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Black & White

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I'm inclined to think it'll be like GS where it works just fine on the DS but you get a few bonuses from the DSi camera and the third version'll be a DSi/3DS exclusive.

... Also, why are people bringing up the western connotations of white and black when it's a japanese game?
What are the Japanese connotations to the colors black and white?

Personally, I think that the third game will be the rainbow one somebody said above. Grey/gray just sounds boring.

Zoroark is probably going to be the mascot for Black, but I wonder what type the White mascot will be...white to me suggests normal type, but normal types are kinda lame for a version mascot.
I don't get why everyone's saying the Black and White names are backwards and retro - I don't even own anything made by Apple and I still associate white with the iPod (and iEverythingElse) - pretty much every piece of technology that's come out in the last couple of years has either been black or white. Bright colours are from the 60's, gold and silver are from the 90's-00's, shiny gemstones are from the 70's-80's, and black and white are the future.
I don't get why everyone's saying the Black and White names are backwards and retro - I don't even own anything made by Apple and I still associate white with the iPod (and iEverythingElse) - pretty much every piece of technology that's come out in the last couple of years has either been black or white. Bright colours are from the 60's, gold and silver are from the 90's-00's, shiny gemstones are from the 70's-80's, and black and white are the future.

'Cause all the games since G/S/C have not been colors and then suddenly they're colors (and colors you would find on an original Gameboy too) again?
I don't get why everyone's saying the Black and White names are backwards and retro - I don't even own anything made by Apple and I still associate white with the iPod (and iEverythingElse) - pretty much every piece of technology that's come out in the last couple of years has either been black or white. Bright colours are from the 60's, gold and silver are from the 90's-00's, shiny gemstones are from the 70's-80's, and black and white are the future.

I clicked onto this thread not knowing the new games were announced and thinking maybe this was a thread for reminiscing about the old days or something, lol.

I like the names, and I like the logos - they're sleek and awesome.
Versionist. >| Zoroark Power! *pumps fist into the air*

Normal-typing does not a boring pokémon make. What about a game based on smeargle, or arceus, or even miltank, which I don't think anyone will question is the most terrifyingly evil normal-type in existence.
Rollouuuuuut D:

I'll probably end up getting White (initally; I plan on getting both eventually) simply because I normally get the version everyone else doesn't for trading purposes. Hence me with Ruby, LeafGreen and Pearl. I put my foot down and got SoulSilver, though. Nobody's taking my nostalgia away )<



The 3D is actually 3D in these games. Plus the battle screen looks PHENOMENAL, I think.

This is super exciting.

EDIT: In Bulbapedia, they're saying that there might be a new form of transportation. Car, perhaps?
....Well that looks like it just chucked out my 3DS theory out the window.

Still, full back sprites. And your Pokemon's shadow in the battle screen is an actual shadow, not just a ball of black.

But the graphics themselves look almost identical to the last gen, just with some heavy polish. :/ I'm always used to there being a major graphics overhaul(R/B->G/S[at least in the battles, anyways], G/S->R/S, and so on).
Am I the only one who is more or less completely turned off the games just because of the 3D? :|
Am I the only one who is more or less completely turned off the games just because of the 3D? :|


The 3-d in DP was a bit jarring at first, but I got used to it fairly quickly.

Besides, the 3-d here is pulled off very nicely.

Also, I get the feeling the healthbars will be on the bottom screen. Not really digging it, but I can see why.
Looks cool, but I'm not really sure about them. To each their own, though.
If I have to buy a new system for these I'm not going to get them.

And CRAP this will make it like impossible to do a sprite comic. 4th gen graphics were hard enough.
I hate it already.

However, I'm giving it a chance to settle in. But to me, Pokemon has and will always be, 2D.
No, that's why everyone's talking about it. *slow clap*

The female trainer sprite looks cuuuute. :33 I think the 3D looks pretty great, actually - it looks like they're trying to improve the graphics as much as possible from DPPt.

My little bro thinks that the region is going to be based on Shikoku - what about you guys? :o
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