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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

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use tinypic.com

or photobucket.com

or imageshack.com

tinypic best. don't need account
If you have a digital camera, you can just connect it to your computer with the little cable thing that should have come with it. If you have a normal camera, you a) can't do anything and b) need to start living in the 21st century.

OR if you have a Mac you can just use PHOTO BOOTH now don't you wish you had a mac
now don't you wish you had a mac

No. No I do not.

Let's see... A Mac that costs the same as my current machine would be significantly less powerful. Any pre-built compter would, actually (Buying part-by-part is cheaper) but a Mac would be even more so. And I bought some stuff that was rediculously overpriced - To the point where I could've saved at least $1200 and still have had roughly the same level of performance. An equivelant Mac would cost way more than I'd be willing to pay, and it lacks the game compatability to be worth it - You'd have to use bootcamp and Windows XP, and at that point, you can just build (Or even buy) a standard x86/x64 for less money.

Personally, I'd love to dual-boot Mac OS on this machine if it were possible. As for the hardware itself... What made Mac unique (And superior, arguably) were the PowerPC CPUs they used in oldschool Macs, and when they switched to Intel, they basically just became overpriced and unupgradeable hardware with a fancy, proprietary (And BSD-based) OS. I think they should have upgraded to PPC64 instead of switching to Intel, but that's just me being a nerd I guess. But like I said, give me an option to dual-boot Mac OS on my current machine, and have all my hardware work, and I'd jump on it in an instant, but I really don't want to (And can't afford to) just go out and buy a whole Mac system.

I just realized how off-topic this is, but I took all the effort to type that up, so I'm not deleting it :P
XD It's the MCBC, in the house~

And my hair is REALLY not straight. xD It's usually straight until you get to about my chin, and then it explodes outwards in a mad party of wavyness. And it flicks up at the ends. Which is nice, but not when doubled with the mad party of wavyness. D:

If I straighten it a little bit before school it's somewhat presentable, though.
Oh, but you haven't gotten the floofy, wool-like substance that I do on my head that some people call "hair". Compared to that, yours sounds like a dream~ Terrible, terrible stuffety stuffs. I tried to brush it when it was dry once. The bristles snapped clean off. D: Thick curly hair like mine sucks on so many levels.

But MCBC, yo, you still have awesome hair~
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No. No I do not.

Let's see... A Mac that costs the same as my current machine would be significantly less powerful. Any pre-built compter would, actually (Buying part-by-part is cheaper) but a Mac would be even more so. And I bought some stuff that was rediculously overpriced - To the point where I could've saved at least $1200 and still have had roughly the same level of performance. An equivelant Mac would cost way more than I'd be willing to pay, and it lacks the game compatability to be worth it - You'd have to use bootcamp and Windows XP, and at that point, you can just build (Or even buy) a standard x86/x64 for less money.

Personally, I'd love to dual-boot Mac OS on this machine if it were possible. As for the hardware itself... What made Mac unique (And superior, arguably) were the PowerPC CPUs they used in oldschool Macs, and when they switched to Intel, they basically just became overpriced and unupgradeable hardware with a fancy, proprietary (And BSD-based) OS. I think they should have upgraded to PPC64 instead of switching to Intel, but that's just me being a nerd I guess. But like I said, give me an option to dual-boot Mac OS on my current machine, and have all my hardware work, and I'd jump on it in an instant, but I really don't want to (And can't afford to) just go out and buy a whole Mac system.

I just realized how off-topic this is, but I took all the effort to type that up, so I'm not deleting it :P
tee hee hee, you took my semi-sarcastic comment and then in response wrote two paragraphs of geek stuff that I didn't understand. :P OH WELL maybe you can use it sometime in a different forum.

For the record, I have a Windows desktop and a Mac laptop. Both are useful for different things, and the only reason that those are the types of computers that I have is that it's what my parents bought.
tee hee hee, you took my semi-sarcastic comment and then in response wrote two paragraphs of geek stuff that I didn't understand. :P OH WELL maybe you can use it sometime in a different forum.

As little sense as this probably makes, I'm quite proud of my geekiness :D And the only other forum I go to already hates Macs with a passion, although most of the users' arguments (For anything, actually, not just Macs) are limited to general trolling like "XFD MACS SUCK SHIT" and "SUCK IT MACFAGS," so I doubt they'd bother reading any sort of intelligent response. If you're wondering why I go there, even though the users tend to be idiots a lot of the time, they also have a nice database of links and downloads that I find very useful. Think 4chan, but you can ignore the forum, and the site actually has useful stuff on it.

So both of those random colored blocks are you? Cause both of them have a "me" with an arrow pointing to them :P
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