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Black & White

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Am I the only one who was expecting more? Don't get me wrong, 3D ricer shit looks cool, but its not new, and it looks like the changes to these games will be minimal. Instead of making the same old shit for the fifth time, it would be nice to have something different, like a new battle system or whatever.
We don't know that yet. We have 1 battle screen, and 5 screens of roaming around. Don't get hasty to making judgements. It's way to early to start assuming things. >:(

Oh, and Pokemon Sunday footage of the protagonist walking in a city. It's not a big deal, but I felt like I might as well post it.
On subject of RSE remake: I still play my RSE games semi-frequently. I love them, but I don't really think remakes are needed right now. Once they stop being compatible with the current games it'll make a bit more sense, but still not much - remake Red and Green for nostalgia purposes, sure, and Gold and Silver because the majority of the originals are now unplayable, but I can't really think of a reason for RSE. Also wtf, Hoenn had the best designs. :c
I'm excited @__@

I'd like Black really, just because it sounds cool, but I'd like to see and hear more about the games (as in I'd like to see who's on the cover!) before I really decide. I thought maybe my best friend and I should get opposite versions, but...nah. We might end up wanting the same one. Someone mentioned Ebony and Ivory earlier, and if that was the case, Ivory sounds way cooler... But I hope the names don't change.

And I really hope it's not a 3DS exclusive or anything, because first of all I find it kind of weird and awkward to ask my parents for all these fancy devices every year, it makes me feel greedy or something o__O Can't buy it on my own because I have no job and a limited amount of birthday money!! ...And there's my lovely DS, four years old and working just fine, I don't really want another system right now, especially just to play a certain game or two...

Need I say more?


You mean this, don't you?

Otherwise gen III and IV had the best designs in my opinion.

In other news, am I the only one hoping for some sort of angelic legendary as the mascot for White? Kinda like this?

Of course it will never happen, but still :<
That footage, to me at least, just SCREAMS 3DS.

Not really... The 3DS doesn't just mean "slightly better 3D graphics", it means "3D graphics that you can look at at different angles to give the illusion of a real 3D environment". Also, it has been stated in numerous places that the games will be for the DS.
Not really... The 3DS doesn't just mean "slightly better 3D graphics", it means "3D graphics that you can look at at different angles to give the illusion of a real 3D environment". Also, it has been stated in numerous places that the games will be for the DS.

What I meant was that I could very easily see that footage from the city being shifted into their fancy 3D depth perception gimmicky bullshit.

And even if they have said it's for the DS, there's nothing to say they won't release a "special edition" 3DS version as well. Same exact thing happened with Twilight Princess for the Gamecube and the Wii. Or, even though they probably won't, they could just go "lol jk it's for the 3DS".
I'll just post my thoughts on the footage here....

Am I the only that thinks this looks like D/P with a new camera? Don't get me wrong, the city looks nice, but let's be honest with our selves. They could have done camera changes a long time ago, and in fact already started doing that in HG/SS.

The city itself...looks very bland. I want a city that can stand out. Like in HG/SS, where all of the cities had nice models and textures. Here it just looks like your generic city with a Pokecenter shoved in.

What I want to see are some Battle videos. Right now, I have a lot of hope for the battles, simply because the graphics in them will be improved a bit(and that they still use sprites). But outside of battle...they will have to show me a really nice use of the new camera outside of this new city.

I don't want to see blandness. Give me another Distortion World, give me another Bellchime Path. The Distortion World put the DS's power to great effect, while the Bellchime Path is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in a Pokemon game. Just do something that makes this game stand out among the rest.
Why are we saying that this "screams" 3DS when, again, we know basically NOTHING about the 3DS? >:(

I don't know why I'm thinking of this, but wouldn't it be cool if this generation added moves that could change an opponent's type? Might be a bit game breaking, but its an idea.
I will never understand the whole "Pokemon needs a revolution!!1!" thing so many fans say.

You know what? I don't want a new battle system. The Pokemon battle system is perfect. It works. I don't want action commands (Paper Mario); I don't want musical combos (Mother 3); I don't want a scrolling health bar (EarthBound); I don't want real time battle (oh God no). I want the battling system as it is. Tinker with it, sure, but do not overhaul it.

Also, for those who want *change we can believe in*, take a look at this.

a note on the Pokemon home page promises that "every aspect will be reborn innovatively," according to our translation.

Every aspect.
In other news, am I the only one hoping for some sort of angelic legendary as the mascot for White? Kinda like this?

Of course it will never happen, but still :<

No, your not. See, this is where the moral part starts to come in. The black cover could be somewhat demonic. And if so, this would be a pokemon revolution. Think. The anime would have to be completely re-done. Goodbye Ash! Get the F*** out and get your A$$ back in pallet town you Candy A$$! And hello to a great, awesome, kick-but adventure that the anime deserves. Most likely, they will find someway to water it down. But it's still a dream...

You mean this, don't you?

Bidoof and Bibarel are awesome. Go away D:

Male Gardevoir said:
Otherwise gen III and IV had the best designs in my opinion.
I am in agreement with this person.

In other news, am I the only one hoping for some sort of angelic legendary as the mascot for White? Kinda like this?

Ugh. Angel/Devil is probably the most overdone concept in the Pokemon scene legendary-wise, with Sun/Moon (which my region actually has... oshit!) a bit behind. There's nothing to explore here. While this definitely the most likely choice (most of the names are related to their version exclusives), it isn't the only one.

Although I will commend you for not linking to this.
I will never understand the whole "Pokemon needs a revolution!!1!" thing so many fans say.

You know what? I don't want a new battle system. The Pokemon battle system is perfect. It works. I don't want action commands (Paper Mario); I don't want musical combos (Mother 3); I don't want a scrolling health bar (EarthBound); I don't want real time battle (oh God no). I want the battling system as it is. Tinker with it, sure, but do not overhaul it.

Also, for those who want *change we can believe in*, take a look at this.

Every aspect.

I'm just going to say I love the battle system. I'm more worried about how the story, region, and Pokemon themselves will be handled.
I don't really mind the 3D. I hated it when I first got Pearl, but I'll just have to get used to it.

All I really hope is that they don't make the music like DPPt's. DPPt's music was the worst. Except for maybe like 2 routes. And the style... ugh.

RSE music wins.
I don't really mind the 3D. I hated it when I first got Pearl, but I'll just have to get used to it.

You win. Here's a cookie!
i'm not really sure why people hate on the two most recent pokemon generations so hard. what did I and II have that III and IV didn't? admittedly the general feel of the 251 pokes in GSC and pokemon stadium 2 were pretty cool, but that's about all gen II had going for it imho. but then hoenn had a lot of neat stuff, like the puzzle to unlock the regis, and diving, and so on. i also thought it was really cool how when generation III came out all the pokemon's design styles drastically changed, like it was a whole new beginning. and after that gen IV sort of reconciled the gap between the style of gens I-II and III which was nice. personally i'm hoping there will be another drastic shift in the gen V art style, but based solely on the designs of zorua and zoroark, that's doesn't look like it'll happen.

a lot of people say the designs in gens III and IV are "uncreative" or what have you. well, ok, it's not like the concepts of a white seal named "seel", a crab named "krabby", or a pinecone with eyes named "pineco" were the visions of geniuses. a lot of people also say that a lot of gen IV pokemon are really silly or ridiculous, like probopass. well, gen I had mr. mime, lickitung, dugtrio, exeggcute, etc. so i don't really know why everyone is talking about.
Yeah, imo Gen I actually had some of the least creative designs.

diglett -> dugtrio really?

I do think some of the gen IV evolutions were just fugly though. Lickilicky? Though the point is there are good and bad ideas/designs/what have you in every gen! :v
What about Magnemite and Magneton? Weezing and Koffing? They were pretty lazy there~.
Magneton made sense; magnets attract. Koffing grew two sets of itself from all the bacteria inside it to become Weezing.

Diglett/Dugtrio is just lazy.
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