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Closed Battle Royale

Voyne turned to face the Gliscor who had just landed next to him. He came as quite a surprise; Voyne had just began to doze off when Glion arrived. Being a cactus Pokémon, he was perfectly capable of sleeping while standing upright.

"Oh, it's you," Voyne said. "Well, good to see you. You'll help me take out those two, no?" He motioned towards the tree where that Espeon and Grovyle were sleeping - oh, wait, they seemed to be stirring.

Maybe they had spotted him?

Well, no matter.

"What do you say we strike a truce?" he asked Glion, smirking.
Gliscor examined Voyne.
"Yea truce. But I get the Espeon. You can take out the Grovyle." he stated.
Turning his attention to the Pokemon he readied himself for an attack.
Hanabi kept a sharp lookout while waiting for Carnage to answer. She turned her head to check on Bumpy. He was cowering, still not trusting the Victreebel.
"It's okay, buddy," Hanabi whispered, so that Carnage couldn't hear, "I'll defend you if anyone attacks."
Bumpy stopped shaking, but still avoided eye contact with the Victreebel.
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Itsuki carefully crept into the shed. The whole thing seemed a little bit flimsy, but it held up. He tried looking around, but the inside was completely dark except for some moonlight steaming in from the doorway. It seemed like nobody was inside, but Itsuki was sure he heard shuffling from inside after he launched his initial attack. He tried again, launching more homing magical leaves. They were drawn towards a shelf in the back of the shed. He slowly walked towards the shelf.
((Sorry for the lack of my posting; I haven't been home in 10 hours D:))

"Listen to me," Carnage said, "there has to be a way out of these. I'm sure of it. If we work together to get these off, I'm sure that we can get away with having three survivors instead of only one. Plus, I need to point this out; you notice how everyone else is going after each other? That's because they don't want to realize that there is another way, besides killing, to get out of here."
"I was quite innocent before I commited my crime... my parents were pretty shocked that I did it too. Quite honestly, I didn't care. I'd done what I wanted, and I'd do it again really, only maybe not quite in the same way," the Espeon began, "I think really the worst thing was that this person was kinda of... boring if you know what I mean. Anyway, I became better to try and get myself out of this class." Xyvine stared, intrigued by the air of mystery that the feline Pokémon had whilst telling about his crime.

"Oh, if I could have resisted, I wouldn't be here..." he moaned.
"But what did you actually do to get yourself into the class?" Xyvine said.
The Espeon remained silent, but these words echoed inside the Grovyle's head.

"I raped someone..."

The Grovyle sat and stared in amazement.
"You? You don't look like the sort! A rapist? You!? That's funny!" Xyvine chirruped. The Grovyle's beamed with a great smile as he laughed, revealing all of his sharp, pointed, glimmering teeth.
"Yeah, I couldn't resist the sexual urge..." the Espeon said. "It was a nice sensation, but I knew at once what I did was wrong. Everyone else seemed to be doing it though. I got put into this class. I'd do intercourse again, but maybe not so much in that way. So, what did you do to get yourself here?"

The Grovyle pointed. The Cacturne had gathered reinforcements.
"Just ignore it," Lunar said, "they won't attack us yet. What did you do?"
"Nothing." the Grovyle said. Lunar's eyes opened wide in amazement.
"Nothing? Seriously? How do you no NOTHING and end up in a class of criminals?"
"I think I was framed, but I lost the case at the court. I ended up here." the Grovyle said. "We best be on guard now. They're talking. Can you read anything?"
"Hmm, not really. They've formed a pact, and that's all I can gather."

They stared downwards at the Cacturne and their new foe. It was dark, so they couldn't make out the species of their new foe, only that it was there and that it had its back turned to them. The starry sky overead twinkled.
"You know, this could be the last time we ever see the stars." Xyvine stated.
"Yeah I wonde-" Lunar's voice trawled away. He sighed, then scoffed down the rest of the bread. "We'll just take theirs once they're dead. It doesn't matter about food if we die now either."
"...Don't attack the Cacturne with Leaf Blade. Please, please don't..."

The Wood Gecko Pokémon didn't question why the Espeon had asked him this. The pair of them continued their watch over the Cacturne and his comrade.
Hanabi was cautious. "But the Magmortar said that if we tamper with these..." She sent out a small firework that made a quiet boom so that only Carnage could hear. "We're dead."
Fist continued marching west through the forest. Hungry, he sat down and opened his sack. He pulled out a loaf of bread, tore off a piece and began to eat it, looking at his map. His eyes widened as he examined it. "Wow, I've traveled nearly two miles already. That's not surprising for my species, anyway, since I've trained so much." When the Machop was no longer hungry, he stuffed the bread and map back into his sack and continued through the forest, heading slightly north now. He was following a subtle dirt path.
Slash finally dug out of his dirt burrow. He snatched a couple of berries from a bush.

Flesh is better he thought.
Raith stared at the night sky. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Fantasy attempting to talk to him until she hit him with her tail again.
"Perhaps you didn't hear me. It's your turn to rest." She said.
"Uh...What?" Raith muttered, disoriented.
"Rest, you blubbering oaf. I'll keep watch."
"Right...Sorry." With that, Raith laid down and closed his eyes. Within minutes, he was snoring.
"I'll be damned if that Umbreon doesn't kill both of us with that snore of his..." Fantasy muttered, attempting to block it out.
"...What would happen if we set them on fire?" She immediately said after that. "Wait. Never mind. We'd burst into flames if we did that. And that might still trigger them."
"Well, there's no way to shrink." She breathed a bit of fire in front of Bumpy's eyes so that he could see Carnage. "He can help us figure out a plan, though," she said to the Zigzagoon. Bumpy looked unsure, but nodded anyway. Hanabi knew he wouldn't say anything. He was more of the quiet, shy type.
"Now, Glion..." Voyne began. "I happen to be a Cacturne, and as such, I like to wait for a very long time before I strike. And not to mention that I've just Ingrained myself here; I won't be going anywhere for some time."

He raised an eyebrow in a way that suggested that he was just about to say 'but'.


"If it's more of your style, we can go after them whenever you feel like it. Just remember that I'm stuck here until I get these roots off." Voyne pointed down to the vines that had sprouted from his feet and burrowed themselves into the ground; he didn't really look very troubled by them, however - rather the opposite. The rejuvenating energy he drained from the ground did him much good, and frequent Ingraining was certainly part of the secret behind Voyne's healthy green colour.
"Someone's here..."

Horus looked at where he tread; a small muddy path. If any of those other Pokemon are smart enough, they would've followed. "Probably that Cacturne." He whispered to himself as he weighed up his options; run and pick an easier target, or confront whoever it is that followed him.

He grabbed a small coin from his belt and flipped it; Tails.

Finishing the splint, Horus walked back, eager to meet his new friend. "Game on."
Malice slept for a few minutes, then woke up. Now he had time to think, he used it in the collar. Oh, I'm such an idiot. How didn't I think of this earlier.? In an instant, Malice went to his insubstancial form. For his displeasure, the collar turned too. I need to think.

Outside the tent, Blade scanned the area again, but with more atention. He had been very anxious for prey and just now relaxed his mind. He saw two figures near a tree. Looking around and seeing no one was near to find them, the Scyther decided to check the figures. There, a Cacturne and a Gliscor were talking about atacking someone in the tree. Looking up, he saw the figures of an Espeon and a Grovyle. Blade, don't do it. He thought to himself, controlling his instinct.Be patient.
"Hehe..." Xyvine chuckled.
"You do remember the plan right?" Lunar sighed.
"Of course! An Espeon always lands on all fours anyway, so what's the problem..." he muttered quietly. Even though the pair were out of earshot of their opposition, they still didn't want to risk anything. Lunar crept down from branch to branch, with Xyvine following.
Suprisingly, Xyvine flung out and pushed the Espeon. Lunar clung to the branch, attempting not to slip off.
"I fucking hate you!" Xyvine exclaimed. "You're so fat, and greedy. I mean, you already ate all of our food on the first day!" Lunar yelled back in retaliation.
"I hate you more! I mean, you could just photosynthesize or whatever you stupid plants do anyway! I'm gonna tear you limb from limb!"
Lunar clambered unsteadily to his feet, and pounced at the Grovyle, leaving a trail of Psychic energy. In truth, it was just Lunar preparing to use Morning Sun, but was covering it up with Psychic to make it look like an attack. The Grovyle sidestepped the attack and pushed Lunar with a great ammount of force.
"Good work." echoed in the Grovyle's head.

Screaming loudly, Lunar plummeted towards the ground from a great height. He made a swift turn of his body before landing on all fours, and the looked up at the Grovyle. He fired a Psybeam which missed the Grovyle's face by about a centimetre. He slipped over from the force of the attack on the wet mud. Xyvine roared with false fury. He held out his arms, and then, before releasing his attack, turned towards the Cacturne.

The Cacturne's ingrain started to work against him, snapping away from his body, and surging at him like an army of furious tentacles. The Grass Knot attack had done what the pair had wanted it to do; it had removed the ingrain attack. Xyvine lanched himself towards the ground, landing next to Lunar. They gave a sharp nod to each other before beginning their attack on Voyne and Glion.

((Uhm yeah, seeing as this is my first time roleplaying on forums, I apologise if using the ingrain in that way would be considered God-modding. I don't know if it was or not, but if it is, it won't happen again.))
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((OOC: You're certainly not godmoding, not at all.))

Voyne watched the two Pokémon, slightly confused, as they started to fight each other. He had no idea what was going on, but - well, he didn't mind! Just so long as he could move in for the kill sooner or later... He watched them, his confusion slowly turning into amusement. They both fell from the tree and landed not far from Voyne himself; a bit too close for him to feel comfortable, admittedly...

Then, suddenly, the Grovyle turned to face him. Voyne blinked.

Then he fell backwards.

The roots under him were beginning to twist and coil, whipping at him furiously. They snapped loose from his body, and Voyne instantly felt their refreshing energy fade from him. He never liked that feeling, but considering the circumstances it almost felt worse than usual... what with the roots turning on him and all. The use of Grass Knot was unexpected but very clever, he had to admit.

Without saying so much as a word, Voyne stood up, kicking the vines off his legs. He rubbed his hands together and, raising his Needle Arm, braced himself as the Espeon and the Grovyle came towards him and Glion.
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