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Bin Laden- Dead

My reaction I guess


I can't believe people sometimes...
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I understand the whole celebration over the destruction of such a terrible symbol, but like the others, can't bring myself to be happy over the death.
With Bin Laden gone, there is no one to enforce the uh... "rules". Or plan attacks as well as he did.

That isn't quite true. The various Al Qaeda groups spread throughout the middle east have been pretty much working separately, and the death of Osama, whilst very symbolic, probably won't do much other than give them another reason to attack the west.

It's a symbolic victory, yeah, and Osama is now gone, but that certainly won't be the end to Islamic terrorism against the west by Al Qaeda. If anything they've just been given more of a reason to attack.

I also can't really find it in me to celebrate this. Okay, so, he's gone -- now what? I also think it's somewhat abhorrent to celebrate the death of a human being, even a person who's done so many terrible things. It might have been necessary but that doesn't mean we should be happy about it. Death shouldn't be a happy thing.
Bah, I think it would have been wiser and more just to have simply captured him alive, but I guess it's good that he's been stopped in some way.
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um, why exactly didn't they capture him instead of killing him? was it too dangerous to try and capture him?
I think the official story is "they asked him to surrender himself but he didn't, so they shot him". (But I doubt that they even wanted to capture him.)
Yeah, what I said earlier was what I heard on the news earlier today. It was like "he was reportedly asked to surrender and then was shot in the head".
Frankly, I don't even get the people who are saying they can't be happy he's dead because it's "a human life." Americans have 9/11 to look at, 3000 innocent people dead because of him. I don't know if he was behind 7/7, but I bet he was. He's probably killed thousands of others of innocents as well, not to mention the soldiers who died fighting Al-Qaida. See this not as the deserved death of a murderous, psychotic, extremist dick, if you must, but rather the salvation of hundreds, maybe thousands. There's no reason not to be happy.
I *understand* the happiness, but there's no real escaping the fact that, when you actively celebrate the murder of a human being, you're not actually being better than him.
What about the many, many civilians Americans have killed since 9/11? And I'm sad about all of those deaths, and the American deaths, and all the other deaths, too.
Frankly, I don't even get the people who are saying they can't be happy he's dead because it's "a human life." Americans have 9/11 to look at, 3000 innocent people dead because of him. I don't know if he was behind 7/7, but I bet he was. He's probably killed thousands of others of innocents as well, not to mention the soldiers who died fighting Al-Qaida. See this not as the deserved death of a murderous, psychotic, extremist dick, if you must, but rather the salvation of hundreds, maybe thousands. There's no reason not to be happy.

Personally, I just don't think I can be happy about death. It's more like - okay, he died, but... how does someone dying merit happiness? I'm not gonna feel bad about it, but I don't see the joy in it, either, honestly.
Agreeing with Pathos. Although we killed off a major "villain", it's still a little disturbing to see everybody rejoicing because we did declare our willingness to take a human life. There's something unsettling about that. To quote what Pathos said, "how does DYING merit happiness?" It's really tough to be happy over this- we willingly went over to Pakistan with the intent of seeking out bin Laden to kill.

As for how this will impact us, on the bright side, this will be the beginning of the end of the war on Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Having taken out such a prominent figurehead in the enemy forces, this will like cause al-Qaeda to crumble, maybe taking the Taliban with it. Hopefully because of this, the American military will not be in the Middle East (or that part of it) much longer. In another respect, this act may (though it's a small chance) spawn a new war, something the U.S. DOES NOT NEED. This was brought up in my history class today. Because it already costs us too much to fund the war(s) we are already fighting, one more would put us over the edge. However, if Pakistan was to take us on, they need to know who they'd be up against. As my history teacher put it, "we could defeat Pakistan with our Navy alone". From one view, it would be a stupid thing for Pakistan to attempt war with us. From another, we may be so wrapped up in the other war(s) that we'd lack the funding for weapons and such to combat Pakistan.

I'm no military or warfare expert, but it's my opinion. If you have any questions, feel free to PM.
Revenge only turns you into the thing you're fighting against.

I believe that justice was indeed served, but I don't think his death should bring happiness; what should make you happy is that he isn't around to cause any more trouble, at least not directly. I would have been just as happy if he were to have been captured, as it would probably have brought about the same result (whether this result will turn out good for us or bad has yet to be seen).
I've found the degree of celebration poured into this rather amusing. I can't think of any other living person whose death would get people this amped up.

Also, I'm neutral when it comes to death penalty, but I don't think imprisoning him would have been worthwhile, objectively. It's not hard to imagine there would be plenty of people trying to release him, no matter how high-security his hypothetical holding cell would be. And it might be hard to sympathize with people who celebrate a death, but, many of them have lost close people to terrorism. I'm not saying that justifies it, but, it's not without reason that this is being a reason for partying.
That isn't quite true. The various Al Qaeda groups spread throughout the middle east have been pretty much working separately, and the death of Osama, whilst very symbolic, probably won't do much other than give them another reason to attack the west.

It's a symbolic victory, yeah, and Osama is now gone, but that certainly won't be the end to Islamic terrorism against the west by Al Qaeda. If anything they've just been given more of a reason to attack.

Ah, yeah. Guess so. Main thing is that they probably won't have as much coordination as they did before. Much as I hate to say it, Bin Laden was pretty damn smart. At least with him gone, a lot of people probably left their terrorist groups.
Ah, yeah. Guess so. Main thing is that they probably won't have as much coordination as they did before. Much as I hate to say it, Bin Laden was pretty damn smart. At least with him gone, a lot of people probably left their terrorist groups.

I'm sorry, I admit I don't know much about the situation, but this just seems incredibly naive to me. Do you really think an entire organisation is going to fall apart just because their leader was killed? Do you think there's no one else who could take his place? Bin Laden was a symbol more than anything else, from where I'm sitting.
Yes: Bin Laden was a figurehead, a symbol, someone who had no say in the actual running of the Al Qaeda cells spread throughout the world. So killing him has martyred him and given the Al Qaeda and other terrorist cells an excuse to attack the US.

so like ???
what did osama bin laden actually do!

Just saying because I'm pretty sure he was hiding and doing nothing for like... ten years.
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