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Black & White

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tbh I'm kind of peeved that they're releasing an electric zebra because I made an electric zebra fakemon a few months ago. but I'm torn because it's adorable!

You are not the first person to make an electric zebra. Pretty much every fakedex ever has one, and the ones that don't have a cheetah instead.

I have to redo my entire region, btw. Why Big Applesauce why?
Isshu is basically NYC with a bit of lower NY State thrown in. My region is basically New York in its entirety.
No, I'll wait until they make a fire-type whale line before I sue.

I'm probably going to make it be right next to Isshu, or make it extend into Canada.
You are not the first person to make an electric zebra. Pretty much every fakedex ever has one, and the ones that don't have a cheetah instead.

uh, yeah, I know. o.o I never said that I was. I was mostly peeved because I was going to introduce it ASB, but there's not much point if there's already going to be an electric zebra anyway. x)
personally I think the whole good vs. evil thing is really dumb and I hope they don't have it... it makes sense in any M-rated sandbox game where the game is kind of obligated to penalize you when you go around massacring innocents but I somehow doubt game freak is about to give us that privilege. and so therefore in pokemon the good/evil system would more or less boil down to professor oak going up to you saying "SO HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT TEAM ROCKET? DO YOU THINK WHAT THEY DO IS RIGHT? YES/NO" and all the player would have to do is think to themselves "hmm which choice am i going to have to pick to get the good ending". and then how would being evil significantly differ from being good? if you were evil, would the game make you have to wear a uniform, only use a level 17 zubat, and stand around in one spot all day?

also game freak has a company policy about only making positive entertainment, which is apparently very pervasive (the reason we don't have fire red and water blue is apparently because fire and water seem too conflicting and negative in a way that fire and leaves don't) and so i am somewhat hesitant to believe that they would allow a player to actually do evil things.
Colosseum? I mean, sure, it was developed by a third-party, but it's still a Pokemon game.

Yin and yang aren't inherently good/evil; if they were, Zekrom would be a dark-type.
Zeta Reticuli said:
the reason we don't have fire red and water blue is apparently because fire and water seem too conflicting and negative in a way that fire and leaves don't

The reason it's called fire red and leaf green is because the original games were called red and green in Japan.

So, Pokemon Sunday just released videos of wild battles with the new Pokemon. The new battle system looks amazing. It makes great use of the DS's 3-D capabilities. I just love how the camera angle changes in the animation of the trainer sending out Mijumaru. These games are starting to look like the best of the series.
The reason it's called fire red and leaf green is because the original games were called red and green in Japan.

No, it was because Game Freak didn't want to use the conflicting fire and water; Zeta was right. There's more information on Bulbapedia's FR/LG page, I believe, but Bulbapedia refuses to load for me right now so I can't find the exact details.
Colosseum? I mean, sure, it was developed by a third-party, but it's still a Pokemon game.
I should have made this more clear, but I was referring to the fact that a lot of people apparently want the player to be able to choose whether to be good or evil...

Video showing the footage from Pokemon Sunday. Physical attacks appear to be the same dull "show giant claw/fist/whatever" as opposed to the Pokemon actually moving to attack the other one. Eh, we've lived with it for 4 generations, I'm sure a 5th one couldn't hurt.



As if Smugsnake wasn't already confirmed to be smug.
I should have made this more clear, but I was referring to the fact that a lot of people apparently want the player to be able to choose whether to be good or evil...

If Colosseum is any proof, Nintendo could definitely have a more morally ambiguous PC. I doubt they'd do the whole "JOIN TEAM PLASMA Y/N" thing, because that would be boring and stupid.
April 1.

Gamestop puts things up for preorder ridiculously early and if they don't have a solid date, they set it to the 1st.
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