnot, so blazhy, res, and I (and possibly some other people but I don't quite remember) drafted an PM to Negrek asking about the spies.
In Round 7, Negrek officially revealed that there had been spies in our midst all along, who were revealed to be Coloursfall and High-Moon. The people previously controlling the three legendaries (Kratos, pathos, and Allitersonance) had also been really overworked, and they stepped down to let Colours and Moony take control.
The rest of Asber had fled to a new secret forums (run by res) by that point, and but everyone's really overworked and bitter by now. I don't know how much of the bitterness leaked outside of the private forums, but it's evidently enough to make Negrek shut down the entire ASB.
All the drama kind of got shoved under the carpet, and people moved on/forgot about it/continue to nurse their bitterness... Blazhy, res, Mai, and a bunch of other people started rebuilding ASB; I had been too burnt out by this point and busy with real life to continue, so I kind of disappeared for 2.5 years.
I don't know the details of how ASB came back to life; I don't know what happened with Phantom; and I'm also not quite sure exactly how res and Allitersonance ended up being friends, since Allie wasn't on our side -- supposedly res found the chatbox where the legendaries had been planning their commands, and they've been chatting ever since then or something.
As for res, I mostly blame him. res in my mind manipulated and brainwashed these people. We all knew these people, active members all, all of them being here for many years. And all of us have the same reaction, disbelief. But seeing these logs... some of them even talk like him. Act like him. He was a bad influence on them, my opinion.
Blaming everything on res is probably giving it too much credit.
Yes, res did a lot of shitty things. But, be really honest with yourself -- if res hadn't been an asshole to you, and instead actually cared about you, would you have done anything?
Vipera Magnifica said:
Mai, blazhy, and allitersonance may have just been "going along" with res's actions, but they were still fully aware of what they were doing. In doing so, they chose their friendship with res over their friendship with everyone else on this forum. Had they valued the trust and respect of the members of this forum more, they would not have chosen to actively participate in these schemes.
I mean, yeah, they're closer friends with each other than with anyone else on the forums. I think
I'm still closer friends with them than anyone else on the forums...