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Black & White

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I kind of hope that the older mediocre Pokemon don't get evolutions, because if they get evolutions then we have no more mediocre Pokemon. Mediocre Pokemon are fun to use because they are mediocre. If they get evolutions, then there's really no point in keeping them at their first stage, and then they're ruined.

The only Pokemon that actually NEEDS an evolution is Luvdisc, really.
I disagree. I do think that not all pokemon should have evolved forms, but some Pokemon, like Pachirisu and Plusle/Minun, seem like they're meant for evolution. I actually wouldn't mind seeing an evolution for Sableye and Mawile, either.

But they definitely went to far in Gen IV
I disagree. I do think that not all pokemon should have evolved forms, but some Pokemon, like Pachirisu and Plusle/Minun, seem like they're meant for evolution. I actually wouldn't mind seeing an evolution for Sableye and Mawile, either.

But they definitely went to far in Gen IV

NO. T_T Oh gawd, please leave Sableye alone... D:
I wouldn't mind a mawile evolution so it could at least be usable. :C
MidnightSaboteur. I love you.

And you've tempted me to get one now :< Actually no, i'm still getting depressed-otter-like-creature-who-looks-like-he-needs-a-hug. I'll call it derpderp. (Even though its not it's official name)
I disagree. I do think that not all pokemon should have evolved forms, but some Pokemon, like Pachirisu and Plusle/Minun, seem like they're meant for evolution. I actually wouldn't mind seeing an evolution for Sableye and Mawile, either.

But they definitely went to far in Gen IV

Noooo, Mawile doesn't need an evo. :( Even if it does suck in-battle. I hate seeing my favourite basic Pokemon getting all these ridiculous-looking evolutions.

I like evolution when it's not just a slightly bigger and badder version of the basic, but something interesting -- Venonat for Venomoth, most of the bug lines etc. If they aren't prepared to go back to that then I really hope they tone down on the evos this gen.
I wouldn't mind evolutions provided they were more like Magneton -> Magnezone (something that needed to happen, as Magneton was a lame evolution anyway) and less like Lickitung -> Lickilicky (RUINED FOREVER, BAWWWWW, etc). Sableye and Mawile are both cool standalone Pokemon in their own right, and I'd hate to see them get fucked over - but mean, if they got evo's that were badass enough I'd probably be happy. :v

What we don't need are prevo's. It was a cute gimmick for the second gen to introduce eggs, but now it's old.

I do have faith in this gen so far, though - I haven't seen anything yet that I thought was completely fugly or hated.
Second and fourth gens added lots of evolutions, Gen. III added Wynaut and Azurill.

Odd numbered generations don't get much in the way of new evolutions of existing Pokemon.
Noooo, Mawile doesn't need an evo. :( Even if it does suck in-battle. I hate seeing my favourite basic Pokemon getting all these ridiculous-looking evolutions.

But this guy is only the coolest ever!

Second and fourth gens added lots of evolutions, Gen. III added Wynaut and Azurill.

Odd numbered generations don't get much in the way of new evolutions of existing Pokemon.

There's only been two odd-number gens so far, one of which introduced, like, evolutions for almost everything. :p I dunno if that's enough to go on...
Awesome Mawile evo thing. I'd like a Mawile evo if they don't mess it up like half of the ones they did in generation IV. Personally, if they make a Mawile evolution, I'd like it to be Steel-Dark or Steel-Fighting. I really like Mawile as it is though, it's cute. I'd be really happy if a Mawile evolution turns out to be like Alraunne's.
I actually thought for a long time that Mawile was Dark. Actually I thought it was pure Dark, then I found out it was Steel. So a Dark/Steel evo would be AWESOME, especially since Dark is my favorite type.
what is so bad about most of the new evolutions? i like most of them. i think people are pissed off about tangrowth, lickilicky, magmortar, electivire, and magnezone just because for the longest time they've thought of tangela, lickitung, magmar, electabuzz, and magneton as fully evolved pokemon and now it's like their entire world has been turned upside down! people say that they're "unnecessary" but in no way is politoed, bellossom, crobat, scizor, or slowking necessary, yet people seem to like those pokemon.

so yeah. i would say that i am alright with most of the 4th gen evolutions. (probopass, however, is the glaring exception :\)
The thing is that not all Pokemon really need evolutions. Something like Nosepass could use one because it's absolutely worthless in battle. Magneton is already pretty powerful.

In addition, the new evolutions tend to be a bit too... unrelated. Lickitung is a chameleon. When it came time for an evolution, it turned into a fat dude with a cravat. What?

Froslass would probably work well as a standalone Pokemon, but nooo, they have to make it an alternate evolution of Snorunt. Why? They're absolutely nothing like each other.

In addition, most of them evolve through extremely convoluted processes. "Level up at night with Razor Fang"? "Level up with a Remoraid in your party"? "Level up at some forgettable rock thingy on Route 217"?

I personally think I'd prefer new Pokemon to stupid evolutions of new ones.

Most of them were made to show off the new methods of evolution.
In addition, the new evolutions tend to be a bit too... unrelated. Lickitung is a chameleon. When it came time for an evolution, it turned into a fat dude with a cravat. What?

While I despise Lickilicky's design with all of my heart, here I'm going to have to disagree. Hmm...Feebass to Milotic? Graveler to Golem? Scyther to Scizor? Lot's of evolutions deviate from the base form, yet people are fine with them. Yet when their precious Lickitung starts to evolve, they go "oh crap it looks nothing like it, go burn in hell Lickilicky." :/

Froslass would probably work well as a standalone Pokemon, but nooo, they have to make it an alternate evolution of Snorunt. Why? They're absolutely nothing like each other.

What? They're both Ice-Type Pokemon rooted in Japanese folklore. If anything, they have more in common than Glalie does! See, this is pretty much an example of people exhalting what came first and ignoring anything that comes after it, despite the fact that designs came after it making more sense or even being better than the older Pokemon.

In addition, most of them evolve through extremely convoluted processes. "Level up at night with Razor Fang"? "Level up with a Remoraid in your party"? "Level up at some forgettable rock thingy on Route 217"?

Most of them were made to show off the new methods of evolution.

No, they weren't made to show off new evolution methods. You can argue that point all you want, but the fact is that they need convoluted processes in order to make sense. Maybe Piloswine should evolve by trading while holding the Never Melt Ice. But wait! That is possible in Gens 2 and 3 as well. And while you could try to refute that point by bringing up Ancient Power on Piloswine or Rollout on Lickitung, it wasn't really possible to evolve by knowing a certain move in past games anyways.

Besides, the whole Remoraid thing actually makes a bit of sense, unlike Shedinja suddenly rising from the grave if you have a Pokemon in your bag when Nincada evolves.

I can understand some complaints of the newer Pokemon, but when the arguements boil down to the designs not being as similar as Pikachu and Raichu are to each other or the evolutions being convoluted to show off new methods rather than being necessary? It just looks completely asinine.
Besides, the whole Remoraid thing actually makes a bit of sense, unlike Shedinja suddenly rising from the grave if you have a Pokeball in your bag when Nincada evolves.

I always thought Shedinja was Nincada's carapace which came off when it evolves and you needed the Pokéball to catch it. Though that's a pretty crap idea since the shell-catching is never alluded to and it just goes "ohey look you have a new pokeman".
At least the "new" evolution methods, while being really annoying, cannot match the difficulty and sheer annoyance of Milotic. If they ever make another Pokemon that is as annoying to obtain as Milotic, I will be extremely angry.
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