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Black & White

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I will ONLY buy it if they finally fix the problem that they haven't yet introduced a narwhal-based Pokemon yet. When I see a whale with a horn, I'll be convinced. UNTIL THEN, NO DICE.

No really ask everyone I know, and they'll say the same thing. "All he talks about are narwhals!"

Also we need a kiwimon. D:
screw it this generation will get ruined for me sooner or later just like gen iv was

Gen V's graphics are the fabulousest things ever :D And I really like the names "Pokémon Black" and "Pokémon White" for some reason. I'll probably get Black, but that depends on whether Zorua and Zoroark turn out to be White-exclusive for some retarded reason, because the latter looks badass.

Maybe the player character will be customisable.

Holy hell yes, do want.

(also I should not have been as amused as I was to see that the last post in this forum was in the thread "Black & White" by Green.)
So guys, I'm pretty certain after trying to translate that pixelated Zoroark sprite in the image to a normalish form that they will be using either the 80x80 limit or something slightly larger for both the front AND back sprites. The fact that the spriting style is pretty much the same as D/P's also makes me think this. Either way, this means they would only have to make new back sprites of every Pokemon...the front sprites would be perfectly fine, so the R/S/E Pokemon might still be left with the same sprites from D/P if they go this route. :/

No really ask everyone I know, and they'll say the same thing. "All he talks about are narwhals!"

Also we need a kiwimon. D:

Sorry what? I was too busy looking at the narwhal tattoo I have on my arm.

The names kind of made me hope that you could choose to play as a black character. :(

[bad joke]The third version will be called Pokemon Mulatto.[/bad joke]

But yeah, I like it! It's a cool name; it makes me think of film noir and all that.
I think that rather there being western moral connotations to black/white, it'll be something more like a yin/yang theme. :3 I hope so, anyway. Doesn't leave much ideas for a third version name, though.

Kai said:
Anyway, as I said before, it wouldn't surprise me if Zoroark is the version mascot for Black.

I doubt this. First of all, I'm (pretty) sure that Zoroark is just gen V's Lucario, and since the only things that have been version mascots are legendaries and starter pokemon, and Zoroark is neither, so.
I doubt this. First of all, I'm (pretty) sure that Zoroark is just gen V's Lucario, and since the only things that have been version mascots are legendaries and starter pokemon, and Zoroark is neither, so.

When I first saw Zoroark I thought it looked like the final evolution of a Fire starter. Really dunno why.
Based on what we've seen of the pre-release pics, it looks like either the 3DS will have dissapointingly bad graphics or black and white will be for plain old DS after all. If that happens, I will seriously reconsider even buying the game. And then I probably won't buy the 3DS either.
I highly doubt it'll be for the 3DS. The site says "DS". And it is very DS-like in every way. Just because with past games a new set of versions came out for every new handheld system, doesn't mean that this one will as well. The DS and its variations are still going strong. I doubt they would make it 3DS-like and show off pictures before the 3DS itself shows off what it can do.
If the pokemon are going to be showing scenes of battle as they would in the anime, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! So would a customizable character (the pre-made ones just get funkier and funkier every gen, ex. hoenn's brendan). But yet, I still doubt this. Why? Cuz it's for the DS.

Is it just me or is anyone else bothered by the way they went back to the old version naming? I mean the gemstones just seemed to have more class, then names that would be on a crayon. In fact, I was kind of hoping something of a yin-yang type deal between versions get more defined, but not with those names. In fact, before dp came out I was thinking of obsidian version, with your character looking into a piece of obsidian. Tell me that wouldn't be badass. But the other version unfortunately would have to be pumice, but that's not really anything special. :x

Though maybe the remakes for these games, black would be called ObsidianBlack, but gawd, that would be a looooong time away, and the graphics would probably be HOLOGRAPHIC. :o
Wait, I just remembered! 5th gen means an RS remake is in the future!

...And then it'll be a DP remake. Well crap.

Why does there need to be an RS remake at all? Neither RSE or DPPt are outdated and they trade perfectly with the new games /anyway/. There is no point in them making a remake of either of those series.

Also, apparently nobody liked RS anyway so.
It will be the heat death of the universe before they remake D/P. Mark my words.

...But, yes. A 3DS RSE remake is not inconceivable, although I'm gonna admit (finally) that RSE's Pokemon ideas were just terrible (except for Blaziken, Swampert, Wingull, Manetric, and Plusle and Minun) and the game involved a leetle too much surfing. But I would still play the remakes.

And iirc they're making Black and White for both DS and 3DS, a la Twilight Princess. Which means it'll have awesome DS graphics and awful 3DS graphics. And then Grey will be 3DS-exclusive with improved graphics.

...You know what I want to see? A game that they DON'T release in Two Games For The Price Of One. Pokemon BlacknWhite. Hehe.
Wait, I just remembered! 5th gen means an RS remake is in the future!

...And then it'll be a DP remake. Well crap.

I doubt we'll get a RS remake for a long time; think of it. They put the Hoenn starters along with Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza in HG/SS to stall us. Not expecting a RS remake 'til the 6th Gen at least.
TBH, R/S remakes are not necessary. R/B and G/S were very outdated, even when R/S came out. There are only a few things missing from R/S though: mainly, the 3D graphics(which I don't get why people seem to crap their pants over this), 4th and now 5th Gen Mons, and Physical/Special split.

The only reason why people even think there will be R/S remakes(when all evidence we have currently suggests otherwise) is because of HG/SS coming after FR/LG.
Am I the only one who was expecting more? Don't get me wrong, 3D ricer shit looks cool, but its not new, and it looks like the changes to these games will be minimal. Instead of making the same old shit for the fifth time, it would be nice to have something different, like a new battle system or whatever.
Am I the only one who was expecting more? Don't get me wrong, 3D ricer shit looks cool, but its not new, and it looks like the changes to these games will be minimal. Instead of making the same old shit for the fifth time, it would be nice to have something different, like a new battle system or whatever.
Well, putting aside the fact that we JUST learned about these games, and what we do know is small tibits of information, when can you say ANY of the Pokemon sequels have EVER been anything close to innovative? The Pokemon formula works, and they're milking it dryyyy, as we saw in D/P, which I just feel are disasters as games. Sure, they were successful, but it's quite obvious that they're spreading their franchise a bit thin as it is.


Need I say more?
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