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Black & White

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FINALLY they decide to use the two most obvious colors...I for one am getting Black, because I just KNOW the legendary is going to me more bad ass.
Haha, these are awesome.

I love the 3D, but I can't decide what player character I like more. I think I'm going to wait until I can see their art.

Also, the new battle screen looks awesome.
I just hope in the final version they shove the player pokémon's sprite to the left a few more pixels. It looks like it will overlap a larger opponent, which, while a little more "realistic", would be mildly annoying. I'd rather see the entire sprite.

Looks cool in general so far, anyway.
To be honest, it's a tiny sprite. How we can draw these conclusions is a bit baffling :B
Sorry if I've missed something, but has Zoroark ever even been confirmed as a legendary? What if it's this generation's Lucario? I mean, yeah, it impersonates three legendaries, but still...out of pure memory, I don't remember a legendary ever being revealed first. But then again, the only Japanese previews and such that I fully researched and went into at the time of release were for the fourth generation, so um.

Either way, I'd probably get Black, but like most people, I'd like to see the version mascots first. And I'd also probably end up with both, one way or another.

If it's for the DS I shall rejoice.
If it's DSi/3DS exclusive I'm going to want to hurt someone. They're draining all our moneyyys D=
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Yeah, I don't think Zoroark is a legendary, especially since it evolves. It's probably just Gen V's Lucario.
To be honest, it's a tiny sprite. How we can draw these conclusions is a bit baffling :B

It looks like anything larger than Zorua will be crammed into that corner to me. *shrug* I just don't think it's necessary for the player pokémon to take up a little over a third of the horizontal space, which is the impression I'm getting from that screenshot.
Yeah, I don't think Zoroark is a legendary, especially since it evolves. It's probably just Gen V's Lucario.

Yeah, I completely forgot about Zorua for the moment. OTL

The battle screen, though, discourages me, because it looks like the type of thing that would be DSi-exclusive. Using the camera to detect how you tilt the system, looking like the game's world is actually inside the DSi. You know, like this. Well, maybe not entirely like that, but the battle stages, sprites, and/or whatever else goes in the top screen might float around a bit depending on how you tilt it...?

Just random speculation here, though. No need to mind me =x
The battle screen, though, discourages me, because it looks like the type of thing that would be DSi-exclusive. Using the camera to detect how you tilt the system, looking like the game's world is actually inside the DSi. You know, like this. Well, maybe not entirely like that, but the battle stages, sprites, and/or whatever else goes in the top screen might float around a bit depending on how you tilt it...?

Just random speculation here, though. No need to mind me =x
There's a reason I said I think it'll be like GS in that it'll have added stuff if you play it on a DSi/3DS: they might have it *work* on a DS but it won't change camera angles.

ok calming down now. This is actually gonna be really cool. I'm gonna copypaste my thoughts on the recently-released screenshots from another forum:

Some early observations: graphical style is similar to HGSS, but it looks like the OW style is different (the people have... sliiightly larger bodies). The screens of the Pokecenter and city are breathtaking (...skyscrapers!) but the cave looks a touch lackluster; I hope it gets cleaned up a bit later. Also, the speech bubbles have a tail that leads to the speaker. I like this a lot for some reason.

There's the battle scene, which shows us something interesting: Backshots show the entire Pokemon this time, which is a first. I'm liking it. Also, woot pixelated sprites! Every new gen, I'm afraid that they'll switch fully to 3D and then I'll be out of a job. :< Those outlines are looking reeeally rough on Zoroark though; they could learn to use some antialiasing. I like the city in the background.

We see our first glimpse of the hero/heroine as slightly-larger-but-still-tiny-overworlds. Looks like they're both caucasian again, or rather the race that japanese people see as japanese and white people see as white. Hero's got an enviable hat and the girl has blackish hair and a ponytail and a baseball cap (classy). Here's hoping they'll include trainer customization; DPPHGSS did it to some degree by letting you choose your trainer type in the GTS.

And about the backsprites: obviously that's a screenshot of the moment before the battle begins, with the battlers zooming into place. There aren't HP bars yet or anything. They'd be farther towards the corners ordinarily.

also HOT DOG I just noticed Zoroark has a shadow that's shaped like it. Quite cool.
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